Afghan National With Special Immigrant Visa Planned Election Day Terror Attack

Afghan National With Special Immigrant Visa Planned Election Day Terror Attack

Afghan National With Special Immigrant Visa Planned Election Day Terror Attack

An election day terror attack was planned by an Afghan national until the FBI dropped the hammer on him. Here’s the big problem with this. He arrived here JUST after the Afghanistan withdrawal on a Special Immigrant Visa. 

An Afghan national allowed into the US shortly after the Harris-Biden administration’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan was charged Tuesday with plotting an ISIS-inspired Election Day terror attack.

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, was living in Oklahoma City on a Special Immigrant Visa as he took steps to stockpile AK-47 rifles and ammunition to carry out an attack on US soil “in the name of ISIS,” according to the Justice Department.

Stop and think about this. There’s some serious issues here. 

One: This Afghan came in just after the Afghanistan withdrawal, as in days after. Was he thoroughly vetted, like the other suspect ISIS terrorists were? That would be a solid NO. Instead he was on that nifty parole status pending the determination of his actual immigration status. 

Two: As an illegal immigrant on a Special Visa, YOU CAN’T OWN A GUN! 

Three: Who were his co-conspirators?? 

Ahead of the planned attack, Tawhedi allegedly liquidated his family’s assets, resettled members of his family overseas, acquired AK-47 assault rifles and ammunition.

In his seized communications, Tawhedi allegedly indicated that his attack was planned to target large gatherings of people on Election Day, during which he and the juvenile were expected to die as martyrs.

“This defendant, motivated by ISIS, allegedly conspired to commit a violent attack, on election day, here on our homeland,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “I am proud of the men and women of the FBI who uncovered and stopped the plot before anyone was harmed. Terrorism is still the FBI’s number one priority, and we will use every resource to protect the American people.”

The juvenile was this Afghan national’s brother-in-law? Wow. Who else among that extended family was involved in this plot? Furthermore, who obtained the weapons and ammunition for Tawhedi? Who else was he communicating with via cell phone and over Telegram channels? 

Four: Tawhedi was definitely planning to make a big splash. Why else would he brag about being a martyr? 

He’d sold the family home, thus was planning to send his wife, daughter and other members of the family back to Kabul via one-way airline tickets. 

Here’s the thing. Our State Department gave Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi and his family those visas! So I have serious questions for the DOD and the DOJ. How much vetting and screening was done in Afghanistan when he was evidently brought on board to work for either our military, or the State Department. Did the State Department thoroughly screen him? Somehow I doubt it, yet he and his family ended up with Special Immigrant Visa status. 

That’s a damn good question! 

There’s more than a few folks who missed something here. Does anyone really think he came to the U.S. and THEN got radicalized within the last three years? I’d say he was radicalized before then and just hid it very well, or the warning signs were ignored. Or both. 


An ungodly number of men have poured through our border in these last 3 1/2 years. How many of them are plotting against us? We don’t know because the Biden-Harris Administration with Kamala as Chief Border Czar have hamstrung ICE and the Border Patrol, so much so that our entire country is at risk. 

Do they want a terror attack on our soil? It would seem so.

What Joe and Kamala refuse to realize is, if an attack happens because someone at the FBI, DOJ, or even DOD isn’t vigilant enough, the blame should land squarely on their heads. 

Feature Photo Credit: American and Afghanistan flags via iStock, cropped and modified

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