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You Aren’t Fired! No Mistakes Made In Afghanistan Claims Biden

You Aren’t Fired! No Mistakes Made In Afghanistan Claims Biden

You Aren’t Fired! No Mistakes Made In Afghanistan Claims Biden

No one was ever going to get fired over their roles in the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle. That’s according to a new book out by Politico’s Alexander Ward, The Internationalists: The Fight to Restore Foreign Policy After Trump.

Biden, in his blind arrogance, believes that history will reward him for how he handled the Afghanistan withdrawal. With the implication that anything bad that happened during that debacle will be Trump’s fault. 

After Afghanistan, “no one offered to resign, in large part because the president didn’t believe anyone had made a mistake. Ending the war was always going to be messy,” Politico’s Alexander Ward writes in “The Internationalists: The Fight to Restore Foreign Policy After Trump.”

“Biden told his top aides, [National Security Advisor Jake] Sullivan included, that he stood by them and they had done their best during a tough situation.”

“There wasn’t even a real possibility of a shake-up,” a White House official told Ward.

Which is why we have multiple instances of the State Department’s Jake Sullivan and National Security Council spokesweenie John Kirby, among others, insisting in the subsequent months and up to this year that everything went smoothly. 

Stop and think about that for a long minute. The Taliban ran through Afghanistan and took over in essentially a minute, like a hot knife slicing through butter. Our military was ordered to abandon Bagram Air Base and BILLIONS in military equipment, computers, arms, ammunition and who knows what else was left behind. There are likely Americans STILL in Afghanistan, while too many were left stranded and those who were able to leave received bills from the U.S. to pay for their escape. Kabul was a horrific mess, the higher-ups were refusing to listen to actionable intel and then the bomb went off. Hundreds of people including American soldiers were wounded and thirteen American soldiers were killed in the blast. 

The Gold Star families and all of America were further insulted when Joe Biden blatantly checked his watch during the solemn transfer at Dover. 

Yet, in spite of all of that, no one was ever going to get fired. No. One. 

The author claims that Biden knew he was making promises to get people out of Afghanistan that he could not keep as confusion and chaos unfolded at the Kabul airport.

When Biden told ABC News on Aug. 18, 2021, that he would keep troops on the ground until every U.S. citizen had an opportunity to leave, a White House official privately said to Ward, “There’s no one here who thinks we can meet that promise.”


Biden’s decision to pull troops from Afghanistan faced widespread global backlash after Taliban insurgents retook the country in a matter of days on Aug. 15, 2021, 20 years after their ouster by U.S.-led forces. Just a month earlier, Biden told Americans that the likelihood of a Taliban takeover was “highly unlikely.”

The military evacuation, which required thousands of additional U.S. troops on the ground and significant cooperation from the Taliban to complete, ended a day ahead of deadline on Aug. 30, 2021, leaving behind hundreds of U.S. citizens and thousands of Afghan allies, despite President Biden’s promise to “get them all out.”

Again, no one, and I mean NO ONE got fired over what happened in Afghanistan. Instead, all the players involved in this debacle are still in place. Jake Sullivan is still at the State Department, John Kirby actually got promoted into the White House over KJP (which had to chap her hide), and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin after going AWOL twice for medical issues involving prostate cancer, is still in that role. 

Meanwhile, Joe claims he was right. 

Keep in mind, Biden has always insisted that the buck stops with him and everything was done according to plan regarding Afghanistan. Except pudding head forgot what he said in 2007. 

Well, that buck did stop with him. It ended with billions of dollars of military equipment left behind, which already ARE being used against the Taliban’s enemies. It ended with 183 Americans and others injured, and thirteen American soldiers brought home in coffins.

And no one was fired. Biden never intended to do so. Nor will they ever be. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    Not a shock. Given the general loathing for the troops along with having unqualified people in charge, this is all fine to the administration.

  • William (Bill) Cook says:

    The “withdrawal” went exactly according to plan, along with people dying being a bonus.

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