Tim Walz Is In Pure Hell

Tim Walz Is In Pure Hell

Tim Walz Is In Pure Hell

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why perpetual frowny-face Tim Walz is out doing interviews. Maybe it’s just to keep his miserable mug front and center as the perfect mascot for the Democrats. He recently graced MSNBC with his presence to whine about the sheer exhaustion and living hell his party is supposedly enduring. Gee, Tim, maybe it’s not fatigue—maybe people are just tired of you.

Tim Walz And His Pure Hell

Former Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz said in a new interview on Tuesday that it’s been “pure hell” since his party lost the presidential election last November.

Speaking with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, the Minnesota governor was asked what advice he’d give to “average people” who oppose the agenda President Donald Trump has implemented since he returned to office. – Fox News

I guess actually securing the border, deporting criminals, and making America safe again is Tim Walz’s idea of “pure hell.” Either that, or he’s still losing sleep over the fact that men don’t have menstrual cycles. Tough break, Tim.

The governor went ahead and dug himself an even deeper hole—this time with Elon—by rambling about how people are just so fatigued and distracted over the debate on whether Musk did a Nazi salute or not. And in classic Tim fashion, he confidently declared, “Of course he did.” Oops. Guess someone’s looking to add “defamation lawsuit” to his list of accomplishments.

Oh, but the failed vice presidential candidate isn’t done yet—because, of course, he has suggestions for us. Brace yourselves.

A Clueless Buffoon

Despite Tim’s wild imagination, no one is out to destroy clean water, hospitals, safety, roads, or airports. The only thing Trump is actually going after is making sure Americans are safe. But hey, why let reality get in the way of a good meltdown?

“So I would tell people stay focused. Don’t take the bait on the distractions. Surround yourself with people who understand this, and recognize the things they went after today are basically a big chunk of what society does, and people like to have clean water, and hospitals, and safety, and roads, and airports, all the things that they are going after… We have to find that voice. We have to push back. We have to be organized,” Walz later added, discussing the pausing of federal grants. – Fox News

This clueless buffoon has no idea what he’s even talking about. Walz is actually suggesting that Americans don’t want clean water, hospitals, safety, roads, and airports—just because Donald Trump is taking aim at specific policies? Seriously, what kind of nonsense is that?

Last time I checked, we already have clean water, functioning hospitals, law enforcement, and a decent infrastructure. This isn’t some rundown third-world country, Tim—no matter how badly you and your policies seem determined to make it one.

I mean, we were well on our way with Biden’s crew, no doubt, eager to fulfill Barack’s grand vision of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Thankfully, Americans stood up and took action at the voting booth.

The following video is oddly satisfying, so I’m including it purely for entertainment purposes. It kicks off with a FAFO Trump intro from the host, and then her guests proceed to twist themselves into knots, desperately trying to cling to both ends of a double-edged spear. Grab some popcorn.

The host and guests in this video are completely out of their depth—you’d think by now they’d have figured out how Donald Trump operates. But nope, they’re still flailing. And don’t worry, if Trump plays hardball with our so-called friends, they’ll come around when it matters. They always do—because, like it or not, they need us more than we need them.

So chin up, everybody—including you, Timmy. Might as well start getting used to all this winning. I know it stings.

Welcome, Instapundit readers.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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