Fauci On Trump: It’s Only A Scratch, Get Over It

Fauci On Trump: It’s Only A Scratch, Get Over It

Fauci On Trump: It’s Only A Scratch, Get Over It

Anthony Fauci is offering sound medical advise to President Trump. Never mind that you almost got killed. It’s only a scratch, get over it.

Dr. Anthony Fauci downplayed former President Donald Trump’s injuries during last weekend’s assassination attempt, calling the ear wound he received when he was grazed by a bullet “superficial.”

Fauci, the embattled former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who advised both Trump and President Biden during the COVID-19 pandemic, was asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer about Trump’s injuries.

Trump, 78, dove to the ground after gunfire from would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks erupted and nicked his ear as he spoke at a Pennsylvania campaign rally on Saturday. Trump emerged surrounded by Secret Service agents with blood gushing from his right ear and has since worn a bandage over it.

“I don’t think there is much more to it,” Fauci said on Friday night. “I mean, from what we’ve seen and what we’ve heard, it was a bullet shot that grazed his ear and injured his ear, according to the physicians who examined him. There was no other further damage.”

There are a great many people who’ve been questioning just how severe Trump’s wound is. Or even if there’s any damage whatsoever. I mean, it’s not like his head was blown off or anything. 

Which led to this response and Sarah’s reply.

Now, I don’t know anyone who got shot in the ear and nearly killed. But I do know people who’ve had MOHS surgeries on their ear for skin cancer. Sometimes a pretty significant chunk is removed. No stitches are used. Instead it’s bandages with antibiotic ointment for several days or weeks until everything is healed. Sometimes it also involves a small bit of plastic surgery to try and repair the site (again, NO STITCHES) with bandages and antibiotics for a period of time until the site is fully healed. Sure, if it was a very minor wound, small stitches could be used. But this was a BULLET wound, which is a very different animal!

Back to our resident troll Fauci. It’s only a minor flesh wound he claims! 

BLITZER: What more does the public need to know about the extent of Donald Trump’s injuries and his treatment?

FAUCI: You know, I don’t think there is much more to it. I mean, from what we’ve seen and what we’ve heard, it was, it was a bullet shot that grazed his ear and injured his ear, according to the physicians who examined him. There was no other further damage.

So I think that with regard to the health related purely to the bullet itself, I think he’s he’s in the clear as far as I can see. I mean, it’s dangerous to make diagnoses from a distance from what I’m seeing, the way he’s acting now and what his physicians report saw. It seems to have been a superficial wound to the ear, and that’s all.

This coming from the guy who undercut Trump on everything related to the Covid response and is absolutely gleeful I’m sure that the ‘inject with bleach’ falsehood is making the rounds again. 

Yet here’s Fauci claiming that, while he can’t diagnose from a distance, President Trump’s wound is only a scratch. 

They only got along well while Trump and everyone around him bought into Fauci’s so-called “expertise” on Covid and never questioned his assertions. Once the questions started, Fauci along with Birx worked to undermine Trump and the Administration’s response. Fauci has now admitted as much during testimony and speeches. 

Yet here’s Fauci telling us that Trump just needs to get over it. It’s only a scratch, as if he just accidentally scraped his head with a speeding bullet for shits and giggles. 

Never mind that a near miss on one’s life can potentially cause other trauma, or introspection. 

“The concern is that gunshot blasts near the head can cause injuries that aren’t immediately noticeable, such as bleeding in or on the brain, damage to the inner ear, or even psychological trauma,” Gupta explained.

CNN reported that the neurosurgeon as stressing that a “thorough evaluation” following a gunshot wound could provide a clearer understanding of both physical and mental injuries, aiding in a quicker recovery.

“The good news is that most physical symptoms of an injury would probably have revealed themselves over the past few days,” Gupta concluded. “At this point, however, the Trump campaign hasn’t yet shared whether a full workup was done at the time or if there has been any follow-up since.”

I do have to chuckle at the fact that everyone is demanding that Trump and his team provide DETAILED medical information immediately, yet were and are the very same people who’ve not asked for anything regarding Joe Biden’s neurological issues. Or if they have, once they were told no, they’ve backed down. 

I unequivocally agree. 

Yes, Fauci is an evil troll.  

This country, whether Democrats want to believe it or not, is damned lucky that President Trump is alive, because that scratch could’ve had world-wide repercussions if the shooter had been successful. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • Skillyboo says:

    I wonder how he would react if someone made an almost successful attempt on his life left only a superficial mark?
    As for his role in our lives history will show him to be complicit with the global pandemic that was released for the Wuhan lab. His name will be added to the long line of those who live in infamy for their evil deeds.

  • Cameron says:

    Poor Tony. Trying to get the spotlight back and looking more and more desperate as his time comes to an end.

  • John C. says:

    “…[W]hile over a million Americans died.”

    According to the CDC’s table of COVID-related deaths from the beginning of their keeping track, there have been 1,197,212 COVID-related U.S. deaths. 291,468 happened before Trump left office; the remaining 905,744, or 75.7% died on Biden’s watch. Granted, he has been in office longer than the 55 weeks that the CDC tracked during Trump’s term, but in the first 55 weeks of Biden’s term there were 501,577 COVID-related deaths, 1.7 times as many as under Trump. So, it’s all on Trump?

    • Cameron says:

      I remember CNN running the chyron that showed the number of deaths and masturbating as the numbers got higher. And the instant Biden was in office, it went away.

      Fauci was a mere researcher who got elevated above his station and a lot of innocent people have been paying for that ever since he was foolishly put in charge of handling the AIDS crisis.

      • Scott says:

        Fauci has been a fraud and threat to the nation for far longer than that.. from allowing children with aids to die horrible deaths, to doing the same with poor beagle puppies, to funding the Wuhan lab, and lying about not only the origins of covid, but preventing those who needed it most from getting cheap, effective treatment, and ridiculing those who suggested it, again, preferring that people died to advance his agenda and status.. there is a special place in hell for this little troll when he gets there, and the sooner the better, so he stops living off our tax dollars!

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