Walz On Record Promoting Pro-Hitler Cleric As A “Master Teacher”

Walz On Record Promoting Pro-Hitler Cleric As A “Master Teacher”

Walz On Record Promoting Pro-Hitler Cleric As A “Master Teacher”

According to Tim Walz, a Muslim cleric is a “master teacher.” There’s two very significant problems with this. One is Asad Zaman’s promotion of pro-Hitler films and propaganda. 

As he campaigned to be Minnesota’s next governor, Tim Walz called a Muslim cleric who promoted a pro-Adolf Hitler film a “master teacher” who offered Walz lessons over the time they “spent together,” according to footage at a 2018 event unearthed by the Washington Examiner.

The footage is very clear. Walz thinks that Zaman as a “master teacher” is the greatest thing since sliced bread. 

The more we uncover, the worse it gets for Tim Walz. His record is moving well beyond progressive/socialist and into fully anti-American territory.

What is astounding is that either the Harris/Obama teams didn’t truly vet Tim Walz or they are in the camp of thinking horseshit like this won’t matter to the American voter. Well, boy howdy are they in for a surprise!

This is the same Muslim cleric whom Walz met with at least five times and has continually touted how wonderful Zaman is. 

The imam, Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, joined other Muslim leaders in May 2023 for a meeting about mosque security with Walz’s gubernatorial office in Minnesota. Zaman also spoke at a May 2020 event to call for peaceful protests with the governor during the riots in Minnesota sparked after George Floyd’s death. In April 2019, the cleric delivered an invocation before Walz’s state address — just months after Zaman called for an end to a government shutdown at a press conference with Walz in January 2019.

When asked about those meetings, the Harris campaign responded with a ‘nothing to see here guys, move along!’

I’d say hosting him at major events, at the Governor’s mansion, and speaking glowingly of Zaman’s work as a “master teacher” would lend itself to a personal relationship, wouldn’t you? 

Keep in mind, this cleric is on record cheering for the atrocities that Hamas inflicted upon Israel on October 7. 

Zaman, who is the director of Minnesota’s Muslim American Society, asserted on Oct. 7, 2023, that he “stands in solidarity with Palestinians against Israeli attacks” after 1,200 Israelis were killed by Hamas terrorists. His organization, which has a related chapter that once came under fire following children at a 2019 event it hosted calling for murdering Jews, said on Oct. 7 that it “reaffirms its unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their struggle against the Israeli occupation.”

If there isn’t a personal relationship, how did Zaman’s organization end up with $100,000 in their bank? 

Keith Ellison, who has his OWN problems with his involvement with Louis Farrakhan as well as his record with the Nation of Islam group, stated yesterday that ‘the guy on the stage? That’s who Tim Walz is.’ In other words, what you see is what you get. 

Let’s revisit Tim’s comments shall we?

What you see is what you get. What will we get if Walz is elected as Vice President?

Tampons in boys bathrooms nationwide

Taxes on everything one can shake a stick at

Defunding the police 

If he did a Covid snitch line once, he’ll do it again

Promotion of economically disastrous green energy policies

More lies and falsehoods regarding his military record

Calling the National Guard out on ordinary citizens while weeks later letting Minneapolis burn over crack-addled George Floyd. 


And giving high praise for Muslim clerics who are on record cheering for Israel’s demise and promoting pro-Hitler propaganda. 

We can’t afford Tim Walz as Vice President. He will work gleefully to drive this Republic into the ditch. The above is just one of the many reasons why he should never step foot in the White House.

Which is likely also why Kamala is doing everything she can to NOT speak to the press. She bought a pig in a poke and it shows.

Feature Photo Credit: Walz in Arizona for Harris Walz campaign, via Flickr, cropped and modified

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