More Benghazi-gate Coverup: Our Diplomats Denied Security?

Were multiple requests for additional security for Ambassador Stevens and other US Diplomats in Libya denied? Yes, according to House oversight committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and…

October Surprise! Drudge Teases Obama’s “Other Race Speech”, On Fox News Tonight

Uh-oh. This doesn’t bode well for Obama. I saw this at Hot Air, where they’ve got some very curious tweets from Drudge, along with this screencap: What…

Czech President Vaclav Klaus Shot with Pellet Gun at Point Blank Range!

Just minor injuries but YIKES! This from Pat Dollard: “The head of security for Czech President Vaclav Klaus has resigned after a frightening lapse in which Klaus…

Classy! Obama for America says Vote with Your Lady Parts

Why do Democrats hate women? Seriously. The jackasses at the Obama campaign have once again, reduced women to the total sum of their reproductive organs. They’re making…

BREAKING: 2 US Border Patrol Agents Shot and 1 Killed

Sad news this morning. Two Border Patrol agents were shot this morning, one of them fatally, in Arizona. The shooting occurred near a major drug-smuggling corridor. It’s…

Why I Agree With Obama Using a Girl with Down Syndrome’s Letter

I am completely disgusted. I am sickened, I am angry, I am disappointed. Just about every negative emotion under the sun, I am feeling right now. I’ve…

Rove’s New American Crossroads Ad “World” is Devastating!

Rove’s New American Crossroads Ad “World” is Devastating!

Check out this great new ad by Karl Rove’s American Crossroads Super Pac. It attacks Obama, our Campaigner-in-Chief, for caring more about keeping his job than actually…

“We Need Death Panels”, Apologies to Sarah Palin Said No One Ever

Death Panels? So says former Obama Car Czar, Steve Rattner. Apparently, he thinks to truly reduce Medicare costs, we need a better way of “allocating” – code…

Obama Debate Prep Team: Gee, We Sure Hope He Can Avoid Sounding Like a Condescending Prick!

Sister Toldjah brings us the story of an arrogant, egotistical, narcissistic man who has to somehow convince American voters that he’s a humble everyman… and how that…

Celebs Want Me to “Vote 4 Stuff”… And I Just Got Dumber

Celebs Want Me to “Vote 4 Stuff”… And I Just Got Dumber

Say, Leonardo DiCaprio’s not aging too well, is he? Jammie Wearing Fool spotlights this new PSA from a bunch of Hollywood brain trusts urging young voters to…

DNC: Yeah, Obama Probably Won’t Do Too Good Against Mitt in the Debate

Talk about low expectations. What does it say when your own party has no faith in your ability to debate your opponent? That’s what’s happening for Obama,…

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Ava Gardner