staying in the house Reagan built

so i guess it’s going to come down to this:  mccain or romney. 

mcain is and always will be an american hero because of his vietnam experience however, as a politician, he has been incredibly unreliable to upholding conservative principles.  some call him a “maverick”.  loose cannon is more accurate when you look at the issues in his career that he took a “maverick” stand on:  tax cuts, campaign finance reform, immigration, gang-of-14…  he even has that “open borders” guy, Dr. Juan Hernandez, on his team as a “hispanic outreach” advisor for gosh sakes.  he has, however, been stellar on the War on Terror.

i have a conservative discomfort with romney.  though i believe that positions on issues — especially life — change (it did with ronald reagan), i worry that romney’s change of heart is simply convenient rather then sincere and trustworthy *coughflipflopcough*.  i do however believe he is a fiscal conservative and has a conservative view point on the War on Terror.  and he is certainly more conservative then mccain.

it’s crunch time for conservatives.  with huckabee and paul basically marginalized, we conservatives must either rally to romney or we reconcile ourselves to mccain and all that means.

too many steroids, way too much botox

why did chuck norris act like a donkey’s behind last night on Hannity & Colmes (foxnews channel)?  so he’s a huckabee supporter.  cool.  but, if you are…

the vast right-wing conspiracy is 10!

time really flies when you’re having fun doesn’t it?  on Sunday, January 27, the infamous vast right-wing conspiracy will be 10 years old.  actually this is an…

35 years — an update

yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the March for Life in Washington DC.  here is a picture from the actual march.  thousands participated and no coverage of…

get the tin foil hat

it’s even hard to type… a great conservative, Duncan Hunter, who recently withdrew from the presidential race has endorsed Huckabee.  here is part of the press release:…

the last true conservative

well fred is now out.  i remember when the rumors of a possible fred thompson run were starting to circulate.  how excited i was about the prospect…

35 years

Today marks the 35th anniversary of the March for Life in Washington DC.  Our President will be speaking at a morning breakfast and a number of pro-life…

he’s out

just as a side note:  jack bauer aka kiefer sutherland is out of jail after doing 48 days for a 2nd dui conviction.  that seems like an…

simply put, it’s about saving lives

an unborn baby’s heart begins to beat 18 days after conception, and her fingerprints are completely established during the 4th week of development in her mother’s womb. …

happy birthday!

i meant to mention this earlier… on this day in 1929, Martin Luther King, Jr was born.

redefining conservatism?

i have been listening to talk radio this afternoon abit and a few notable conservatives including newt gingrich have been giving signals saying that maybe its time…


Hello from Colorado!! First of all, I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas and New Year’s. Needless to say, mine was fantastic. I am so sorry for…

His handiwork for all to see…

this is a picture of THE MILKY WAY taken 16,500 feet above sea level from the andes mountains. its amazing evidence of the glory and power of the…

anti-gitmo protesters

i found this picture on Michelle Malkin’s site of today’s so-called “worldwide” protest march of the guantanimo bay detention center.  international moonbats. there is also an article on her…

Today is the 6th anniversary of Club Gitmo

So, the ACLU is busy mobilizing sympathy for Guantanamo Bay detainees. They

Right Wing News

Hey so did you see this from  Yea Rush! RWN Poll Results: Who’s The 2007 Conservative Of The Year? Here’s how RWN’s readers broke it down…

an insult to LOTR!

so i found this on another website this morning.   who would have thought that james carville and smeagle/gollum were separated at birth!

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Ava Gardner