Marco Rubio Is Making A Big Announcement

Marco Rubio Is Making A Big Announcement

We aren’t even halfway through 2015, and already the field of presidential candidates is rapidly growing. First it was Ted Cruz. Then Rand Paul. Yesterday it was Hillary Clinton. And today, it looks as if Marco Rubio will be the next person to officially declare themselves as a presidential candidate for the 2016 election.

Senator Marco Rubio, R-FL
Senator Marco Rubio, R-FL
Rubio tweeted out this teaser yesterday:

And he also put out this video last Friday:

All indications – plus a developing slogan of “A New American Century” – point to Rubio declaring himself as a presidential candidate.

Rubio also has a interview scheduled with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Monday afternoon, before his scheduled announcement at 6 pm EDT.

The left takes Rubio seriously as a contender, but whether Rubio can gather a broad enough base and the campaign funds (especially considering that Rubio’s home state of Florida is also where another potential candidate, Jeb Bush, has support and backing as the former governor of the state).

Victory Girls will be waiting for Rubio’s official announcement later today, and provide updates and news as they occur.

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