Red China Cybertargets US Coronavirus Research

Red China Cybertargets US Coronavirus Research

Red China Cybertargets US Coronavirus Research

FBI and DHS has issued a warning today about Red China directed hackers targeting American organizations conducting research on the Wuhan Bat Lab Virus.

The FBI is investigating the targeting and compromise of U.S. organizations conducting COVID-19-related research by PRC-affiliated cyber actors and non-traditional collectors. These actors have been observed attempting to identify and illicitly obtain valuable intellectual property (IP) and public health data related to vaccines, treatments, and testing from networks and personnel affiliated with COVID-19-related research. The potential theft of this information jeopardizes the delivery of secure, effective, and efficient treatment options.

Are we surprised? Xi Jinping and the CCP have been throwing their considerable economic weight around to rewrite the fact of its own criminal negligence and malfeasance on a virus that originated in Wuhan, China. VG Marta Hernandez wrote recently on the huge propaganda push by Red China including a 30 page article attempting to rebut US accusations about their criminal behavior.

This hacking puts the development of a vaccine in jeopardy.

The attacks have raised the prospect among some officials that the efforts could be viewed by the Trump administration as a direct attack on U.S. public health, they said, because the attacks may have hindered vaccine research in some cases.

While the alert itself didn’t get into identifying the specific victims nor reveal how they came upon this information, it was serious enough to issue the warning.

It should also be noted that while this particular alert is about Red China, the WSJ cites other government authorities pointing out less sophisticated attacks on US research facilities by Iran and its proxies.

The administration officials said one technique Iran has favored is so-called password spraying, a relatively unsophisticated hacking technique that attempts to compromise an organization by rapidly guessing common account-login passwords.

Among Iran’s recent targets, according to cybersecurity researchers, was the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences Inc., which has produced the antiviral drug remdesivir that was recently given emergency-use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration as a potential Covid-19 treatment.

While Hollywood and media continues to kowtow to the CCP in exchange for access to China’s market and we witness even NY Gov. Party Tits now referring to the Wuhan Bat Lab Virus as the “European Virus” …

… CCP actors are attacking us.

Don’t trust China. China is asshole.

featured image original artwork by Darleen Click

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