Oliver Anthony Is Annoyed

Oliver Anthony Is Annoyed

Oliver Anthony Is Annoyed

Oliver Anthony has something to say to you again. Bless his heart, the newly crowned protest songwriter who has spun up the music charts with his song Rich Men North Of Richmond is now taking annoyance with you. He doesn’t like the rich using his lyrics to try and relate with him.

Mr. Anthony posted a new “It’s a pleasure to meet you – part 2” on his YouTube channel, discussing conservative politicians weaponizing his song. He says it bothers him how people have “wrapped politics up in this.”

This, I guess, is referring to his newly found fame? And he’s aggravated to see people in Conservative News try to identify with him. He refers to the debates from August 23, 2023, and that Nina wrote about how the Republican candidates did not even know what his song meant.

Well, number 1, he was already annoyed with how things were going with the world, hence the song. And number 2, I’m afraid he will continue to be annoyed, no matter what. The young man is irritated, and I wonder if he will ever be satisfied.

However, Anthony claimed his song “has nothing to do with Joe Biden.”

“It’s a lot bigger than Joe Biden,” he claimed.

“The one thing that has bothered me is seeing people wrap politics up in this. I’m disappointed to see it. Like, it’s aggravating seeing people on conservative news try to identify with me like I’m one of them.” – New York Post

But yes, we totally get it.

He feels offended that the “rich men” are using his lyrics to move their agenda forward by trying to portray themselves as understanding what is happening in society. Most of us get that the elites have no idea what the working man goes through, especially in this Bidenomics atmosphere.

He is upset that conservative news is weaponizing his lyrics, yet in his video, he states that his songs represent his political ideology. And it’s not just the conservatives either. Here is RFK Jr. getting in on the virality.

Oh, that’s rich, Robert. Although, he’s not wrong either!

I can see the conundrum that Oliver sees himself in. He wrote the song because he wanted the message out there. But when someone (a lot of someones) picks it up to run with it, giving Mr. Anthony an even larger audience, maybe he feels encroached upon?

So now that Oliver has our attention, why doesn’t he use this time to share what he would like to see come of his fame? Or how he may use his musical talents to further his message?

More Sincere Words

An article in The Daily Mail goes further with more sincere words from Mr. Anthony.

Through his song, he aimed to convey to the public that relying on someone in government will not fix their lives, the country singer emphasized to The Free Press.

‘What I want out of this for the general public its for people to stop relying on someone 150 or 500 miles away from them to solve their problems for them,’ he added.

‘Like nobody is Washington, DC, no one in the federal government is coming to save us,’ he added.

Anthony stressed the importance of forming relationships and bonds within local communities, stating: ‘The people that are going to save us is each other, local relationships.’

I think most of us know this to be accurate, Mr. Anthony. This is not a new message. It’s just a recycled and renewed one. Again. It is a message, I’m afraid, that will always need to be expressed.

But if he doesn’t want us wrapping politics up into his work, what should we do then? I am not sure what is in store for the young man. I hope he gets whatever he wants once he figures it out himself. In the meantime, he leaves us with more words of wisdom.

I will leave Mr. Anthony with the advice I told my kids when they were growing up. Some people are not going to like you no matter what. And some will have some not-so-nice words to say sometimes about you. It’s not because you are a terrible person; because you’re not. It’s their deal, and it’s none of your business what others say about you. You know how to behave and what is right and what is wrong, and this is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Feature Image: John Tuggle from Decatur, Ga, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    He’s popular, he’s going to be talked about. I get why he’s bothered but this is part of being famous.

  • Kim Hirsch says:

    “I’m not worth obsessing over …”

    And in another year no one WILL be obsessing over you.

  • Royalidiot says:

    Well isn’t it the new fashion to politicize everything? ….Music….film…..the media….consumer goods……leisure and recreational activities……sports…..food……schools…..medicine….
    religion……In the spirit of inclusion, there seems to be angst for everyone…..

  • Scott says:

    Yeah, he shouldn’t be surprised, but I get what he’s saying when he says it’s not about gropey joe.
    He is rightfully pointing out that politicians of both parties have long since forgotten that they work for us, not the other way around. When repubs had control of everything for the first two years of the Trump admin, they didn’t do jack shit to reverse the damage that obama had done to this country. They did nothing to repeal unconstitutional laws and executive orders, they did nothing to put in place protections for our rights outlined in the Constitution, or anything else that would benefit We the People. All they did was yell, bicker, and line their own pockets.
    With that in mind, we should be pissed at all politicians, and be working to root out the corruption in DC and elsewhere, regardless of the letter after their names.

    • Cameron says:

      They did nothing to repeal unconstitutional laws and executive orders, they did nothing to put in place protections for our rights outlined in the Constitution, or anything else that would benefit We the People.

      Which is why I don’t support the idiotic “loyalty pledge.” They have no loyalty other than themselves and even when they were in the majority, they fought the President tooth and nail because the cocktail party circuit was more important.

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