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What? TrumpHitler Didn’t Explode and Have Reporter Arrested?

What? TrumpHitler Didn’t Explode and Have Reporter Arrested?

What? TrumpHitler Didn’t Explode and Have Reporter Arrested?

Funny thing happened yesterday … a reporter inadvertently smacked President Trump in the face with a microphone. And who knew that the Left’s fascist.racist.sexist.authoritarian boogeyman reacted like every real dad out there.

Outside the fever swamps of the Left-infected Democrats and their comrades, people have for years known that Trump is an actual human being who can (and has) acted with great humor as the occasion warrants.

The fuzzy end of the extended microphone – sometimes referred to as a “dead cat” in the industry – struck the 45th and 47th president in the mouth and slid across part of his face as he closed his eyes and leaned back to avoid further contact.

Trump, 78, glared at the reporter and raised both eyebrows in apparent amusement as the mic was quickly pulled away.

“She just made television tonight,” the president quipped, apparently referring to the clumsy reporter. “She just became a big story tonight.”

Roll tape!

And let’s freeze a few moments of Trump right after the fuzzy boop.

trump's reaction after hit by reporter
President’s reaction after booped by reporter

Now just about everyone who grew up in a functional family knows that side-eye glare from dad. Screwing around in the church pew, caught sneaking some chips before dinner, or using a cussword in his presence. It was the glance that froze you in place and make you reconsider your life’s choices. Of course, it was a momentary glance while you were convinced of impending doom, followed by a look of “oh well” and a little smile at your discomfort knowing this was going to become part of family lore.

Oh, my parents had several stories and I certainly have my share after raising four daughters.

And that’s what makes President Trump so relatable (to the rational adults in the room). For all his quirks and excesses, he’s one of the rare politicians who is transparently himself. Remember WYSIWYG? Yeah, it’s like that.

And I’m sure the reporter who committed the boop heard round the nation is pretty happy right now that the Cartoon Hitler the Democrats pound on 24/7 is nothing more than their own anger at losing power.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image, screenshot, low resolution editorial use only

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  • Tim says:

    WYSIWYG is a completely alien concept to the DC establishment. It’s so far inside their OODA loop that they can’t figure out what to do, let alone how to do it.

  • Scott says:

    President Trump may not have exploded, but the Secret Service should have! What if the ” dead cat” had been laced with poison? This is ANOTHER huge failure by the Secret Service! There needs to be some serious investigation into the members of his detail…

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