October 7: One Year Later And The Hatred Of Israel Continues

October 7: One Year Later And The Hatred Of Israel Continues

October 7: One Year Later And The Hatred Of Israel Continues

One year since the horrific terrorist attacks on Israel. There are still hostages, including babies. And how does a significant part of the world react to this anniversary? The same as they’ve been doing for the last year, cheering for the terrorists and advocating for Israel’s demise.

Huge crowds marched yesterday and are marching today in support of Hamas and Hezbollah. For the last year we have watched pro-Palestine supporters shut down streets, harass Jews, protest on campuses across the country and receive zero consequences for their actions, rip down posters of the hostages, and call for Israel’s eradication. 

We saw college presidents refuse to address the scourge of anti-Semitism on their campuses. We’ve watched as the Biden-Harris Administration has withheld support for Israel while pushing for a two-state solution that Hamas has rebuffed every single time. Something that is not reported on by the media. 

The mask came off on October 7, and we’ve been dealing with the repercussions ever since. 

As news of the scope of the slaughter was still registering, and the tally of hostages still being made—the final count: 240 people from 40 countries carried off like barbaric spoils of war—progressive groups here at home and across the West began to celebrate.

More than 30 student clubs at Harvard put out a letter holding Israel “entirely responsible” for the massacre. Israel. Not Hamas. Israel. This was on October 8, as Hamas terrorists were still roaming Israel’s south, and Hezbollah began its assault on Israel’s north from Lebanon.

Surely it had to be some terrible mistake, a sick prank. But the statement was sincere. And it wasn’t an anomaly.

In October 2023—just in that first month—George Washington University students projected the words “Glory to Our Martyrs” and “Free Palestine from the River to the Sea” in giant letters on campus buildings. At Cooper Union in Manhattan, Jewish students had to hide in the library from a mob pounding on the door. At Columbia, Professor Joseph Massad called the slaughter “awesome.” At Cornell, Professor Russell Rickford said it was “energizing” and “exhilarating.” At Princeton, hundreds of students chanted “globalize the intifada,” which can only mean: open season on Jews worldwide. At NYU, students held posters that read “keep the world clean,” with drawings of Jewish stars in garbage cans.

The hatred is deep and pervasive. As the Daily Signal reports, 39% of Muslims in the U.S. don’t believe that Hamas raped or murdered anyone on October 7. 43% say that Israel doesn’t have the right to exist. 

As Karol points out here, too many American Jews are staying silent in the face of all the blatant anti-semitism across the U.S. 

A significant majority of those advocating for Israel’s demise and cheering for the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists don’t have any clue as to what those organizations have done to innocents around the world. Richard Pollock compiled a 50 year history of Palestinian terror attacks against Jews and Israelis. The list includes the bombings on school buses, at synagogues, wedding celebrations, and much more. The following are just four instances from that compilation. 

July 22, 1968 – Rome, Italy – The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) carried out the first hijacking, diverting an El Al flight to Algiers. 32 Jewish passengers were held hostage for 5 weeks.


September 6, 1972 =- The Munich massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes by Palestinian militant group, Black September. The terrorists demanded the release of 250 Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners held in Israel. All 11 Israeli athletes were killed.


December 1987 to October 1991 – The First Intifada lasted from December 1987 until the Madrid Conference of 1991. During the first four years of the First Intifada there were more than 3,600 Molotov cocktail attacks, 100 hand grenade attacks and 600 assaults with guns or explosives accompanied by 138 suicide bombings. More than 1,400 civilians were wounded. Almost all Palestinian suicide bombings targeted civilians.


March 27, 2002 – Passover massacre, the Park Hotel in Netanya held a big Passover dinner for its 250 guests. A Palestinian suicide bomber entered the hotel’s dining room and detonated an explosive device, killing 30 people and injuring around 140, all civilians. Hamas claims responsibility.

Read it all. This is who the anti-Israel protestors are supporting. Oh they claim to be supporting the innocents in Gaza. But we all know that they’ve chosen to be governed by Hamas, who uses hospitals, homes, and schools as terror staging grounds and whose charter explicitly calls for Israel’s obliteration. 

The media shamefully carries water and refuses to face their own complicity in the increase of anti-semitism since October 7, 2023. 

Over the weekend and today, many pro-terrorist anti-semitic protests across the U.S. 

It’s been exactly one year since terrorists stormed into Israel and in a day of rage slaughtered over 1,000 innocent Israelis, brutally raped women, and took 251 hostage. Today, there are 97 hostages, 4 of them American. Words fail then, and they fail now to adequately describe the pain of that day. 

What we can do, however, is call out the anti-semitism we see on our campuses, in our cities, and in our towns. What we can do is point out that those supporting Palestine are, in fact, supporting terrorists. 

October 7, 2023 is the day the mask was ripped off. We cannot forget and we must remember. 

Feature Photo Credit: Oct 7 remembrance Israel flag via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    Not just supporting terrorists, but Nazi terrorists. This modern wave of attacks and attempts to eradicate Jews innthe Middle East and worldwide was commented by Hitler and his boi Otto Skorzeny. Most likely none of these ” useful idiots ” was ever taught about this in the govt run indoctrination center they ” graduated” from, but the info is out there for those who care to educate themselves..

  • draigh says:

    Imagine what would be occurring if these protests were directed at African Americans or Latin Americans! The Democrat Party should put out a news communique stating, “No Jews Need Apply.”

  • Mad Celt says:

    1, 954 years later we’re still standing and our haters are dust.

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