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Tounges set to wagging all over the interwebs when Fox’s Megyn Kelly announced that she would be taking a ten day vacation with her family on air two days ago. After the announcement it seems that the internet burst into flame speculating that Fox boss Roger Ailes had decided to cooperate with #DonaldTrump’s demands and fired Kelly.
It got so bad that a representative of Kelly’s at Fox news sent an epic announcement to Mediaite rebutting the firing theory:
“The conspiracy theories about Megyn Kelly’s vacation rank up there with UFO’s, the moon landing and Elvis being alive. Megyn is on a pre-planned, annual summer vacation with her family, which is much deserved. To imply otherwise as Donald Trump and his campaign operatives have is not only wildly irresponsible, but downright bizarre. Perhaps Mr. Trump thinks it’s advantageous to his poll numbers to keep talking about Megyn, but that doesn’t change the fact that Roger Ailes has fully supported her and her tough journalistic questioning since day one and is thrilled with the added exposure from the debate which resulted in even higher ratings of The Kelly File this week. Anyone who knows Roger is aware of how historically and consistently loyal he is to all of his talent and how he protects them at all costs. As Governor Terry Branstad said today, ‘when you’re a candidate, you’ve got to basically answer the questions. You can’t just attack the person asking the questions. That doesn’t work.'”
You can see Megyn’s announcement on her show below. If I were her I would power down the cell phone, turn off the radio and television and discontinue the newspaper for the whole 10 days and then go back in refreshed-and ready for round three.
So drink a few pina coladas for me Megyn, I personally think you deserve time to kick back and relax a little. After all a girl needs her strength with 2016 coming up!
For a decade +, Bill O’Reilly would talk about retirement whenever contract negotiation time was coming around, so Roger Ailes would have to turn up the tap on the Golden Fountain of Youth to keep the #1 cable host coming to work at his network ( rather than MSNBC, where several have gone). And, during that time, all the many “We Are Offended By O’Reilly Club” members would start celebrating his soon-to-occur departure (only to howl in anguish when the contract renewal was announced). Does anyone think Roger will let his new #1 leave because someone is offended by her?
Precisely. That would be a very BAD decision on his part 🙂
I just wish they would have other moderators next time. I’d rather see Greta as a moderator. I believe she’s a Democrat but she’s fair.
I love Greta and I think Megyn was fair. If a candidate has a problem with women I want to know!
I guess I just don’t like all the hoopla. The moderators spent far too much time on themselves. The fact that Cruz didn’t talk for 40 minutes was absurd. IMO, C-SPAN did a much better job.
I listened that one a little but it sounded good.
If that’s the case, then it would explain liberal after liberal after liberal talking head showing up on Megyn’s show, as well as many others. Ugh…for the first time I can remember, I had to turn off both her show, and Bill O’Reilly’s, a few nights ago for that very reason. No balance of opinion; just liberals misrepresenting the truth. If I wanted to watch that, I’d turn on MSNBC.
I quit Fox about 4 yrs. ago. When you receive compliments from Couric, CNN, and Hillary after the debate, it indicates to me that they’re all the same. I heard that Murdoch’s sons have take over and are even more liberal than their father. Ailes thinks the liberals have a lot of good ideas too. Just as DC is one party, Fox, CNN, etc. are all one in the same now. That’s why I turned to the Internet and blogs like this.
Thanks for that link. Very enlightening indeed!
[…] Victory Girls Blog: No #DonaldTrump Did Not Get #MegynKelly Fired. […]