Kamala: Joe Is Totally Fine And I Have No Idea Why I’m Here

Kamala: Joe Is Totally Fine And I Have No Idea Why I’m Here

Kamala: Joe Is Totally Fine And I Have No Idea Why I’m Here

The joy is gone, and the desperation is trickling in. Kamala Harris may very well lose this election, and if she does, it will not be because the media didn’t do everything they could to haul her over the finish line.

As we have covered on this blog, the latest media smear came from The Atlantic, which is doing a rerun of their “greatest hits” by bringing out an anonymously sourced story of The Bad Orange Man Says A Bad Thing™, which already has the people involved – the victim’s family, Trump White House staff, and the family’s lawyer – all vehemently denying. In fact, Kamala Harris herself ran out in front of cameras this afternoon and gave a three minute response (no questions answered) on how just how Very Bad And Very Terrible Orange Hitler Really Is.

Why would Kamala decide to give a public response to a suspect story? First, because it confirms all of her priors – the Democrats’ argument of last resort (with the JOY! and the VIBES! all gone) is that Trump is Hitler. The second reason is that Kamala needs a distraction from the fact that she has no answers to give in her interviews. This time, the interview was with Hallie Jackson of NBC – a much more friendly outlet than Fox News. I’m beginning to notice a pattern in Kamala’s interviews – she can only handle about 20 minutes while on her own in an actual news interview format. The “Call Her Daddy” podcast, which was by far her most comfortable exchange, ran for 44 minutes. But the longest interview by an actual reporter/anchor was the Bret Baier one, and we all know how that went. This interview with Hallie Jackson, as put out by NBC, runs just under 22 minutes.

But there are some questions that keep turning up like a bad penny, and Kamala Harris can’t get away from them. Namely, what did she know about Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline, and when did she know it? She should have an answer for this, even a memorized one, especially after being asked MULTIPLE TIMES by different interviewers why Biden stepped down and she is now at the top of the ticket. It’s a testament to either her utter stupidity or her campaign staff’s completely ineptitude that they have no memorized soundbite for her to recite when this question comes up.

The full post reads:

WATCH: Kamala Harris again refuses to answer whether she ever witnessed President Biden in cognitive decline:

Jackson: “I know that Joe Biden is not on the ballot and I understand that. But the reason that you are on the top of the ticket is because he dropped out of this race. And so, I want to ask you, it was largely because of that debate performance back in June. You defended him in the days before and after as you were campaigning for another four years for President Biden. Can you say that you were honest with the American people about what you saw in those moments with President Biden as you were him again and again repeatedly in that time?”

Harris: “Of course. Joe Biden is an extremely accomplished — um — experienced, and — um — and — and capable in every way that anyone would want if they’re president. Absolutely.”

Jackson: “ So, you never saw anything, like, what happened debate night behind closed doors with him?”

Harris: “It was a bad debate. People have bad debates.”

Jackson: “Should —”

Kamala Harris: “He is absolutely —”

Jackson: “— but that’s the reason why you’re here and he’s not running for the top of the ticket.”

Harris: “Well, you’d have to ask him if that’s the only reason why.”

Jackson: “What do you think?”

Harris: “I’m running for president of the United States. Joe Biden is not. And my presidency will be about bringing a new generation of leadership to America that is focused on the work we need to do to invest in the ambitions and aspirations of the American people.”

Jackson: “It’s a judgment question. That’s why I ask. Can the American people trust you in these moments even when it’s maybe uncomfortable for Americans to — to have — to level with Americans in that way? So, that’s why I ask. And it sounds like you’re saying you feel like you never saw anything like that from President Biden [inaudible]?”

Harris: “I have worked with Joe Biden, whether — hours and hours and hours over these four years, whether it be in The Situation Room or the Oval Office. Joe Biden is the one who was able to bring NATO together during a crisis where for the first time in 70 years, Europe saw and has seen war. Joe Biden has done the work that has been about being a leader on what we have done to fix so much of what has been broken in terms of the economy because of Donald Trump’s mismanagement. I speak with not only sincerity, but with a — a — a real firsthand account of watching him do this work. I have no reluctance in saying that. No, of course I don’t.”

Contrast the non-answer that Kamala is giving here with some pretty damning information from Bob Woodward’s new book.

It was painfully obvious years ago that Joe Biden was in cognitive decline. This was a talking point even BEFORE he was elected president. Now, we are at the point where he has been removed from the top of the ticket, and his own White House staff is telling everyone to just ignore him. Old Joe has become a walking dead zombie that is president in name only – so who the hell is actually running the country? It doesn’t seem that it is Kamala right now, so by process of elimination, it has to be Jill and the White House staff – none of whom were elected.

Joe Biden’s mental failings, and the cover-up that has been ongoing, is the biggest political scandal in decades. Kamala Harris does not get to claim that Joe is totally sharp and “just had a bad debate” without explaining why she’s now running for president in his place. Trying to pass the buck back to Biden, when we all know exactly why he got knifed in the back and shoved off the ticket, is the coward’s way out. That she doesn’t have a polished answer to why Old Joe is no more speaks to her lack of preparation and status as an empty pantsuit. The attempt to hide behind the ORANGE MAN IS HITLER story is a way to divert attention from her very bad interview answers.

If Kamala Harris can’t explain why she took Joe Biden’s nomination away, then why should she be elected to be president of the United States?

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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