Monica Lewinsky And Her 25 Ways To Calm The F–K Down List

Monica Lewinsky And Her 25 Ways To Calm The F–K Down List

Monica Lewinsky And Her 25 Ways To Calm The F–K Down List

In a Vanity Fair article, Monica Lewinsky offers advice on how to ease election anxiety. The mid-1990s White House intern with whom Bill Clinton said he did not have sex created a list of things for the Democrats to do to distract from the stresses this election season.

Do you want to know what’s on the list? I know you do.

Most of the items on the list are ordinary things we regular folks already do every day: reading a book, working out, and listening to podcasts.

In a recent piece in Vanity Fair, Lewinsky offers a slew of tips to ease election season stress, covering topics from playing board games to spending time outdoors. However, her closing recommendation — a suggestion to use sex as a “distraction” — appears ill-suited given her own past. – Breitbart

It is obvious that Monica’s name landed her this most current glossy rag-writing gig. If anyone else had written this juvenile piece, it would have been laughed off the editor’s desk.

But it is the last item on the “To-Do” list that has people raising their eyebrows.

Good grief. Well, it is Vanity Fair, so I am really not surprised. Call me a Victorian prude.

The media is desperate. I don’t blame them for wishing for the easy days of the Clintons and all that they entailed. Because what they have now with Kamala—well, it’s just downright depressing. No wonder media moguls who used to love to endorse politicians are remaining silent this election season.

Let’s take a closer look at the two campaigns.

The Tale of Two Campaigns

Kamala’s campaign seems proud to have pulled out the antiques from a quarter of a century ago. By antiques, I mean Hillary and Bill. And, of course, wherever Bill and Hillary go, Monica must go, too.

While Kamala may have most recent celebrities, such as Tay-Tay and Beyonce, stumping for the Democratic installed candidate, more current and relevant innovators and tastemakers like Elon Musk and Dana White are in Trump’s corner. The contrast couldn’t be more evident.


Donald Trump has people like Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. teaming up with the best-ever common-sense Make America Great Again campaign. Kamala is left with Liz Cheney and Monica Lewinsky. Not to mention one angry old Michelle Obama out there berating men about abortion. If that’s what Kamala Harris calls joyful, she can have it.

But I know the Victory Girl reader couldn’t give a sliver of solicitude about celebrities supporting politicians. So I don’t even know why either party does it.

Perhaps the Breitbart Doctrine is true about politics being downstream from culture. However, the rest of that doctrine states that one must change the culture to change politics.

Joe Rogan recently interviewed Donald Trump after firmly being against having the candidate on his show. A 2022 Washington Post article reported that Joe Rogan wouldn’t have Donald Trump on his podcast and had refused The Donald multiple times.

“I’m not a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form. I’ve had the opportunity to have him on my show more than once, I’ve said no every time,” Rogan said. “I don’t want to help him, I’m not interested in helping him.” – Washington Post

Huh, I wonder what (or who) changed his mind? Donald Trump. That’s who changed his mind.

And remember when the left loved Trump? There was a time. Here is a little fun from recent history.

The two campaigns are so different that I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed anything like it. Kamala is on repeat teleprompter drivel with all her baby-killing celebrity supporters. It is so dark and depressing. She has absolutely no positive message for the future of America. No wonder the media needed to bring out the 1990s Clinton clown show and this silly list of Monica’s.

Feature Image: Monica Lewinsky/Flickr/Wikimedia CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro

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  • Cameron says:

    Honestly, taking some time away from the election news isn’t a bad idea. But it’s really difficult to take her seriously.

    • Scott says:

      I’m kinda surprised she didn’t mention “kneeling under a desk”… Just saying..

      • Scott says:

        One thing that you can say about Monica and all the other celebs supporting Kamel-Toe.. Heels-up has definitely got the skank-ho vote locked up..

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