Hillary the Accent Shifter is baaaack. . . .
Yesterday on the campaign trail in Columbia, South Carolina, Hillary trotted out her best fake Southern accent to try to blend in with the folks “. . . raht here in South Carolahna.”
Despite having grown up near Chicago, having attended college and law school in New England, and having served as the Senator from New York, Hillary has a propensity to turn on the phoney-baloney accents every chance she gets.
None, however, is as egregious as this example from 2007 in Selma, Alabama, while addressing a black audience. Talk about patronizing!
Now, Hillary Clinton and I have one thing in common, and that’s similar roots. She was born in Chicago and grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. I also grew up in “Chicagoland” on the other side of the Indiana-Illinois state line, in a small town in northwest Indiana. While my Kansas born-and-raised husband still teases me about my pronunciation of certain words, I don’t feel like I need to adopt the slight twang present in the speech of native Kansans. But then again, I’m not running for office, and I don’t need to pander to people with whom I come in contact.
Give it up, Hillary. You’re no Meryl Streep. And you’re not much of an actress, either.
And the southern Dims never realize that they’re being played by a DamnYankee………SMH
The reason this is happening is reflected in the advice given to a Republican candidate. He wanted to address people as “Americans” but was told that this would alienate certain groups that he needed for success. He was therefore encouraged to play to the audience’s preferences and bias to more effectively communicate.
Hitlery simply lacks the tact, imagination, and intelligence to pull it off. “BANG”! as Vince Foster would say, SHAZAAM as the McDougal’s intoned, and HOLY MOLEY when she got her first Humatoma.
I’sa jest a po hick likum ya’all ands I’sa neds ya ta gimme mo money sos I’sa kin by me ‘n Bill tha there house.
I rest my case; she’s after the Evangelical vote.