Chumbolones: How Democrats and the Media See Voters

Chumbolones: How Democrats and the Media See Voters

Chumbolones: How Democrats and the Media See Voters

One of my favorite Chicago terms is “Chumbolones.” Urban Dictionary describes chumbolones as people who can be easily tricked or manipulated. Which describes how Democrats and media types see us while they keep flogging the narrative that Joe and Hunter Biden never did nothin’ wrong.

The term first appeared during the federal trial of Chicago Outfit bosses in 2007. A corrupt cop — Anthony Doyle — was a sleeper agent for the Outfit, and would go to a Michigan prison and visit hit man Frank Calabrese. Doyle would listen to Calabrese rant on about torturing witnesses, nodding in agreement with the boss.

Why would Doyle do that? “I didn’t know what he was talking about. I don’t wanna look like a chumbolone, an idiot, stupid,” Doyle said on the witness stand.

And the word stuck — at least in Chicago, anyway.

The Democrat party and their media lapdogs think we’re the chumbolones. They’re rife with fast-talkers who insist that Hunter Biden never peddled the influence of his father, then Vice President. And they also insist that Joe Biden never profited from those exchanges, either.

Or they’ll change the subject, much like Elizabeth Warren did in a friendly interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.


Here’s the Scoop, Chumbolones

According to bank records the House Oversight Committee obtained, the Biden family and business associates raked in millions of dollars from oligarchs. While it initially appeared that sources of the funds were from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, the committee learned that Romania and China were in on the grift as well. In short, the family gained over $20 million simply by peddling the Biden name.

Moreover, Hunter Biden’s former business associate Devon Archer had also testified that Joe Biden joined in on over 20 speakerphone conversations with Hunter’s connections. He also attended dinners with oligarchs who paid Hunter some righteous bucks.

Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy outlines the grift:

  • In February 2014, Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina transfers $3.5 billion.
  • In April and May 2014, Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky places Hunter Biden and Devon Archer on the board of Burisma, Zlochevsky’s corrupt energy company, at a cool $1 million per year each. Archer is Hunter’s partner in the “Rosemont Seneca” business entities used to transfer money to the Bidens, and he is well aware of Joe Biden’s deep involvement in the family business — because Joe Biden is the business.
  • In April 2014, a Kazakhstani oligarch wires Hunter $143,300 for a sports car.

chumbolones biden corruption

So where are the indictments?

McCarthy says forget the eye-popping monetary amounts. It’s all about the dates and the statutes of limitations:

The federal statute of limitations for relevant tax crimes is six years. The federal statute of limitations for other relevant crimes is five years. And what stops the statute of limitations from continuing to run until potential criminal charges lapse? The filing of an indictment…

Charges based on suspected criminal conduct prior to 2016 — and maybe even prior to 2017 or 2018 in some instances — are already time-barred. That is because the Biden Justice Department refuses to indict. This is strategic inaction…

It was the Biden Justice Department that chose to allow the charges involving perhaps the most serious corruption evidence (e.g., Burisma 2014–15) to become time-barred.

So if there are no indictments for the most egregious corruption because the statute of limitations expired, then there’s nothing to see here, chumbolones.


Turley’s Take on Biden Corruption

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley writes that the Washington establishment and the media are trying to get you, the chumbolones, to believe that these payments are but an “illusion” of influence-peddling.

He tweeted (or, he “X-ed”?):

The media and political establishment is now attempting to dismiss $20 million in payments to Biden family members as the mere “illusion” of influence. At the heart of this scandal is the BFF, the Biden Family Fund…

…The greatest illusion is the claim Joe Biden would only be motivated by a direct payment to one of his accounts. Biden clearly benefited from millions going to the Biden Family Fund (BFF)…

…Joe Biden is 80 years old. Despite holding only government jobs in his career, he is worth an estimated $8 million. For most wealthy people in their final years, the challenge is not raising more money but getting that money to your children without heavy taxes or delays.

Got that, chumbolones? It’s merely an illusion of corruption. In fact, as Turley noted at his blog, Washington Post writer Philip Bump asked, “Where’s the bribe?” in reference to that sweet sports car Hunter received as a gift.

As Turley wrote: In other words, as long as Hunter got the luxury car, Joe didn’t benefit or receive a bribe.

But don’t ask questions. Fox News reporter Peter Doocy found that out yesterday when he asked Joe Biden about the speakerphone calls. Biden lost his temper.

However, there’s more to that story. Jonathan Turley tweeted:

Doocy said that the White House called him as soon as he made it to his car to refute the specifics of the allegations on discussing business. The use of White House staff to repeat these positions could magnify the problems for Biden.

But that won’t go anywhere, either. White House staff trying to influence or even threaten a reporter who asks the wrong questions? Nothing to see here either, chumbolones. Biden & Co. never did nothin’ wrong. And you don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.


Featured image: Brand X Studio/AI generation/used by permission.

Written by

Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

1 Comment
  • Robin H says:

    Because there is no investigation we don’t KNOW what they got for their money. As VP Joe had access to all sorts of state secrets. And some of the current actions make me wonder, like that stupid spy balloon they let wander all over the US before shooting it down. I’m sure that was bought and paid for.

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