Laughing At America First? – Mitt Romney

Laughing At America First? – Mitt Romney

Laughing At America First? – Mitt Romney

Born on third base, “disoriented” Utah Senator Mitt Romney is laughing at “America First” and proving his worthlessness again. America First is not a joke and we are all grateful that Mittens announced last year that he would not be running for reelection. Some people rest on their privilege.

Back in 1988, a man named James Hightower said this about George W. Bush:

Back in 1988, Jim Hightower, a razor-tongued Texas democrat, amused the nation by saying presidential candidate George Bush was a man “born on third base [who] thought he had hit a triple.”

More accurate than we knew about G.W. Bush, but also perfect for Mitt Romney. Did you hear about that privileged “Milksop Weasel” laughing at America First? From The Hill:

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said he laughs at the term “America first,” an increasingly common phrase heard in the Republican Party regarding U.S. foreign policy that he finds “disorienting.”

Romney said during an interview with MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle” earlier this week that growing isolationism in the GOP is “unimaginable” considering its past leaders, like former Presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, as well as former Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

Romney argued the term, popularized by former President Trump, “flows” in from talk radio and TV, where “outrageous” things are embraced by the party’s base.

“Many in our party have followed that populist streak, which is, ‘Hey, stop worrying about the rest of the world, just worry about what’s going on here,’” Romney said on MSNBC. “What they’re forgetting is that we are connected to the rest of the world, that our economy is connected to the rest of the world. That if we had had that attitude then, you know, Germany would’ve ended up ruling the world, all right.”
“We’re involved in the world out of our own self-interest, and I laugh at the phrase America first,” he added. “I know it typically means isolationism, but really, America is putting ourselves first when we’re involved in the world, when we stop bad people.”

Born on third base with a good lead off and Mitt still can’t bring it Home. That’s what bothers Mitt most of all. Donald Trump couldn’t have possibly won. Trump is a brute. Trump is not suave and sanitized for your protection. Of course, Romney went on MSNBC to talk about laughing at America First.

Here is Romney with Stephanie Ruhle talking about working together and making law:

Here is the relevant part of the conversation. Notice Stephanie Ruhle’s head bopping like a bobblehead. She doesn’t understand America First either:

If Mitt Romney wasn’t an empty-headed weasel, he would know that the Republican base lead talk radio not the other way around. Romney would know that while America First may be “isolationist”, but it is more “enlightened” interventionist. Especially since it’s OUR CHILDREN who go to war, not Romney’s. More than that, it is putting America and American’s First in all things.

Mitt Romney can be laughing all he wants, but he still lost to Barack Obama and was Obama’s little beyotch during the debates. Romney can stuff it.

Featured Image: DonkeyHotey/ Commons

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