Transgender Lunacy: Being a “Miss” As A “Mister” Is An Uphill Battle

Transgender Lunacy: Being a “Miss” As A “Mister” Is An Uphill Battle

Transgender Lunacy: Being a “Miss” As A “Mister” Is An Uphill Battle

As we sat and watched the premiere of Daily Wire’s transgender satire,”Lady Ballers” last night, I was perusing the headlines for the week.

There was the walkout at Monarch High School in Coconut Creek, Florida. Why did they walk out? Well, because five school staffers, including the principal, were reassigned for allowing a boy identifying as a “girl”, transgender athlete to participate on the girls volleyball team, in violation of state law.

Now, the school is under investigation as well, and coach Alex Burgess is worried about the student in question:

This child’s life has been turned upside down. And she didn’t hurt or harm anyone.”-Jennifer Solomon, LGBTQ Advocate

Yet. Until the ball gets spiked so hard and gives the girl on the opposite side of the net a concussion.

But her, his life has been turned upside down. I do not blame the child in this equation. I blame the parents and the school. This child’s life has been “turned upside down” after his parents failed him by giving him delusions of gender fluidity and the school failed this confused young man by knowingly breaking a law.

Then, there was the trans-female runner, transgender woman, Kae Luci Ravichandran, who called her his one hour and 24 minute finish at The Upstate Classic near Albany “embarrassingly slow”. This was women’s half-marathon. Not a men’s. Not a co-ed’s half.

Ravichandran ran average 6.28 minute mile, placing him first in the women‘s division and fourth overall. But he was “gassed” at this one. He was “embarrassingly slow“.

Then, there was the essay penned by transgender woman, Miss Portugal, Marina Machete, the first man to place at Miss Universe in the top 20.

The beginning of the Miss Universe competition was stressful. I didn’t know what to expect because my pageant in Portugal was very small. It was completely different from anything I’ve experienced. Those first two days were rough, and then we were working a lot. I was sleeping like five to six hours on a good night. Sometimes I was prioritizing other things, like ironing or preparing my hair for the next day, so I was sleeping like four hours. Trying to survive on four hours was challenging.”-Marina Machete

Hmm. So much to do. Hair and ironing. Figuring out how you’re gonna tuck that junk in during the swimsuit competition.. The poor dear. It’s so rough being a “woman”. Four hours of sleep. Try having a child (good luck with that) and working a full-time job.

Go after what you want in life. Be authentic.

I’m very happy for the little girls and young women that are at home watching now because they get a whole new and different perspective of women’s beauty being celebrated on TV and on as big of a platform as Miss Universe.”-Marina Machete

And, what perspective might that be, Marina? That no matter how hard they try and no matter how much they dream, their efforts will be crushed by a GUY? That celebration of a woman’s true beauty will be given to a biological MAN? Yes, Marina. You’ve had it so rough, it was a tough climb in those stilettos off the backs of other true women, but you persisted.


The victimhood these grown men-turned-transgender “women” churn out when they tell their stories is unreal.

The liberal media, Washington Post, and the like, will turn their stories of plight into a fight. Those who believe in two genders assigned at birth and the binary are “creating a climate of fear”.

That has included legislation focusing on transgender athletes, particularly women: Since 2020, 23 states have passed laws barring transgender athletes from high school or college sports or both, according to the nonprofit Movement Advancement Project, which tracks the legislation.”-Justine McDaniel, Maham Javaid and Dan Rosenzweig-Ziff, The Washington Post

Particularly women who are NOT really women. “Women” who are stronger and more like “men” because they ARE masculine. We look to our generations of the future who are willingly changing their names and genders from one week to the next. They, even victorious in their unfair matches of strength and endurance, are still whiny victims into adulthood, insisting upon the world conforming to their ideology. It is hard being a “Miss” as a “Mister”, don’t you know? The hours of ironing and Brazilian blowouts. The feeling of being gassed on that 13.1-mile run in your man shoes. The nights with only four hours of sleep! The misgendering! The bullying! The misogyny!

Wait, what?

The liberal media will continue to die on the hill of painting white men (and biological women athletes who oppose the transgender ideology) as bigots. Ladies, suit up. Sounds like we have the big, long, uphill hike.

Photo Credit: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office via FlickR/Creative Commons/Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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  • Cameron says:

    Honestly, I’m fine with creating a transgender division in sports. This allow real women to compete against other real women and the transgenders can be celebrated separately.

    • Lloyd says:

      I disagree…That would be giving legitimacy to whackos. Transgender critters are mentally deranged. As are those who recognize and celebrate them. Hard to figure how we got to this point.

      • NTSOG says:

        I tend to agree with Lloyd: these self-centred trans folk do more that steal athletics rewards from real women. It’s all the issues including changing language about women and thus demeaning women as they are and have been forever, invading women’s [private] spaces and organisations, and so on. Effectively the trans ‘vision’ of being a woman is more often than not a grotesque distortion of reality. Real women should not have to put up with this rubbish. Obviously they’re not going to disappear, but it should be made clear that they are not welcome in broader society. In trying to take over women’s spaces, activities and changing language they over-played their ‘hand’. They should be consigned to the shadows of society where they can practise their deviance leaving real women alone.

      • Cameron says:

        It’s easy to figure out: We allowed the notions of tolerance and acceptance to become twisted. Thankfully, a few women are pushing back against this by refusing to compete against men.

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