Women Are Celebrating XXDay!

Women Are Celebrating XXDay!

Women Are Celebrating XXDay!

Women of all backgrounds and ethnicities are wearing red to support #XXDay, as Riley Gaines has dubbed it—or Real Women’s Day.

Today, October 10th (XX), marks the second anniversary of Real Women’s Day. On her Gaines for Girls podcast, Riley explains how this national day started and who helped support it.

I want to to chalk this up as a victory, but the fact that we are even here having to do this is bizarre. However, it is because we have men pretending to be women and the people who support them who have created this trans cult movement. This is why we feel the need to fight back.

How It Started

Riley Gaines got the idea to start #XXDay (Real Women’s Day) when she watched a show on ESPN that honored women in swimming in March, designated Women’s History Month.

However, Gaines got the surprise of a lifetime when ESPN decided to honor a man named Will Thomas.

And now, the owner and CEO of XX-XY Athletics (Jennifer Sey) is helping to further the cause with their new ad, which targets one of the biggest athletic brands women love—Nike.

“You say you’re for social justice and progress, so why do you allow men’s rights to come before ours? See, with a big platform comes an even bigger responsibility. You have a chance to do the right thing, not just do the needy thing. So we’re asking you Nike, as the biggest voice in all of sports, will you stand up for me?

“Will you just do it?” – Fox News

Here is the full ad via YouTube:

If you don’t know who Jennifer Sey is (XX-XY Athletics), allow me to share some of her background:

Jennifer was an elite gymnast and national champion. She’s also the author of Chalked Up, which exposes the abuse in this sport. Jennifer also produced a Netflix original documentary titled Athlete A, which follows the reporters who broke the story about USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar’s abuse.

Speaking up about women not wanting men in their spaces annoys certain media, such as TikTok.

Previously, the social media platform TikTok banned XX-XY Athletics from advertising on its platform, labeling the apparel company’s pro-woman stance as “hate speech.” – Outkick

Hate speech? Really? My God. Is it only considered hate speech because it is coming from women? Why does TikTok want to silence women?

Men cannot become women, and women cannot become men. How many times do we need to go over this? Apparently, a lot.

Do you see the importance of needing to take back our language? If it were up to Kamala, she would censor us all, put us on some sort of list, attempting to ban us from any means of communication.

Oh, and while I am on my way to making Kamala’s censorship list, let me say this too. Did you know Kamala also wants to use your tax dollars to help pay for surgeries for men in women’s prisons? And a side note, having your unit sawed off in some sort of medical experimental surgery does not make you a woman. Also, having portions of flesh cut off your arm or leg to roll up into a tube does not make a man either.

More Voices Together

Another women’s rights campaigner is Kellie-Jay Keen. She’s the woman who attended one of the women’s swim meets where Will Thomas competed against women. You can hear Kellie-Jay shout out, “That is a man!!” In this now-famous video, you can listen to a spectator challenge Kellie-Jay by asking her if she is a biologist. We all know what came next, Kellie-Jay with her brilliant retort – “I’m not a vet, but I know what a dog is!”

This exchange piqued my interest in this movement and gave me the courage to speak out too. Kellie-Jay may be in England, but what she says can be applied here in America. On her Terf Talk Tuesdays episodes on YouTube, Kellie-Jay has all sorts of women with different backgrounds call in—some are even lesbian feminist Democrats from right here in America. And guess what? They don’t like this trans cult either.

The Victory Girls have been writing about this issue for a while now. Whether it be the medical industrial complex, schools and teachers trying to trans your kids, or policy-making and sports. The trans cult is spreading. We have to keep fighting.

I may not be a professional athlete, but I am participating in the wearing of red today and will continue to speak out about this issue on my podcast and personal blog. I am a small voice, so I don’t know if it makes a difference. This is why big corporations must come to their senses and speak up. All of them, not just Nike.

Feature Image: Created in Canva Pro

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