Top THIS: National Anthem SINGER takes a knee [video]

Top THIS: National Anthem SINGER takes a knee [video]

Top THIS: National Anthem SINGER takes a knee [video]

Honestly, these people crack me up. This singer, presumably hired to sing the National Anthem, must have been in absolute knots trying to decide what to do. On the one hand, Colin Kaepernick had gotten to her. She respected and identified with the struggle. On the other hand, she had a job to do. How on earth to reconcile the two? What a dilemma!

By George, I’ve got it! I will kneel WHILE singing the National Anthem. I’ll get paid and get to make a spectacle out of myself at the same time. That will surely do wonders for the cause.

Sorry lady, you just perfectly illustrated the idiocy of this ill-thought out protest. It seems to me that if you are hired to sing the National Anthem, normally conducted and observed from the standing position, but you can’t bring yourself to stand while performing it, then maybe you should rescind the invitation. No? Just me?

If you have to literally twist yourself into a pretzel to convey your message at least make it logical. Like hugging a tree. Now that’s a protest that makes sense.

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  • GWB says:

    She’s not twisting herself into a pretzel, she’s just being a hypocrite. If she really believed in her cause – that the US is so horribly racist that you can’t support it by being respectful during the national anthem – she wouldn’t sing it at all. But, she wanted her bit of filthy lucre and to virtue signal!

  • Chris in N.Va says:

    Simply another self-absorbed “it’s all about me” (and “I gotta be me!”) attention hound that couldn’t resist the urge to show her “solidarity” and self-importance in a national forum.

    “I am singing this tribute to a nation that I despise. How enlightened I am!”

    Yuppers, lots of light shining through the multitude of holes in your mush-filled head “enlightening” the cobweb-filled chasms, dearie, for all to see.

    Amazing how much those who strut about bemoaning the nation’s hypocrisy merely put their own on public display.

    That’s what happens when your “social awareness” far exceeds your own self-awareness.

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