Women Holding Their Noses To Vote Trump

Women Holding Their Noses To Vote Trump

Women Holding Their Noses To Vote Trump

Women are holding their noses to vote for President Trump. They are NOT all evil, man-hating White women. Some of them are. But, not all. I know this to be true because I know them. Thanks be to God, I am not one of them, but I know them. They are not crazy-eyed women with their hair on fire and wild eyes. Nope. They are rational, reasonable, smart women. Donald Trump is not going to have a personality transplant. Noses must then be held.

There really isn’t a choice. Are you going to vote for Kamala Harris, Cornell West or Jill Stein? If women stay home, Trump loses and The Constitution loses. Yet, women are Trump’s weakest spot. Politico wrote “Trump confronts his ‘weak spot’ at the debate”:

Former President Donald Trump is already underwater by double digits with female voters in the polls.

Now Trump will stand on stage next to a woman he has publicly and privately derided in language widely viewed as sexist. His allies hope he doesn’t make things worse when he squares off against Vice President Kamala Harris at the debate.

You already know this, but everything people to the Right of Mao Zedong say is sexist. If women want to play at the highest echelons, they must learn to take every incoming barb. As to Trump making things worse tonight, he will. No matter what he says it will be interpreted by the Democrat Media Industrial Complex as sexist. It’s what Progressives do. More:

Trump’s performance with female voters is “the weak spot in his campaign right now,” said former Trump campaign adviser David Urban. “I think he can attack her policies without attacking her. And that’s the kind of needle he has to thread. You can attack the vice president of the United States for her failed policies without attacking the woman.”

Outside of middle school and the girls who never get beyond it, women don’t enjoy watching other women get attacked.

There are also ladies who have a righteous reason for hating Trump. This was from before Joe dropped out, but Kamala doesn’t change the essentials of what Marybeth says:

I have seen and heard that Trump has abandoned the Pro-Life movement. He ended the nightmare of Roe v. Wade and returned the issue to the States. Since then, Trump has gone wobbly. True fact. I understand the anger from our Pro-life leaders. From The Deseret News:

If you spend much time with people who passionately oppose abortion, you’ve probably heard this argument before: Legal abortion is an issue of the deepest import that concerns the death of defenseless children. Therefore, we must always vote for candidates who oppose abortion, regardless of any other factor, since nothing can outweigh the moral gravity of this issue.

Many Americans believe this to be true, and have acted accordingly at the ballot box for decades.

It’s thus been very disorienting for these people to hear the Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump say last month that he is not on their team, with a social media post that said, “My administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights.” This should come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. To me, Trump always seemed insincere in his pronouncements on abortion, and he previously gutted the 40-year-old plank of the GOP’s platform. More recently, he has weighed in on in vitro fertilization treatments, guaranteeing access despite the fact that IVF has always been divisive among abortion opponents.

I never thought Trump was insincere. I never thought he was an absolutist. The problem is that there is no alternative to voting for Donald Trump. Cornell West?

Finally, there are those females who want a smooth, socially acceptable adult that never insults anyone as Trump does:

We had George W. Bush, and almost Mitt Romney, and they were why we desperately NEED Donald Trump. Hold your nose, but Vote Trump/Vance.


Featured Image: Grok AI/S/cropped

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  • Scott says:

    Glad to hear that some women are using logic over emotion and voting for Trump. The problem I see is that based on everything in this post, the majority or at least a large percentage of women do vote based on emotion first ( the ones ” holding their noses” are evidence of this, as it shows that their norm would be to vote based on emotion) this is NOT good for our nation! Women as a whole need to move past this ” feewings” crap and vote for the person with the best policies. I know that you and others here are not part of that crowd, but until the majority become like you ladies putting facts first, we will continue to end up with those like Clinton, Obama, Biden, and even Harris, and our Republic will die.

  • Citizen Tom says:


    Trump is not the problem. There is no reason anyone has to hold your nose. For example, Trump’s behavior towards reporters has nothing to do with sex. Trump has constantly been berated, demeaned, insulted, libeled, and slandered by the so-called mainstream NEWS MEDIA. In response, Trump invented the expression Fake News. His behavior could be perfect, and they would still be trying to portray him as a racist and sexist traitor.

    Is Trump guilty of doing saying and some things he should not have done? Yes. He is a sinner There is no question he cheated on his first wife. However, by comparison to most of the people we elect these days, he is relatively honest.

    Has Trump gone soft on the abortion issue? I doubt it. He promised a Conservative Supreme Court. He delivered. Now the issue belongs in state legislatures.

    My guess is that personally Trump thinks abortion should be legal up to 15 weeks. I doubt he ever was an absolutist on the issue. Anyway, he wants the electorate voting on the economy.

  • Citizen Tom says:

    BTW – Here is a thought. When Trump debated Clinton, how did he treat her?

  • Cameron says:

    Finally, there are those females who want a smooth, socially acceptable adult that never insults anyone as Trump does

    And when I dream, I have a pony. Her name is Sparkles.

  • Jeff A. says:

    “Outside of middle school and the girls who never get beyond it, women don’t enjoy watching other women get attacked.”

    Sisterhood Uber Alles.

  • My idiot stick is getting worn out from whacking fools over the head.

    You may claim that Trump has gotten “wobbly” over abortion. Okay, granted. What he has NOT gotten “wobbly” over is the Constitutional limits on the Federal government. Abortion belongs in the STATES, except for where the Federal government has the Constitutional ability to pass statutes about it (military bases, VA hospitals, etc.).

    Once you claim that the Federal government has the ability to mandate a nationwide ban on abortion – you have opened the door to the Federal government mandating NO restrictions on abortion – anywhere, for any or no reason, at any time whatsoever, including BEYOND birth.

    The battle has been won in many States where it was lost before the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Defend the ground gained in those States, take the offensive where the barbarians still rule. The Federal government cannot again be allowed to be either Daddy or Mommy for every aspect of our lives.

    (Now, the position taken on his own State – Florida – can rightly be called “wobbly.” The proper word, though, is “populist” – the position taken by the majority of the population. Work to change the “populist” position, or we will NEVER get to the goal, but only slowly lose ground again.)

  • Taylor says:

    Voting for Trump because Harris is a disaster but it bothers me that there are far better (and mature) Republicans who could cream Harris and we are stuck with Donald Trump for the third time.

    • Scott says:

      Understandable to be bothered, but it’s a fact that these are the choices, and for women, or anyone else to be undecided at this point does not speak well for their quality as voters. The choice is clear, Trump did good things for this country (no, he was NOT good at picking aides, and fell far short of draining the swamp), and Kneepads and the Blue Falcon would be a disaster, most likely leading to the end of free and fair elections (if they even exist at this point, with the amount of leftist fraud already in evidence).

      This is NOT a popularity contest (at least among people capable of rational and critical thinking). Vote as if your lives depend on it, because they do. If you think the dems don’t have plans for rail cars and “reeducation” camps, think again. The Pravda media is NOT your friend

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