The Left’s Grand Poobahs Demanding Families Divorce Over Votes

The Left’s Grand Poobahs Demanding Families Divorce Over Votes

The Left’s Grand Poobahs Demanding Families Divorce Over Votes

The shrieking temper tantrums on the Left have not abated. Over a week since President Trump’s decisive election win and every toxic freakout of 2016 has been resurrected, turned up to 11, and is now aimed at every private relationship.

It is bad enough to witness how many Leftwingers … from politicians to random citizen … feel free to share their furious outrage on social media. And when they drag in their kids, as I pointed out just a few days ago, like Katie Porter humble-bragging about their children melting down over the election, they prove they are bad parents.

Yet, not satisfied with merely engaging in performative conniption fits over a past event, Our Betters on the Left are demanding their acolytes to banish or divorce any friend or family member who didn’t vote To Save Our Democracy from their lives. Forever. Really.

In 2024, that means curating your world to exclude those who voted for the 45th and, now, 47th president, Donald J. Trump.

Especially if those voters are close friends or family members — slap the ban on them. Just say no to sharing a plate of Thanksgiving yams with your Trump-supporting aunt, even if she voted for Obama twice and Hillary in 2016.

It’s the doctor’s orders!

Joy Reid hosted the Yale “psychiatrist” Amanda Calhoun who tried to add an approving professional patina to the selfish, aggressive and threatening behavior of cutting family out of your life because of a ballot.

Joining in on the National Divorce, we have direct from the Left’s own Gilead show, The View, Aunt Sunny, explaining the moral behavior expected of good little Harris Handmaids.

… not to mention Aunt Caryn-Whoopi spinning toxic tales of how formerly loving family members will now attack a gay child at the Thanksgiving table cuz voting OrangeManBad makes a person suddenly want to fling the green-bean casserole into face of Cousin Suzy.

And look how nicely Democrat Rick Taylor (who ran for the Ohio Senate seat that JD Vance won) responds to his aunt’s invitation to Thanksgiving …


As my grandmother would say about such an irrational, out-of-proportion response “that boy acts like he has a turd caught crosswise.”

I’m curious, but anecdotally I have never seen or experienced any family member of the starboard side shun or divorce a family member over politics. Then again, politics isn’t our religion. Oh we can be passionate in our principles, our loyalty to the nation, our fealty to the Constitution. But our God is God. And coming together as family and friends, to break bread and to participate in fellowship, gratitude and humbleness in the face of our obvious blessings is our priority. Not what any one did in the voting booth.

Dear Leftists, Knock it off and grow up. Sincerely, the rational adults in the room.

Now, who wants to exchange Thanksgiving recipes? I make a killer cheesecake.

featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    I wonder how many sane family members are breathing a sigh of relief because the crazy liberal family member is not showing up.

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