Anne Frank Not “Diverse” Enough In Germany Anymore

Anne Frank Not “Diverse” Enough In Germany Anymore

Anne Frank Not “Diverse” Enough In Germany Anymore

Do you ever read one of those news stories, stop, and then read the story again because you just don’t believe what you just read? Buckle your seatbelts, everyone. Anne Frank is too hard for “migrant parents” living in Germany to explain to their kids, so her name has to be removed from… a daycare.

Anne Frank is arguably the most famous child Holocaust victim of World War II. Her “Secret Annex” where she and her family and others hid is now a museum, which thousands visit every single year.

In the wake of the Hamas invasion and massacre in Israel, German government officials have had some powerful words to say about their stance in support of Israel.

Unfortunately, that level of awareness and understanding does not exist at the local level. A daycare in Saxony-Anhalt, in the small town of Tangerhütte (per Google Maps, about 2 hours east of Berlin), is planning on renaming the daycare to “World Explorers” because the Anne Frank name – which the daycare has had since 1970 – is too “challenging” for migrant parents to deal with.

The “Anne Frank” daycare center in Tangerhütte, which has been operating for generations, is set to undergo a name change. The decision to rename the daycare center, named after the most famous Jewish girl, has sparked controversy.

The idea of changing of name of Frank, who tragically died in a concentration camp at the age of 15, has come from migrant parents, according to the daycare center’s director. “It is reported that parents with migrant backgrounds feel uncertain about the name and find it challenging to explain to their children,” the report said.

None of the news articles bother to tell the reader the ethnic origins of these “migrant parents” who can’t seem to explain Anne Frank to their kids. According to Statista, while the largest number of migrants into Germany over the last year have been Ukrainian, the largest number of asylum applicants in 2023 are from Syria, Afghanistan, and Turkey, followed by Iraq and Iran. I think we can draw some of our own conclusions in this case. It seems little wonder that something like “World Explorers” – which is apparently what it will be renamed – feels appropriately generic.

Not everyone is on board with the name change, but the mayor is pushing it because… wait for it… Anne Frank is not DIVERSE enough to represent the children in the daycare.

However, the Miteinander eV organization, promoting an open society, disagreed with this decision. They argued that there are effective and age-appropriate educational concepts for teaching children and young people about Frank’s life and the historical significance it holds. They emphasized that “renaming the daycare center sends the wrong signal, especially in a time marked by increasing antisemitism.” They said they believed that now, more than ever, there is a need for sensitivity to the impact of symbolic renaming.

City officials, on the other hand, remained steadfast in their decision to change the name. According to the report, the renaming is part of a broader concept that aims to celebrate the diversity of the children attending the daycare center, according to Andreas Brohm, the city’s mayor.

The BILD newspaper added “Ultimately, the parents and employees wanted a name that was more ‘child-friendly’ and ‘better suited to their concept.’ Their needs are more important than the global political situation.”

According to the report, Frank no longer aligned with the “new focus on diversity.” Brohm stated that the desires of many parents to rename the daycare center held more weight than the global political situation.

Uh, what was that “global political situation,” again? Would that be the invasion of Israel and wholesale murder of civilians by a terrorist group? Oh, but we can’t make the parents feel UNCOMFORTABLE with the WRONG kind of diversity, though.

Now, it’s really not the end of things if Anne Frank’s name comes off of one daycare. But you would think that the city government would have enough brains to say “this doesn’t sound like a good idea right now.” And if her name comes off the daycare, where does it stop? How many schools all over the world carry her name? A lot. And how quickly will that change if the local population decides that having a school named after Anne Frank sends the “wrong” message about “diversity, equity, and inclusion”? Where does this end?

Given the amount of ugly anti-Semitism we have seen this weekend, and what is promised to come, I am not sure where it ends. And I’m not sure that the West has the backbone to stop it, either.

Featured image: passport photo of Anne Frank in May 1942, via Wikimedia Commons, cropped, public domain

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  • Cameron says:

    Progressives in this country are nodding in agreement.

  • Jack says:

    Well, they were partners when all that was in vogue back in the day.

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see that happen in NYC, Deer Born(one word?) and the rest of the blue metro areas.

  • John Shepherd says:

    Not surprising that this happened in the territory of the former DDR. A German friend of mine in Grad school in the 1970s quipped that “East Getmany has not had a change in government since 1933. The AfD gets most of its support in the former DDR so it’s not surprising that it is a “red-brown” fusion party.

  • Anna A says:

    I have a better name for the daycare center, “Aisha”

  • NTSOG says:

    In essence the kindergarten administrator believes the memory of a murdered 15-year-old girl is offensive!

    Furthermore, ‘when in Rome do as the Romans do’. Migrants have come to Germany to join in and live in German society and culture so as to have a better life.

    It is up to the migrants to make accommodations, so they understand modern-day Germany and fit in.

    • NTSOG says:

      In essence the kindergarten administrator believes the memory of a murdered 15-year-old girl is offensive!

      Furthermore, ‘when in Rome do as the Romans do’. Migrants have come to Germany to join in and live in German society and culture so as to have a better life.

      It is up to the migrants to make accommodations, so they understand modern-day Germany and fit in.

      This is cancel culture to an extreme.

  • […] A daycare in Saxony-Anhalt, in the small town of Tangerhütte (per Google Maps, about 2 hours east of Berlin), is planning on renaming the daycare to “World Explorers” because the Anne Frank name – which the daycare has had since 1970 – is too “challenging” for migrant parents to deal with. – Victory Girls Blog […]

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