Jeremiah Wright’s Daughter Convicted of Fleecing Corrupt Charity

Jeremiah Wright’s Daughter Convicted of Fleecing Corrupt Charity

Remember how recently Obama touted his fantastic and awesome not Not Racist At All new program that supposedly helps young men of every color (except white, of course)?  Interestingly enough, a very similarly named program has come under fire for corruption…in Chicago.  Go figure.  Who’s responsible for the corruption?  Government officials who know Obama.  Go figure again.

The daughter of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, President Barack Obama’s former minister, was convicted by a federal jury Friday of laundering thousands of dollars from a $1.25 million state grant for a Chicago-based job-training program.

How lovely is that?  Of course, it gets better.  Regina Evans, former Country Club Hills police chief, was the mastermind of the entire charity scheme, and pled guilty earlier to corruption.  Wright wasn’t simply filching money for herself and deceiving Evans, she was actually laundering the money FOR Evans and taking a cut for herself.

You have to wonder how it is that seemingly everyone and everything coming out of Illinois is corrupt, lawless and dirty…yet we’re expected to believe that President Obama, who also came out of Kenya Indonesia Hawaii Chicago, who knows all these people, who calls these people his trusted advisers and friends, who defends them, is somehow pure as the driven snow?  The Savior of the world?  Yes, it’s just pure coincidence that someone so blameless and just is magically surrounded by dirty, lawless people.  That’s like your teenager saying that yes, all their friends and trusted confidants are meth heads, and they all hang out together, but he certainly isn’t doing any meth.  In fact, he’s speaking out against meth the whole time he’s with his meth head friends.  Sounds legit.  Good grief, people.  Do the math.


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  • VALman says:

    I’ve never known a PK’s kid who wasn’t a pain, though none that were guilty of criminal behavior. It seems there are so many rotten apples in the barrel how can they not all have some corruption?

  • Merle says:

    This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, should it?


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