Hillary Says $200K Speaking Fees Let Her Brag About Bin Laden Raid: No Mention Of Benghazi [Video]

Hillary Says $200K Speaking Fees Let Her Brag About Bin Laden Raid: No Mention Of Benghazi [Video]

Hillary Says $200K Speaking Fees Let Her Brag About Bin Laden Raid: No Mention Of Benghazi [Video]

This morning Hillary Clinton appeared on Meet The Press with Chuck Todd. The interview ran the gamut. Topics included her lackluster performance in the 2008 campaign, Michael Bloomberg’s potential run (she’s adamant he won’t jump in), blamed the GOP and Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) in particular for keeping the email nonsense going, and more. Believe me, there’s lots to pick apart in her interview. In fact, lets talk about speaking fees, shall we?

According to Hillary, her $200-300K in speaking fees weren’t buying her influence at all. Yes, she really said that.

Just in case you didn’t want to click on the video and listen to her, this is what she said:

TODD: “As you know, your opponent Senator Sanders has been hitting you on Wall Street contributions and including paid speeches you did for Goldman Sachs among other banks. Let me ask you this — why do you think one of these big banks paid you over $200,000 for a speech.”

CLINTON: “Look, I gave speeches to a wide array of groups from health care groups to auto dealers and many, many more and I think what they were interested in — because what we talked about was the world coming off of four years as secretary of state in a complicated world, people were interested in what I saw, what I thought, they asked questions about matters that were on their minds. A lot of interest in the bin Laden raid, how such a tough decision was made and what I advised the president. You know, I think Americans who are doing business in every aspect of the economy want to know more about the world. I actually think it’s a good conversation for people to be having.”

There you have it folks: all those corporations and big banks paid mega bucks so they could ask her about making the “Hard Choices” that involved the Bin Laden raid. Have to wonder what exactly she said about the raid during those pricey speeches, don’t you?

Hillary vapors

Oh wait, we have no idea if anyone actually got to ask questions at her speeches or even what she talked about. Why?

Exactly! Lets not forget about all the demands she made that included multiple travel aides, private jets, mega luxury suites and the moratoriums on the press. In fact, I wrote about one of her speech events here. I asked then if she would ever field a question or address the fact that four Americans were killed on her watch, all the while knowing the answer would be a flat no.

Benghazi Four

Well folks, we’ve just received an answer to Hillary Clinton’s question: “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

"What difference, at this point, does it make?" --Hillary Clinton

Hillary has just made it clear to us all how self involved she really is. One more question before I wrap this up.

Yes indeed folks, now we know. Its ALWAYS been about the money. American lives lost on her watch? Forget it.

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