Politico Fears Trump May “Seize” A Third Term

Politico Fears Trump May “Seize” A Third Term

Politico Fears Trump May “Seize” A Third Term

If you don’t read Politico, well, I don’t blame you. On the other hand, it is an interesting insight into the internal agita of the Lefty Elitists. President Donald Trump’s latest Inauguration has ramped up their fear and loathing to eleven. Prime example: “How Trump Could Snatch a Third Term — Despite the 22nd Amendment”. The sub-Lede: “Four ways Trump could stay in power beyond 2028”. I would feel bad for them, but the mental midgets don’t deserve my concern.

I love Trump as President. He occasionally gives me heartburn, but that’s different than the pain of watching my country destroyed. On the other hand, three terms, no thank you very much. Representative Andy Ogles, from Southwest of Nashville, Tennessee, did put forward a resolution to grant Trump another term, but, as much as we love Trump, Congress and the States would never go for it. We don’t need another Trump term. If case you haven’t noticed, Trump has been filling the pipeline with Constitution-loving youngish folk. Our future on the Rightside is on the Brightside. Think Ron DeSantis, J.D. Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, Pam Bondi, Tulsi Gabbard and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. We are overflowing with our talent stream and each person is substantial.


“I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear…”

It’s the stuff of liberal nightmares and MAGA dreams: a third Trump term.

But it can’t happen, right? After all, the Constitution imposes an explicit two-term limit on the presidency — even if those two terms, like Trump’s, are non-consecutive. “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice,” the 22nd Amendment mandates.

Even Trump, notorious for bending norms and breaking laws, couldn’t possibly circumvent that clear constitutional stricture, right?

Don’t be so sure.

Around the globe, when rulers consolidate power through a cult of personality, they do not tend to surrender it willingly, even in the face of constitutional limits. And Trump, of course, already has a track record of trying to remain in office beyond his lawful tenure.

Hold on there, Baba Louie. There are those of us who do not believe that the 2020 Presidential Election was straight up. And, Trump left. The hand over was wrong but peaceful.


In August 2020, he told supporters: “We are going to win four more years. And then after that, we’ll go for another four years.”

In May 2024, he again mused about a three-term presidency.

On Nov. 13, 2024, a week after winning his second term, he told House Republicans: “I suspect I won’t be running again unless you say, ‘He’s so good we’ve got to figure something else out.’”

And just last weekend, he said: “It will be the greatest honor of my life to serve not once but twice — or three or four times,” before quickly adding, “Nah, it will be to serve twice.”

Perhaps it’s all just a big joke to Trump. Perhaps he’s baiting the media. But the fact that he keeps talking about it shows that it’s on his mind. It’s time to take the prospect literally — and seriously.

The poor Lefty Littlebrains are too easy to gig. Too easy. Trump’s ego is so ginormous that seeing his proteges take over the levers of power would rock his world.


Changing, sidestepping and ignoring The Constitution are all ways the Left believe that Trump could get a third term. My favorite way, per Politico is that Trump could just defy The Constitution:

There is one final way Trump could try to hold onto power. This last option would not involve amending the Constitution. It would not require a deal with a running mate willing to hand the presidency back to Trump using a technicality. It would not even require Trump to go through the trouble of running again.

He could simply refuse to leave office.


Each and every person at Politico would have voted for a third term for Barack Obama. And Obama didn’t fill the leadership pipeline. He left us with Biden and Hillary. A good leader would never leave the pipeline empty. A good leader makes sure that contingency plans have contingency plans. Plus, Barack Obama didn’t really leave did he?

Trump will be gone from office in four years, with strong leaders left to carry on, but he’ll still be living rent-free in the Left’s heads. The best legacy.

Featured Image: White House.gov/cropped/Public Domain

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  • GWB says:

    He’s already been elected 3 times. Just that Biden was President during his second term. Right? 😉

    (These people are delusional.)

  • GWB says:

    @Toni, your “PARDON MY SKEPTICISM.” line is still inside the blockquotes for the bit above.

    And, I love the “He could make a deal with a running mate” thing. It means they’ve never actually READ the Constitution or its amendments to know the VP candidate must mean the same criteria as the P candidate. SMH. They’re either patently dumb, or think their readers are. OK, both.

    he’ll still be living rent-free in the Left’s heads
    For a long time, for some of them. A loooooooong time.

    • John Shepherd says:

      The idea that he could make a deal to run as someone’s VP and then get the Presidency back, like all such unconstitutional ideas, originated in something proposed by Democrats. Right after Biden’s failed debate a group of Democrat academics suggested that Biden could pick Obama for VP and the resign after his inauguration, putting Obama back in the Whote House. Nobody thought of that until they proposed it. Now they have decided that Trump will do it

    • Toni Williams says:

      Fixed. Thanks GWB

  • Stephen C says:

    Third term? : WWHD : What Would Hitler Do

  • draigh says:

    Why not run for Vice President? I don’t think the Constitution says anything about that and he could certainly yield some power there to help the next President!

  • D3F1ANT says:

    Who cares what the Leftist propagandist clowns at Politico think!? LOL! They just want to rile their Commie readers. Remember when Trump was a Nazi…existential threat…dictator…until he won and Biden hung out with him and Obama yucked it up with him? Democrats do this. Nobody listens to them anymore.

  • Dana says:

    Donald Trump will be 82 in 2028, he’s obese, and, despite his money, he eats pure crap. He’ll be lucky to make it through this term.

    • Hate_me says:

      Depending on which measurements you base it on, President Trump ranges from (just barely) obese, with a BMI of 30.8, to overweight, with a BMI of 27. Odds are, he’s at the higher end of the overweight chart.

      BMI, however, was never meant to measure individual health. It was designed to assess societal ht/wt ranges and does not account for age or activity level. Now, President Trump is no bodybuilder (a class that does routinely meet the BMI “obese” category despite having <10% bodyfat); he is, however, an avid golfer who is more active than most Americans in their 80s (probably more active than most Americans in their 20s, sadly). He’s not the pillar of health, but he’s hardly representative of some warning sign.

      Is he heavier than Joe Biden? Absolutely. Still, his daily vigor in the day-to-day exercise of the Office of the President of the United States (regardless of how one might judge his decisions – and I have my disagreements) stands in sharp contrast to that of the arguably-more-svelt POTUS Interruptus.

      President Trump golfs, Resident Bidet swam. Mr. Trump works long hours, Mr. Brandon didn’t. Mr. Trump is, comparatively, much healthier.

  • I have read Mein Kampf. I have read On Capital and The Communist Manifesto. Once for each. Reading Politico would just be reading a poorly written serial sequel to those classics of totalitarian thinking.

    • Hate_me says:

      How dare you try to understand your enemy.

      By reading those, you are assumed in automatic agreement with their authors.

  • John C. says:

    “When he [Trump] makes claims like this, the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”

    Salena Zito, September 2016

  • Greybeard says:


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