“How Dare They” Kamala Harris On SCOTUS Abortion Ruling Anniversary

“How Dare They” Kamala Harris On SCOTUS Abortion Ruling Anniversary

“How Dare They” Kamala Harris On SCOTUS Abortion Ruling Anniversary

When Kamala Harris isn’t speaking in rancid word salads, she is flat out lying. She has two speeds: blender and lies. We should not be surprised when speaking of the Dobbs Decision, she flat out lies. She added to this verbal gelatin salad with channeling Greta Thunberg. “How dare you”, Kamala said when talking about the Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) decision to return the abortion question to the states where it rightfully belong.

The fact that the Marxist-Feminist faction of humans in the United States is spun up about abortion like this and marking the anniversary of the date that SCOTUS honored The Constitution tells us everything we need to know about these horned beasts. How dare SCOTUS honor The Constitution. I do, kinda, feel sorry for Kamala. Apparently, both her parents were smart but Kamala is missing that gene. Remember, it was earlier this year when in quoting the Declaration of Independence, she left out the “Life” part in the “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” quote. She is not natively smart and has no interest in learning. She is kind of long in the tooth for learning new ideas and behaviors.


Kamala marked the one year anniversary of the Dobbs Decision returning the abortion question back to the states in North Carolina. She told the audience that Dobbs has created a “health care crisis”:

On anniversary of Roe v. Wade reversal, Harris says the ruling created a ‘health care crisis’
In a speech marking the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday condemned the conservative justices for creating a “health care crisis in America.”
“How dare they,” Harris, the first female vice president, said to a crowd gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina.
She also criticized abortion bans that have been passed in several Republican-led states since the reversal of Roe. The politicians creating these laws “don’t even understand how a woman’s body actually works,” Harris said, as she vowed that the Biden administration will continue to fight for a woman’s right to make their own choices.

“This fight is not only about people in one particular state, these extremists plan to take their agenda national. And that agenda, by the way, goes way beyond reproductive rights. A lot of these same folks attack the right to vote, that prevents the teaching of America’s history.” she said.

How dare we support “Life” which IS in the Declaration of Independence. All the years and Democrats still want to Save the Baby Seals and kill the baby humans. Abortion is not healthcare. Abortion is not freedom.


See what I meant by incapable of learning? Time and place. And still inappropriate after all these years.


Ruth Bader Ginsberg knew that Roe v. Wade was bad law because there was no right to a “medical procedure” enumerated in The Constitution. The Supreme Court was relying on penumbras and emanations:

Writing for the majority in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), a case unrelated to abortion, Justice William O. Douglas understandably found he was unable to cite a generalized right to privacy in the Constitution itself. Undeterred, he went on to discover a “penumbra” (from the Latin paene umbra, meaning “almost a shadow”) formed, he said, by unspecified “emanations” from the Bill of Rights. Justice Douglas then placed within this extra-constitutional near-shadow a hitherto unknown “zone of privacy,” which was transformed into a “right of privacy” by the simple device of the court’s substitution of the term “right” for “zone” in its later decisions.
How this mysterious trinity of privacy, penumbra and emanations had eluded legal scholars for the then 176 years of our constitutional history was (and is) a question left unaddressed by the court.

This house of cards had to fall because it was built on a false premise. So, Kamala wore a black “serious” suit, and hectored us about a right taken away:

If the Right to Choose is fundamental, then it should have been codified over the last 50 years. Whining about “your daughter” having less rights doesn’t make it true. The right to privacy/abortion is built on a tissue of lies that are antithetical to The Constitution.


We dare because we must. We dare because if our Republic is to remain free, we must support life. We dare because abortion is evil.

Featured Image: Darleen Click for Victory Girls/All Rights Reserved

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  • In her mild defense, she spent quite a bit of her early years learning to play the flute proficiently. Apparently that left time for little other education.

  • ROS says:

    That nutcase is pathological. Full stop.

  • GWB says:

    The politicians creating these laws “don’t even understand how a woman’s body actually works,”
    This is ironic, coming from the people who have declared they don’t know what a woman is.
    Also, of course, based on what I know about abortion and female anatomy, I know a lot better than she does how a woman’s body works. (Does she have kids? I don’t recall.)

    these extremists plan to take their agenda national
    Oof! What projection! After all, Roe was always about turning a state issue into a national one and imposing by judicial fiat what the national government had no jurisdiction over.

    A lot of these same folks attack the right to vote, that prevents the teaching of America’s history.
    Bullcarp and more bullcarp. We want the right to vote protected from fraud. And we want actual, real history taught.

    One year ago, the United States Supreme Court took a constitutional right from the people of America.
    No, they restored the Constitution to its preeminent place in our law by negating a “right” that never existed.

    (And, yes, there is a right to privacy. It’s in the 4th and 5th Amendments. But not in every action. And not when it pertains to the murder of another.)

    • Cameron says:

      these extremists plan to take their agenda national

      I laughed at that one too. We have an agenda to restore individual rights. How cisheteronormativepatriarchalcolonial of us.

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