Bowman Pulls Fire Alarm To Get Out Vote, Goes Full Anti-Semite

Bowman Pulls Fire Alarm To Get Out Vote, Goes Full Anti-Semite

Bowman Pulls Fire Alarm To Get Out Vote, Goes Full Anti-Semite

Jamaal Bowman might be the very first Squad casualty to fall in the primaries this year, and by tonight, we should know if his anti-Semitic and anti-Israel positions has cost him re-election.

Not that Bowman didn’t try an apology for what he said after October 7th, in order to try and win back Jewish voters in NY-16.

Bowman said in November that reports of systematic sexual violence by Hamas against Israel were “propaganda” and “lies,” which he later walked back. He apologized Wednesday in response to a WNYC caller.

“Immediately when the U.N. provided additional evidence, I voted to condemn the sexual violence,” Bowman said. “I apologize for my comments, and now we’re continuing to do the work to fight sexual violence and domestic violence in all its forms.”

Did he actually mean it? Well, as we covered over the weekend, Bowman held a rally where AOC went full psycho, and Bowman himself had quite the epic rant. Call me crazy, but this does not sound like a candidate who is disavowing anti-Semitic comments.

The rally — which featured fellow progressives Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders — drew a counterprotest from Within Our Lifetime, the hardline pro-Palestinian group that objects to Bowman’s endorsement of President Joe Biden. A contingent of Bowman’s Jewish supporters were among the hundreds who gathered at the rally.

“My opponent supports genocide,” Bowman told the crowd. “My opponent and AIPAC are the ones destroying our democracy and it is on us, it is on all of us, to save our democracy.”

Ocasio-Cortez said the “establishment” was targeting Bowman because he “dared to speak up for Palestinians” and “Because he dared to join us and become one of the first members of Congress to call for a ceasefire.”

The rally in the sweltering heat was part of a last-ditch effort by Bowman to keep his seat in what has become one of the country’s most-watched primary races. Bowman is behind in the polls against Latimer in the overwhelmingly blue district, and the race is seen as a bellwether in the national debate between the progressive and centrist wings of the Democratic party, which are split over the Israel-Hamas war.

Speaking of Bowman’s opponent, who was endorsed by none other than Hillary Clinton, George Latimer is currently trouncing Jamaal Bowman in the most recent poll by 17 points. OUCH. No wonder Bowman has pulled the proverbial fire alarm by trying to get out the vote in the south Bronx (which he doesn’t represent, he has a small portion of the north Bronx in NY-16 – whoops) and going all in on the anti-Semitism.

So, Bowman’s last-ditch appeal is to complain that the Jews are segregating by living centrally in communities that circulate around their synagogues? Oh boy. Yeah, that will work! No wonder the Jewish community has mobilized to vote Bowman out.

Some eye-opening data is coming out of the Westchester and Bronx district over which Bowman and George Latimer are battling. Organizer Dan Mitzner “estimated that 700 volunteers are campaigning by canvassing neighborhoods, sending out text messages and emails, and making phone calls,” according to JTA. “Organizers said the group had made more than 17,000 phone calls and knocked on more than 5,000 doors.”

The success of this unprecedented get-out-the-Jewish-vote effort is undeniable: “As of June 17, it estimates that the Jewish community has accounted for more than 40% of all early votes in Westchester, despite making up 9% of eligible voters. At one synagogue, it says, 62% of members have already voted.”

Forty percent of the early vote is incredible. And we can assume most of this is for Latimer (or against Bowman, however you want to put it). Volunteers have been door-knocking and delivering the following message, as worded by 77-year-old retiree Steven Epstein: “We’re here because antisemitism is on the ballot and voting has started. We don’t care who you vote for for president, we care about this election. We care that the Jewish vote is heard.”

So, if Bowman does lose his primary today, he really WILL be able to blame the Jews! What amazing and delicious irony that will be. Even Andrew Cuomo – who is suspiciously starting to reappear in public life and saying sensible things (like his appearance on Bill Maher’s show when he said that Trump would never have been charged in the Stormy Daniels case except that he’s running for president and he’s Donald Trump) – has decided to needle Jamaal Bowman on Election Day.

Bowman should lose because he’s a terrible representative, a Hamas apologist, and never faced actual discipline for pulling a fire alarm to delay a vote in Congress. If he loses, it will send a message to the Democrats that not even the Squad is safe – from other Democrats. This is a PRIMARY election, not the general election. And next up will be Missouri’s Cori Bush in August. She may lose her primary as well, which would also be richly deserved.

Have your popcorn ready for when the polls close in New York tonight. This could be very entertaining.

Bye-bye Bowman!

Latimer is currently beating him by more than ten points, so this was not close. Even AOC could smell the stench of defeat and blew off any extra appearances with Bowman today.

Cori Bush, you’re next.

Featured image: Representative Jamaal Bowman, official Congressional portrait from 2021, cropped, public domain

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