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Every year, law enforcement in South Carolina conducts Operation Rolling Thunder – a traffic enforcement blitz on I-85 that yields multiple arrests, and a bounty of illegal items. This year, 27 people were arrested after 578 traffic stops in a four day period. Drugs confiscated included 30 pounds of marijuana, dozens of pills, almost 600 grams of cocaine and 305 cartons of cigarettes. Most of this is headed to New York for illegal sale.
But the most unusual seizure had to do with a mobile abortion clinic – including a husband and wife team that traveled around the state conducting in-home abortions. The true star of the show though is the Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright. Wright is as plain spoken and direct as they come:
“Basically we got an illegal baby killer . . . . It’s bad enough when people use abortion as a form of birth control, but it’s worse when you do it illegal,” Wright said. . . . “I’m not for abortion. I’m just not.”
Sheriff Wright said the couple, neither of whom possessed a medical license, was traveling with drugs, tools, and medical supplies used in performing abortions, and some of the tools were still bloody with tissue remnants on them. He also said he thought the moms were making a bad decision choosing abortion in the first place, but also that the risk of infection and possibly death was high in this situation without the proper medical facilities available. He promised to investigate and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Watch the Sheriff’s press conference here. It is a must see – very refreshing. If only all our elected and public officials could be so upfront and down to earth. Bravo Sheriff Wright!
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