Michelle Malkin The worst sheriff in America

Sarah Palin America’s Enduring Strength – response to the AZ shootings

JammieWearingFool Leftwing climate of hate: KILL CATHLICS!

Newsmax Arpaio responds to Dupnik’s lunacy

Right Wing News Happy Birthday to John Hawkins!

The Corner Rush responds

Bloomberg Glock sales surge after Arizona shooting

The Other McCain MSM spin on Tucson shooting rejected by stupid America majority

Dude, why won’t conservatives stop defending themselves against our lies?

Dude, why won’t conservatives stop defending themselves against our lies?

MSNBC’S Morning Joe had a panel today, where it was agreed that conservatives had been unfairly targeted and smeared after the Tucson shooting this weekend. Mark Halperin,…

Democrats Scramble To Exploit the AZ Shooting With Anti-Gun And Anti-Speech Legislation

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: The nation is still reeling after the horrific mass shooting in Arizona this weekend, which left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords fighting for…

Mass Shooting in Arizona: A Sad Day For Our Country

Our Saturday had started out so great. We were relaxing at home drinking really good coffees, watching a great old movie, and playing on Facebook. Then we…

Remember the Costs of War

There are so many like them. This particular photoblog breaks my heart.

Free Huck Finn

Free Huck Finn

The N-word was used 219 times in the American classic ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ by Mark Twain. It was first published in 1884 but the time…

‘Birther’ Interrupts Reading of The Constitution on House Floor  (Video)

‘Birther’ Interrupts Reading of The Constitution on House Floor (Video)

They’re everywhere. A ‘Birther’ watching the very first reading of our Constitution out loud on the House floor, yelled out “Except Obama! Help us Jesus!” when Rep….

Jay Leno’s Whack-A-Gavel: Boehner Hits Pelosi (Video)

Did you watch the swearing-in ceremonies today for the 112th Congress? It was a great day for conservatives. The peaceful, non-violent transfer of power is what sets…

Michelle Obama’s Pants

I make no apologies. This woman could have any designer on the planet dress her and she chooses Tacky-R-Us. Simply more proof that you are either born…

Become a Victory Girl!

Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner