Vicious Jamie Raskin Scrapes Bottom Of The Barrel At DNC

Vicious Jamie Raskin Scrapes Bottom Of The Barrel At DNC

Vicious Jamie Raskin Scrapes Bottom Of The Barrel At DNC

IF! I were a true Southern Lady, I would say, “Jamie Raskin, bless his heart, Imma pray for him.”. That would be condemning him to the Dark Place without soiling my delicate soul. Despite my Memow’s efforts, I am a Southern Broad and vicious Raskin is shit out of luck. After his performance at the Democrat National Convention last night, the white gloves are off. He scraped the bottom of the barrel for kicks and giggles and deserves our hostility and ill wishes. I apologize to my Memow and my soul.

Well, I feel better. Did you see that parade of angry trolls last night? That whole hall was devoid of joy last night. I told you about the Big Book of Lies and our Nina wrote about the Long Yell Goodbye from Creepy Joe. That whole line-up was angry, bitter and ugly. We can’t rip all of them but we can try.

Like Carmen Sabia, I did pray for Jamie Raskin:

No. Snake Raskin was not mocking the Trump assassination attempt. He was talking about the mob at the Capitol on January 6 calling out Pence. It is disgusting of Raskin just as it was of the mob. From USA Today:

Raskin spoke after a Democratic ad played pitting Trump as a criminal against Vice President Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor. He spoke on his memories of being at the Capitol the day of the riots, spoke of the people who died as a result of that day, and teased Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance for taking a role vacated after some rioters threatened Mike Pence.

Here is the full video of Raskin’s speech:

Speaking of the Capitol, Raskin said, “It’s not the heat, it’s the stupidity”. I hope he didn’t sprain his brain with that one; he did look around for approval. I am not going to make fun of Mr. Raskin’s eyes rolling around in his head at 1:20. I am not going to laugh at Raskin for getting his flabbers gasted at 3:01 when his teleprompter stuttered. If he didn’t lie and politicize the January 6 Fedsurrection, Jamie might have better JuJu. The whole jab at J.D. Vance about a “sudden” job opening for the Veep slot is a lie. Sudden? Four years? The American people would revolt if Trump had picked noodle-spined Pence again. This shit is only funny to mean people:

A month after an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, when another rally goer was killed, not funny too normal people. It takes a special kind of vicious snake to be so bereft of feelings and empathy. Seems like that is the entire Democrat “Baby Killing” Party.

Finally again from USA Today:

“Make no mistake, a man who uses fraud, theft and violence to take power, will commit any crime to keep it, and now Trump’s promising to pardon hundreds of his fellow criminal, convicts and insurrectionists,” Raskin said. “We’re going to defeat Donald Trump, the career criminal and incorrigible recidivist con man and his pet chameleon. JD Vance.”

Raskin feels free to insult those of us on the Right because we used to be so well-brought up. That was true. Now we know the rules have changed and the white gloves have come off. I am not praying for Jamie Raskin or anyone on the Left anymore. They don’t believe in reciprocity, and they go out of their way to insult us. Challenge accepted.

Featured Image: Leah Herman/Wikimedia Commons

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  • GWB says:

    Maybe if we hadn’t watched as states changed the rules for voting, in violation of their own laws, we wouldn’t have felt so strongly about 2020 being a fraudulent election.

    And, really, all the Dems would have to do to cool down that particular divide would be to actually follow all of the laws AND follow all of the rules we all know generally keep people from committing fraud. But they refuse. Huh.

  • Cameron says:

    Jamie, you tried to block the certification of Trump back in 2016 which is a Threat To Our Sacred Democracy. Your thoughts can be safely disregarded.

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