Fox News “Cease and Desist” To Tucker

Fox News “Cease and Desist” To Tucker

Fox News “Cease and Desist” To Tucker

For your situational awareness, please be advised that the third episode of Tucker on Twitter will drop on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 and is scheduled to deal with the Federal Indictment of President Donald Trump. That is unless Fox News finds a way to stop the Tucker Juggernaut. Multiple sources report that lawyers for the behemoth Murdoch family network has sent a “cease and desist” letter to lawyers for Tucker Carlson. They all have people. Tucker’s people and Murdoch’s people will engage in legal argle bargle for a long time to come.

I have no idea why Fox News Channel decided to pull Tucker from the air, but not fire him, in April. I have seen the speculation just as you have. Chadwick Moore has speculated that it has to do with the Dominion law suit:

The author has dropped several bombshells behind the abrupt ousting of Carlson from the conservative channel.
For instance, Moore said in a May 22 video promoting his book Tucker: The Biography that Fox News fired Carlson because of the infamous $787 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems.

“It has now been reported that his firing was a condition demanded by Dominion as part of a settlement with Fox. Although Dominion has denied this, my sources have intimate knowledge of the situation and they have assured me […] that that is in fact the truth,” Moore said in the now viral video.

Meh. I don’t think it was anything that big. I think the Murdoch family, and maybe Paul Ryan (boo, hiss) wanted Tucker to get done. They thought/think that his contract/non-compete clause had Tucker locked in for EVER. They thought they could keep Tucker, their number one ratings getter, off the air with other networks, maybe even YouTube, until after 2024. In my humble opinion, Tucker was the ONLY one worth watching on the network. I have not turned on Fox since the Tucker’s removal.

Tucker made his first comments about the Fox News situation on April 25 (86m views) and again on May 9 (138m views) and the wheels began to turn. Twitter’s Elon Musk and Tucker began to see the future of Twitter. Twitter could be a platform for news/opinion free from restraint, unlike YouTube. After Tuckers first show on Twitter June 7, the Left saw nothing but Tucker and tinfoil hats.

Episode One of Tucker on Twitter saw 115m views so far:

Episode Two of Tucker on Twitter dropped on June 8 and has 55m views as of today”

Cling to our taboos. Yes, sir. Tucker was prescient talking about watching which people try to get us dump our taboos. Like sexualizing children or hacking off their body parts. Cheating, lying and stealing are good taboos. As the “elites” try to erase our taboos, Tucker stands strong. He speaks to something we need. Fox News can’t have that, hence the cease and desist letter. Dash Dobrosky, an unhinged Leftist, went on an unhinged rant about the cease and desist letter:

Can you say “spittle flecked”? Sure, you can. The cease and desist letter is “not for publication”, but Harmeet Dhillon, who should be Republican National Committee Chair, responded to the letter in The Blaze:

Fox News has sent a cease-and-desist letter to Tucker Carlson amid the popular broadcaster releasing two monologue-type commentary videos on Twitter, Axios reported Monday.
“My friend and client @TuckerCarlson will not be silenced by the far left or Fox News,” attorney Harmeet Dhillon tweeted Monday morning, appending a link to the piece on Axios covering a cease-and-desist letter sent to Carlson by the network.

Axios did not include the text of the cease-and-desist letter, saying that the letter has “NOT FOR PUBLICATION” in bold at the top.
Dhillon went on to explain that Fox News is “not a place” for her until the network “stops trying to silence Tucker.” She added she has friends still under contract at Fox and that she feels for them.

Sorry, Harmeet, love you girl. It won’t do any good for anyone to go on Fox News. I think the network is committing suicide. Too bad for those who cannot see that. We have so many platforms and so many choices.

One choice will be the third episode of Tucker on Twitter, June 13.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/ Commons

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