Kamala In 2019: Defund ICE And Fund Gender Transition Surgeries For Illegals

Kamala In 2019: Defund ICE And Fund Gender Transition Surgeries For Illegals

An ACLU questionnaire from 2019 to Kamala Harris surfaced yesterday. Her answers are illuminating. She gives whole hearted support to defunding ICE and paying for gender transition…

Transgender Cult Comes for Women’s College – Kamala Would Approve

Transgender Cult Comes for Women’s College – Kamala Would Approve

There is no safe space for girls and women that males-wearing-lipstick won’t demand full access to. Even a 500-student, private college founded in 1901 for ‘girls and…

Trans Inmates Are Creating Dangerous Problems In Prisons

Trans Inmates Are Creating Dangerous Problems In Prisons

Political ideology and pressure from the trans community has created an absolute hurricane of chaos and danger for women’s prisons. But perhaps a little sanity is returning…

Left-Feminism Enables Trans Neo-Patriarchy & Erasure of Women

Left-Feminism Enables Trans Neo-Patriarchy & Erasure of Women

Women, as a distinct wing of the human race, are being erased in culture, career and law. And the Left’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Feminism™ Inc, has been notedly…

United Crew Deplanes Mom Over “Transgender” Slur

United Crew Deplanes Mom Over “Transgender” Slur

We shouldn’t be surprised, should we? The crew on a United Airlines flight deplaned a Mom, her son and her Mom over an alleged “transgender” slur. The…

The Olympics Create List Of Banned Words For Journalists Regarding “Trans” Athletes

The Olympics Create List Of Banned Words For Journalists Regarding “Trans” Athletes

Remember when the Olympics were fun to watch? Welcome to the Games of Paris of 2024, where men compete against women. The Olympics put out a list…

Dwyane Wade’s New Trans Youth Community

Dwyane Wade’s New Trans Youth Community

Dwyane Wade, described around the internet these days as the NBA Great, is applauded by the media and elites for partnering with his son to create Translatable….

The Niceness Offensive: Trans Tone Policing

The Niceness Offensive: Trans Tone Policing

Like the good cop/bad cop routine that is a cliched staple of cop shows, the TQ+ imams are pursuing a similar strategy in the “more in sadness…

A New Study Comparing Men To Transgender Women In Sports

A New Study Comparing Men To Transgender Women In Sports

A new study comparing men to transgender women in sports is ready for media consumption and distribution. The study was pimped out by the New York Times,…

Trans Taliban Gains and Losses

Trans Taliban Gains and Losses

An abusive male athlete is finally suspended from girls’ team in MA, yet in Wisconsin the Governor refuses to protect females in schools sports from similar abuse…

“Journalist” Tries To Push Trans-Teen Bullying Narrative

“Journalist” Tries To Push Trans-Teen Bullying Narrative

When one calls themselves a “journalist” these days, he or she may need to hunt for another term.

A Cowboy And A Trans Walk Into A Bar

A Cowboy And A Trans Walk Into A Bar

A cowboy and a trans walk into a bar could be the beginning line of a joke. Dylan Mulvany is in the spotlight again with cowboy brokeback…

Transgendering Our Military

Transgendering Our Military

Transgendering our military is nearly complete. Okay, this is too much. Our military is becoming nothing but an activist organization. First, General Mark Milley leaves a blaze…

California Brings the Trans Crazy to Maternal Care

California Brings the Trans Crazy to Maternal Care

You’ll be shocked, shocked to learn that California’s Democrat-controlled legislature is again proposing another Wrong-Thought Control program. This time, aimed at all personnel working at any healthcare…

Colorado Dems Want Law That Mandates Transitioning Children

Colorado Dems Want Law That Mandates Transitioning Children

Democrats hold a super-majority in the Colorado legislature and have no problem being upfront and open with their hostility towards parents and their obsession with sexualizing school…

Two Countries – Harvard Gathering Vs. Dignified Transfer Of Remains

Two Countries – Harvard Gathering Vs. Dignified Transfer Of Remains

Best of time, worst of times. Who knows? It is strange times, for sure. Last night, Harvard held a Gathering to Breathe and Heal because Claudine Gay…

State Of Montana Seizes “Alleged” Trans Teen From Parents

State Of Montana Seizes “Alleged” Trans Teen From Parents

This story ought to make your boil and curdle. In the State of Montana, parents claim that their fourteen year old daughter has been seized, by the…

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Ava Gardner