White People Zooming For Kamala But Should Know Their Places

White People Zooming For Kamala But Should Know Their Places

White People Zooming For Kamala But Should Know Their Places

Join us to make sure Kamala Harris wins the 2024 Presidential race. But, sit in the back and be quiet. That’s the message. White People are Zooming in now that Kamala Harris is under construction for President, but they should know their places. It’s such a hallmark of the Democrat Party to keep people divided, sorted and slotted. The abbreviated Kamala Harris run is going to be the perfect example. Have you heard about these Zoom calls for Kamala?

This whole sorting and slotting by immutable characteristics seems juvenile and simplistic, but that’s Democrats, y’all. White people is not divided enough so, up next White Dudes for Harris. I kid you not:

This group of men could honestly suck the estrogen right out of a girl’s body. What a coven of Omega Men. White dudes and hats? Spare me, Lord.

Harris campaign creating ‘space’ for ‘white dudes’ to ‘be honest’ about role in history — with Pete Buttigieg and hats

Kamala Harris is using potential veep candidate Pete Buttigieg to woo “white dude’’ voters — “who need to be honest with ourselves and each other about the role we’ve played in our nation’s history.’’

Buttigieg, transportation secretary and one of Harris’s top supporters, will appear virtually at a Zoom event at 8 p.m. Monday with the group “White Dudes for Harris.”

“As White Dudes, we know full well how MAGA cynically preys on resentments,” reads an email to a Post reporter from the group’s organizer, Ross Morales. “This moment of crisis is challenging us, but we won’t let fear define who we are and take us – or our country – down a dark path.

“We’re coming together to create a space of trust where White Dudes can support each other and work to elect Kamala Harris the next President of the United States.”

They are hosting a “White Dudes for Harris” Zoom and they use the word cynical to describe MAGA. Hmmm, ain’t we got fun? This is soooo lame. Even for Omega Males. These are the people who called J.D. Vance weird.

Women for Harris already had their meeting and claim to have “broken” Zoom. Fine. Because White Liberal Women (Karens) love rules, they laid down some rules for their fellow White Women to follow. Her Kindergarten style delivery doesn’t help matters:

“As white people, we have a lot to learn and unlearn. So do check your blind spots.” As bad as the White Dudes for Harris group sounds, this White Women group sounds like it was even worse:

Karens of the Homeowner’s Association Board sounds about right. And, they sound like a bunch of racists. What are her plans and programs? From Reason.com:

“Karens for Kamala?” actress Connie Britton joked.

Britton was one of two celebrities, several politicians, and, reportedly, more than 100,000 others on a Zoom call advertised as a way for white women to “show up for Kamala Harris.” What transpired echoed advocacy around Hillary Clinton eight years ago. It was also oddly reminiscent in tone, if not substance, of missteps we’ve seen from conservatives like Sen. J.D. Vance (R–Ohio), in which those who aren’t on board with your side are assumed to simply be deficient human beings.

Also, pop star Pink was there. And Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D–N.Y.) told a story about her and Britton having to drink toad venom after eating bad seafood.

The virtual gathering was organized by gun control activist and Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts, who modeled the meeting after recent calls set up by and for black women and black men who want Harris for president.

If any men join the White Dudes for Harris clusterfark, they better have a lot of Toad Venom on hand. Doesn’t this all sound like some television series dreamed up by White People? The dystopian aftermath of a war, started by White Men, results in a group of Karens of the Homeowner’s Association proclaiming that all women would wear a sideswept angular bob.

Most guys don’t want that haircut either, so stay away from the White Dudes for Harris call and especially Pete Buttigieg.

Featured Image: Darleen Click For Victory Girls

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  • Kevin says:

    “It’s such a hallmark of the Democrat Party to keep people divided, sorted and slotted.

    Coming from a party where a lunatic fraction took over and removed anyone that didn’t fall in line with the Malignant Tumor. Just look at all the resignations of republican senators and congressman over the last six years. The republicans pretty most lost every election after 2016 when riding on the coattails of the Malignant Tumor. The nice thing about history is … it usually repeats itself.

    Republicans were salivating over the thought of increasing their support among those “divided, sorted and slotted” people who leaned Democratic. That’s pretty much over.

    I heard the Malignant Tumor started pronouncing Kamala’s name correctly yesterday. I’m sure some adviser said, “Every time you ‘mispronounce’ her name, about 2000 women are reminded when they were belittled and slighted by some man and will decide to vote for Kamala. Keep mispronouncing her name every day for the next 100 days and 200,000 women will have changed their mind to support the misogynistic Malignant Tumor.” Raging and more raging …

    Kamala will stumble and make some mistakes between now and November 5. 100 days is a lifetime for a campaign. What she’s doing is pushing a positive, hopeful message. People are exhausted from the Malignant Tumor’s rage politics. Let’s just hope his cult members learned something from January 6 … I don’t have a lot of hope but a girl can dream.

    • Cameron says:

      What she’s doing is pushing a positive, hopeful message

      I don’t think “You can suck dick and become President” is that hopeful a message.

      • Darleen Click says:

        Well, Kev, you don’t fail to disappoint in your insane ramblings especially over a corrupt, inept empty dress like Kamala. I understand you’re looking for a national dominatrix, but please keep your weird fetishes to yourself. It’s bad enough that Democrats have AGP males heading up the neo-Patriarchy, having the leather bois and furries head up her coronation is, at best, unsavory. Back to the closet with you and the Oval Office child sniffer.

      • Turtler says:

        I mean, for Kevin it doubtless would be a hopeful message. Especially since that’s all Kevin is qualified to do. But then it’s also all Kamala is qualified to do beyond gratuitous workplace abuse of underlings and habitual corruption.

    • Turtler says:

      “Coming from a party where a lunatic fraction took over”

      That’s FACTION, not FRACTION, Roehm Wannabe. You were already retarded enough, no need to double down by misusing words in a failed attempt to look sophisticated. Also, I don’t think many people here would go to you to hear diagnostics about who is a lunatic. You’re a raging crypto-totalitarian hypocrite obsessed with their own sexuality and a misogynist to boot.

      But please, “Honorary Gigolo”, tell us how much you respect women and how Conservatives are Fascist (in spite of how we’re not the ones subscribing to most of the basic principles behind National Socialism).

      Oh, you thought I called you Rummage Sale Roehm as a mere insult? No no.

      “and removed anyone that didn’t fall in line with the Malignant Tumor.”

      Once again, take note that Ku Klux Kevin is demonizing his political opponents as not human.

      Also, “removed anyone that didn’t fall in line with – ” Remind me, what did the Dems do to Bernie Sanders and Zell Miller? The language about supporting the nominee for the party is pretty uniform in both major parties. If scumbags like Pence wish to ignore that, then they were literally told what would happen.

      “Just look at all the resignations of republican senators and congressman over the last six years.”

      I have, certainly more than you Honorary Gigolo. I generally pay far more attention to the matters than you have.

      ” The republicans pretty most lost every election after 2016 when riding on the coattails of the Malignant Tumor. The nice thing about history is … it usually repeats itself.”

      Firstly: It’s ironic to hear you of all people – who have proven to have such an utterly pitiful grasp of history that you misdiagnosed which side resembles Fascism, maliciously misunderstood what Bannon and co on were talking about when they said the Second American Revolution would be as bloodless as you on the left would allow it, and idiotically claimed the NSFW Drag Queen “Play” in Paris literally identified (including in a pun) as the Last Supper was not the Last Supper – trying to lecture about history.

      Secondly: We haven’t in fact lost every election since 2016 on the coattails of Trump, as you would know if you bothered to study Ohio.

      “Republicans were salivating over the thought of increasing their support among those “divided, sorted and slotted” people who leaned Democratic. That’s pretty much over.”

      You say that, but the Dem Polling about things like Black and Hispanic Men is dismal, and Rick Grenell will forever be the first openly gay American Ambassador. Loud assertions of something do not make it so (You after all should know this principle; it’s true when it comes to Trump and Biden, why not apply it to yourself?).

      “I heard the Malignant Tumor started pronouncing Kamala’s name correctly yesterday.”

      You hear a lot that isn’t true, so forgive me if I’m not inclined to pay much heed to what you say.

      “I’m sure some adviser said, “Every time you ‘mispronounce’ her name, about 2000 women are reminded when they were belittled and slighted by some man and will decide to vote for Kamala. Keep mispronouncing her name every day for the next 100 days and 200,000 women will have changed their mind to support the misogynistic Malignant Tumor.” Raging and more raging …”

      You know, when I want to figure out what women think I go to a raging, fascist gay man with a misogynistic streak long enough to mirror the Hindenburg Line who tried to brag about being an “Honorary Gigolo” from working with prostitutes. That person truly seems ot know what women appreciate.


      “Kamala will stumble and make some mistakes between now and November 5.”

      That’s being generous. She will stumble and make some mistakes between now and when I finish this post. But that’s not the truly odious thing. She will also be a corrupt, vapid, arrogant piece of shit who abuses her staff in truly spectacular fashion while trying to gaslight the world about what she did and didn’t do.

      Like the “Kamala was never Border Czar” and “Kamala and Willy Brown started after Brown broke up with his wife” and “Kamala has always been in favor of weed legalization.”

      “100 days is a lifetime for a campaign.”

      More like three lifetimes.

      “What she’s doing is pushing a positive, hopeful message.”

      Nothing screams positive and hopeful like “ignore everything you’ve heard about my prior performance”, “I am the only true savior of American Democracy”, and “Republicans are Fascists.”

      “People are exhausted from the Malignant Tumor’s rage politics.”

      Riiight. It’s Trump’s “rage politics”, and not the left’s. From Biden’s petty “Clap you dumb bastards” to Kamala demonizing half the country to the Southern Border Breaking Down to AntifA and Hamas goons rioiting in the streets, to a far left hack trying to murder Trump.

      And what little functioning brain you have probably still does not understand why I call you things like Reserve Bench Ernst Roehm. Objectively speaking, you have a lot in common. You’re rather like the old Beefsteak Nazi Shocktrooper…. if he was completely devoid of the real courage and classical intellect he possessed.

      And like Roehm, you favor a totalitarian transformation of your country and the destruction of your opponents by terror. And like Roehm, you probably will wind up betrayed and disposed of by your own side even if “your side” wins.

      “Let’s just hope his cult members learned something from January 6 … ”

      We have. Starting with the fact that you people are utterly evil, anti-constitutional scumbags who will lie under oath in order to imprison us without charge for years and conduct torture of the kind you’d whine if applied to the Blind Sheikh. That you will give literal domestic terrorists like Pro-Hamas and AntifA gangs free reign.

      “I don’t have a lot of hope but a girl can dream.”

      A GIRL can dream, Kevin? Are you seriously trying to claim membership in the gender you have said fewer kind words about than I have digits?

      Or are you admitting you were lying about your fundamental identity?

      Either way, par for the course for you.

  • CDC says:

    I wonder if Black Dudes for Trump,will accept the WDfH’s toad venom challenge.
    Serious though,toad venom seems only found in the vicinity of black pointed hats and cauldrons.

  • Cameron says:

    Dear Dems,

    You need white people more than we need you. Behave accordingly.

  • John Casteel says:

    I’m not too worried about normal men getting hyped by a group called White Dudes for Kamala led by Pete Buttigieg. BTW, a ticket of Kamala and Pete would be a conservative’s dream. Identity politics on steroids. Will get old fast!

    • Cameron says:

      My hypothesis is this:

      Kamala is a sacrificial offering. Despite what the media and retards like Kevin want you think, surviving his attempted murder and continuing to campaign has made Trump very difficult to beat.

      However, Biden and his handlers left the economy in shambles. When the inevitable crash happens, the media can blame him and Kamala can come back a few years later as the cackling savior unless they find another woman with as many checkboxes to her name.

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