Vladimir Putin Loves Kamala Harris’s Laugh

Vladimir Putin Loves Kamala Harris’s Laugh

Vladimir Putin Loves Kamala Harris’s Laugh

By now, I am sure you have heard that Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he prefers Kamala Harris for the next American President. He preferred Joe Biden, but now that Biden has been “taken out of the race”, he is going with Harris. Putin thinks that Kamala’s laugh is expressive and infectious. That’s so typical Vlad. He will always be a KGB/FSB man.

Vladimir Putin parades his hypermasculinity, which is part of his “little man syndrome”. Napolean-like hypermasculinity and he is dismissive of women. Ask his ex-wife:

Vladimir Putin pulled off one of his most audacious pieces of stagecraft, attending a ballet with his rarely seen wife, then emerging smiling and announcing their marriage is over.

The end of the marriage of the Russian president and Lyudmila Putina less than two months shy of their 30th anniversary came on state television after a Thursday evening that started out like a model of domestic contentment — a devoted husband taking his wife out for an artsy interlude.

After the performance of “Esmeralda” at the Great Kremlin Palace, the two came into a luxurious room to speak to a reporter.

“Excellent. Great music, excellent production,” Putin said and Lyudmila echoed his praise.

After about a minute, the reporter asked about rumors that the two didn’t live together. Putin smiled slightly, like a boy caught misbehaving, and turned his head toward Lyudmila. “This is so,” he said.

It takes a very strong woman or man to deal with Putin. It takes a Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher or Donald Trump to deal with Mad Vlad. Softness and appeasement invite scorn from Putin. It takes people who understand strength AND stagecraft.

Here are Vladimir Putin’s remarks from Newsweek:

“I told you our favorite, if you can call it that, was the current President Mr. Biden. He was removed from the race, but he recommended all his supporters to support Ms. Harris. So we will do the same. We will support her,” Putin said.
“Ultimately, the choice is up to the American people, and we will respect that choice,” he added. “As for the favorites, it is not up to us to determine that. It is, after all, the choice of the American people.”

Putin also said that Harris “laughs so expressively and infectiously” that she must be “doing well.”

He added: “Trump has introduced such a number of restrictions and sanctions against Russia that no president has ever introduced before. And if Ms. Harris is doing well, then maybe she will refrain from actions of this kind.”

Putin does look as if he is stifling a horse laugh. The audience laughs outright. Did Putin just call Biden the “acting President” as if he was not legitimately elected. Hmmmm?

The Hill, which is becoming increasingly unreadable, opined:

U.S. intelligence determined that in 2016, Russia ran a disinformation campaign to boost Trump over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Putin has denied interference in the campaign, according to Reuters.

I wouldn’t trust U.S. Intelligence about the Sun coming up in the East. Russia interferes in elections, just as the U.S. does, but Russia probably puts out conflicting information on both sides. More from The Hill:

Harris campaign spokesperson Ian Sams responded to Putin’s latest comments, saying the campaign rejects foreign interference in a U.S. election and condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“I think everybody knows who dictators and bullies around the world prefer in this election. They prefer President Trump,” Sams said on MSNBC, highlighted by Mediaite. “We reject the kind of divisive, dictatorial leadership that are being offered from people like President Putin.”

Sams also said he wouldn’t play into the “psyops” with Putin, adding that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was “horrible,” and Harris and Biden are “rallying the world” against the war.

“I think that anybody who’s been paying attention for the last decade knows where President Putin stands in the election and who his preferred candidate is, regardless of what he may say,” Sams said.

Ian Sams needs to cry harder. Here is the video:

Poor Ian. Kamala has nothing so Ian drags Trump. No matter.

Always remember that Vladimir Putin rolled Kamala Harris at the start of his Ukraine Invasion:

Vote Trump/Vance 2024 to torque off Putin.

Featured Composite: Darleen Click Exclusive to Victory Girls/Donkey Hotey/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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