Will Hurd, Running For President, Swings At Giants

Will Hurd, Running For President, Swings At Giants

Will Hurd, Running For President, Swings At Giants

In order to run for election as the President of the United States, a candidate must have an ego the size of Manhattan. Each and every one of the candidates. Don’t believe any “aw shucks, guys” candidate. That candidate is as phony as a three-dollar bill. But what about those who are running a Quixotic campaign, tilting at windmills. Delusional egos. That would be candidate Will Hurd. Mr. Hurd is swinging his lance wildly and hoping to hit something, anything.

Before he began his tenure as a 2024 Presidential Election candidate. Will Hurd was a CIA agent and a Congressman from Texas. Hurd did not run for reelection to Congress in 2020 because he was disappointed that there was a lack of bipartisanship. You would think that coming from the CIA he would be used to disappointment. Many of us (me), had I hopes for Hurd when he came to Congress because he understand tech in a way the 80 year olds never will and he is biracial so he could add a little color to the Party. He had been a disappointment. He was a disappointment to the Left also because he didn’t hate President Donald Trump hard enough during the First Impeachment.

With the first Republican Debate coming soon, without Donald Trump and I have mixed feelings on that, Will Hurd has not yet made it on to the debate stage. But, he still has the weekend, according to Politico:

Hurd, the former Texas congressman, could also be on the precipice. His campaign on Thursday announced that he had hit the donor threshold. And in POLITICO’s tracking, he has two qualifying polls — 1 percent in a University of New Hampshire poll of the Granite State and 1 percent in a late-July Morning Consult poll.
But there is uncertainty around his polling as well.
A similar argument for Morning Consult’s rolling average would apply to Hurd and get him over the threshold — although his campaign has not made any claims that he has qualified for the debate. And how the RNC ultimately decides to round results from a national survey from The New York Times/Siena College in July could also score him another national poll. (The RNC has similarly ignored questions on this as well.)

I think that there should be as many candidates as possible on the stage, and I want steel cage death matches, too. You can’t have everything. Hurd is hoping to make it to 1% in polling and 50,000 unique donors. Lord!

He is almost as nasally as Ron DeSantis. Speaking of DeSantis, last night National Review posted an article saying that according to Will Hurd, DeSantis’s campaign is circling the drain:

Republican presidential candidate Will Hurd took aim at Florida governor Ron DeSantis on Friday, saying the governor’s presidential campaign is “circling the drain.”
Hurd’s comments came in response to a leaked debate prep memo from the pro-DeSantis Never Back Down PAC that suggested DeSantis should defend former president Donald Trump against attacks from former New Jersey governor Chris Christie during the first GOP primary debate next week.
Hurd, who is currently in 11th place in a RealClearPolitics polling average and hasn’t cleared the threshold to qualify for the debate, said during an appearance on CNN that he wants to be “speaking truth to power.”
“I’m not going to be like Ron DeSantis and defend Donald Trump, which is absolutely crazy,” he said. “The Ron DeSantis campaign is circling the drain. The fact that they’re having to cut so much staff, they don’t have the resources to do their own debate prep.”
“Defend Trump when Chris Christie attacks him,” the debate prep memo said. It went on to include a proposed line for DeSantis to use against Christie during the debate: “Trump isn’t here so let’s just leave him alone. He’s too weak to defend himself here. We’re all running against him. I don’t think we want to join forces with someone on this stage who’s auditioning for a show on MSNBC.”

The “weak” line about Trump is not going to works as well since he will be answering questions from Tucker Carlson.

I forgot about Ronald Reagan skipped the first debate of his reelection, but he was reelected and Trump was not*.

Meantime, Will Hurd the 11th place candidate wildly swings his lance at the front runners and hits nothing.

*Means that I dispute his loss.

Featured Image: Atlantic Council/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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