Professor of Woke Uses 9/11 to Dunk on America

Professor of Woke Uses 9/11 to Dunk on America

You could call Syracuse University political science professor Jenn Jackson a “Professor of Woke.” That’s because her bio describes her as “a queer genderflux androgynous Black woman, an abolitionist, a lover of all Black people.” She also holds positions at Syracuse in African American Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and LGBT Studies.

(Truly heavyweight intellectual stuff there. Move over Dr. Jill Biden.)

Politifact Fact Check: Ossoff And Warnock Aren’t Radical

Politifact Fact Check: Ossoff And Warnock Aren’t Radical

Politifact and their fact checks. According to Politifact’s live fact checks of President Trump’s speech, GA Senate candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock are just nice misunderstood…

Loretta Lynch was a Member of a Harvard Group of Anti-Semitic Terrorist Sympathizers

On its face, Obama’s nomination of Loretta Lynch to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General seemed like surprisingly safe pick. She is certainly qualified for the job….

Jeremiah Wright’s Daughter Convicted of Fleecing Corrupt Charity

Remember how recently Obama touted his fantastic and awesome not Not Racist At All new program that supposedly helps young men of every color (except white, of…

Obama’s Race Video, With a Shout-Out to Jeremiah “AmeriKKKa” Wright”

The Daily Caller has Obama’s race video (you can see the whole thing here), and boy, is it about race. He begins by giving a shout-out to…

Journolist plotted to bury Jeremiah Wright story and smear conservatives as racists

We had always known that the media was biased. But never before had that been more obvious than during the 2008 election. It recently came to light…

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Ava Gardner