Can’t Ignore That Biden Is An Old Bigot

Can’t Ignore That Biden Is An Old Bigot

Can’t Ignore That Biden Is An Old Bigot

Joe Biden was, is, and always will be a nasty old bigot. His history of comments from the beginning of his career to now demonstrate his belief that some Americans are less than and need government assistance to live fruitful lives. Without the great white savior, some Americans have no hope. On his Fox program, “Life, Liberty and Levin”, Sunday night, Mark Levin pointed out Biden’s bigotry. Because the Democrat Media Industrial Complex covers for Biden, we cannot point out the old bigot enough.

Sunday night, Mark Levin said:

“Biden can barely get his act together to give a speech on any substantive topic. But if you wind him up and turn him loose, the demagogue and propagandist that he is. In other words, the bigot that he’s been throughout his career in the United States Senate and elsewhere, that’s where he gets all worked up, and his sentences are actually mostly completed in full…”

It’ easy to forget that Joe Biden is a bigot and a racist. Seriously. We get so caught up in his selling out our nation to line his family’s pockets. We get so caught up in his malfeasance in office. We get so caught up in those he left behind and those he got killed and wounded in Afghanistan, that we overlook his bigotry.

Let us take a walk down the weed-lined path that is Biden’s career and remember some of his most egregious statements as an old bigot:

In 1987, Joe Biden bragged about receiving praise from “Segregation Forever”, Alabama Governor George Wallace:

Evidently, Joe Biden, like Hillary Clinton, panders in the South by using a faux Southern accent. And, his use of the word “chains” in Virginia is the bullhorn of dog whistles from 2012.

We cannot forget that “poor kids are just as bright as white kids” from 2019:

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. raised eyebrows on Thursday during a speech in Iowa when he said that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” an apparent gaffe for a Democratic presidential candidate whose record on race has come under intense scrutiny during the primary.

Mr. Biden was speaking on education and the need to challenge students at a town hall hosted by the Asian & Latino Coalition in Des Moines when he made the remark, and then quickly sought to recover from it.

“We should challenge students in these schools,” Mr. Biden said. “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

He paused, then added: “Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids — no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”

Biden’s use of the phrases, “No, I really mean it.”, “True story.”, and “No hyperbole.” are his poker tells for lies.

I got this next bit from Dr. Harold Black, a retired Professor of Business at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (Go Vols). He wrote a few months ago in The Knoxville Focus:

Regarding the reluctance of some minorities to the vaccination Biden said “Latinx” people don’t want to get vaccinated because they’re worried they’ll be deported. And for blacks, “They are used to being experimented on—the Tuskegee Airmen and others,”

He apparently confused the World War II fighter pilots with the notorious governmental study of syphilis among black men—the Tuskegee Experiment.

Tuskegee Airman and the Tuskegee Experiment are way different things. By the way, most Latinos and Latinas I know despise the term Latinx. They feel it erases them. It’s as different as Laddie and Lass.

On June 1, 2021, six months into his installation, Joe Biden spoke at the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre. In his speech he said:

And most people didn’t realize that, a century ago, a second Ku Klux Klan had been founded — the second Ku Klux Klan had been founded.

A friend of mine, Jon Meacham — I had written — when I said I was running to restore the soul of America, he wrote a book called “The Soul of America” — not because of what I said. And there’s a picture about page 160 in his book, showing over 30,000 Ku Klux Klan members in full regalia, Reverend — pointed hats, the robes — marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Jesse, you know all about this. Washin- — Washington, D.C.

If my memory is correct, there were 37 members of the House of Representatives who were open members of the Klan. There were five, if I’m not mistaken — it could have been seven; I think it was five — members of the United States Senate — open members of the Klan. Multiple governors who were open members of the Klan.

Remember the name Jon Meacham. You will see it again soon. Let us not forget that most of those members of Congress and Governors were…wait for it…Democrats.

Biden also said at the Tulsa Massacre Remembrance that Black folk don’t have attorneys and accountants:

That — the data shows young Black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding, given the chance, as white entrepreneurs are. But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have — they — they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

Maybe, Dr. Black from UTK could introduce the Biden Junta to a few Black lawyers and accountants. As a matter of fact, I know quite a few my own self.

Joe Biden’s most ugly racist rant was his speech in Atlanta to try to get support for his voting rights bill on January 11, 2022. You can read the full speech here. From the speech:

Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion. It’s no longer about who gets to vote; it’s about making it harder to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all.

It’s not hyperbole; this is a fact.

Guess who help Joe Biden write that speech. Yes, Jon Meacham. The same racist reprobate who helped write the Tulsa speech:

That’s right Joe Biden is a bigot and he surrounds himself with bigots. There is no one to raise their hand and give him a heads up. Mark Levin was more than right.

Featured Image: Darleen Click for Victory Girls/All Rights Reserved

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