Biden At DNC: The Long Yell Goodbye

Biden At DNC: The Long Yell Goodbye

Biden At DNC: The Long Yell Goodbye

It was the Long Yell Goodbye. Joe Biden, instead headlining the final night, was relegated to the REALLY cheap seats on Monday night. He finally went on stage at nearly midnight eastern time.

As Toni wrote here, for Joe and Jill, we have very little respect for either of them. Joe as a politician has been mediocre, but as President, his policies are stratospherically bad for this country. Jill, shoved her ailing dementia-ridden husband into the spotlight for her ten minutes of glory. 

Prior to Monday night’s speech, the media and the politicians who shoved Joe off the stage, have been talking about how amazing Joe is, and how sad they are that his Presidency has been so rudely interrupted. 

Tomorrow would be different. He would still be president, but in a manner that no predecessor had been previously subjected to, he would now serve as his party’s leader in ceremonial terms only, having been forcibly thrust to the margins of the national frame by other party leaders as all attention turned to the Democratic nominee that Biden believed should have been him. But at least for this moment, he seemed to speak and move with a younger man’s ease, somehow lighter than before, as if no longer burdened by his father’s admonition, Get back up! Biden had risen as high as any American could go, had fallen back to earth, had gotten back up one more time and now had relinquished the pursuit that had animated his entire political career.

Nancy Pelosi is hoping Joe will deign to speak to her again while crying crocodile tears of remorse. Ron Klain admits the current candidate, who was SELECTED not voted for still isn’t up to the job. And, they blame Joe and his team for not giving her the tools and guidance necessary. 

“When I started running the transition, the president’s first directive to me was the vice president must be involved in every decision that hits his desk, from start to finish,” said Jeffrey D. Zients, who was co-chair of the transition and succeeded Mr. Klain as chief of staff.

But she had limited time in Washington at that point. She had spent only a couple years as a senator before starting her run for the presidency. “She had a learning curve as vice president like Joe Biden had a learning curve as vice president,” said Representative James E. Clyburn, Democrat of South Carolina.

He noted that a lot of people assumed she was vice president only because she was a Black woman, a perception that was unfair but hard to shake. “They didn’t give her time to learn or room to grow,” Mr. Clyburn said. “That was the problem.”

As we all know, even her staffers from way back when don’t like her, so maybe KAMALA is the problem, not Joe. That said, as the first night of the DNC started, protestors outside started tearing down the wall that was put up. 

Remember when we were told walls don’t work, and the current Vice President advocated for donations to the bail funds? I do. 

Back to Joe. This is his swan song. Everyone knows it while attempting to gaslight us all into believing he saved democracy and has been the greatest President EVAH! Unfortunately it was obvious that, while doing the stage check, Joe wasn’t sure where he was. 

Well, tonight that glory was fleeting and replete with Kamala making a surprise appearance early on to steal all the thunder.

Jill got some applause of course with her speech, which included an invocation of Beau because of course. And then Joe, well past his bedtime, stepped up to the podium to start his Yell fest.

Chris Coons invoked HOPE (channeling Obama for some odd reason), Jill got five minutes and then his daughter Ashley introduced him with some serious cringe in her speech. Girl dad, seriously. 

Joe’s speech was the winter of peril then and the now the future possibilities after the pandemic, January 6, and certain riots are great! He invoked Charlottesville and went on a rant regarding the KKK, torches, and racism. Which was said while pro-Hamas protestors were screaming outside the venue about going after the Jews. 

This long yell goodbye was one that reeked of desperation to preserve something… ANYTHING of his legacy. Which also included completely ignoring his culpability regarding Afghanistan and Abbey Gate, while trying to claim credit for helping Gaza while perhaps freeing the hostages held by Hamas. In fact, he even said the pro-Hamas protestors HAVE A POINT!!  And by the time he was done, he totally stapled Kamala to his legacy on multiple levels. 

What we ended up with was an angry rant from Joe Biden. ‘Where the hell is my gold watch??!!’ 

When it was all said and done, the Bidens instead of being visible and present throughout the rest of the convention, headed for the door. Nary a gold watch in sight. 

Instead of a civilized send-off, the whole night had the stench of ‘here’s your hat and there’s the door.’ 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    Good riddance to bad rubbish!

    Now we just need to show the Ho to the door as well.

  • Lloyd says:

    Biden exits the political stage filthy rich…emphasis on filthy! He used his years of “public service” to enrich himself and his family. Does not speak well of America….the America he USED to get rich.

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