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I’m going to go ahead and post her speech here from Friday, in case anyone missed it or wants to see it again.
First, I just want to say it’s refreshing to see a woman who quite obviously respects and loves her husband, and is proud to show that love and respect. When she spoke about her husband, the pride in her voice was unmistakeable. And in today’s culture of man-hating, it was nice to see. It was especially nice to see it coming from such a powerful woman. Being powerful doesn’t mean you have to forget what’s important, whether you’re male or female, so that was nice too.
When she started talking about her son Track, who just joined the U.S. Army and is deploying to Iraq, that was especially touching too. When the crowd started chanting USA, I couldn’t help but feel pride swell in my heart, too. There’s no questioning these people’s patriotism, that’s for sure.
Sarah Palin is someone who walks the walk. She set out to end corruption and wasteful spending, and she did. She didn’t just use change and bipartisanship as pretty words to go in a pretty speech. She lived it. She did it. This is someone who took on a broken system and forced reform, even though it might mean the end of her political career. She cared more about doing what was right than what was popular, something you don’t often see in politicians on either side of the aisle anymore.
It was also refreshing to hear her talk about just why the role of politician is even there. So many politicians seem to be in public office just for their own gain, and not to serve the people. Sarah Palin seems to understand that she’s there to serve us, and not the other way around.
When she complimented McCain, the smile on his face was huge and genuine. And I think that everything she said about John McCain was good and accurate. She hit a home run when it came to acknowledging John McCain’s strong points. I think she described the two as a good complement for each other. And let me tell you, I don’t get tired of hearing crowds chanting USA when it comes to honoring those who have fought for and served our country. It really does make my heart swell.
Sarah Palin knocked it out of the park with this speech. She was gracious and able to make herself the star without overshadowing John McCain. That’s a fine line to walk. She was articulate and eloquent, and the crowd loved her. Loved her. I think that the more America sees of Sarah Palin, the more they will fall in love with her.
Compare that to Joe Biden’s speech. He just seemed… well… drunk.
I gotta tell you, I feel so much better about this election now. Sarah Palin was the perfect choice.
“She cared more about doing what was right than what was popular,…”
I understand what you mean. Fighting against something that is “not right” will always be popular. I can disagree with her on political things but I have always been sure she was doing something she sincerly believed is benificial to society. We do agree but what is right will always be popular.
Palin is not qualified for the job. Gavin Newsom is the Mayor of San Francisco. He governs a city that has 200,000 more people than the State of Alaska. That should put things into perspective.
McCain has never been a mayor or a governor. Does that make him less qualified than Palin?
Nonsense. Like McCain, Obama was a state Senator.
Qualifications of Obama:
Why you can’t vote for McCain:
“Gavin Newsom is the Mayor of San Francisco. He governs a city that has 200,000 more people than the State of Alaska. That should put things into perspective.”
Why yes indeed that does put things in perspective.
Cheating on your spouse with an aide,ordering same sex marriage certificates in violation of State law,encouraging illegal immigration and obstructing deportation efforts in violation of Federal law. And thats just off the top of my head verses;
Deposing a sitting State Attorney General, Defeating an incumbent sitting Governor in the primary, who just happened to be a relatively popular retired U.S. Senator, and then defeating a returning previous Governor who was very popular after two previous terms, with no party support. She enjoys and 80% approval rating here. Say that again please, 80 PERCENT!
That’s also just off the top of my head regarding just government integrity. If you want to compare and contrast, please, be my guest.
It’s not the size or place you came from, it’s what you did when you were there.
Palin is not qualified for the job.
Yeah, yeah she is. Obama isn’t. In fact, I’m more qualified for the job than Obama.
McCain has never been a mayor or a governor. Does that make him less qualified than Palin?
You’re forgetting that McCain ran the largest squadron in the Navy. That’s a lot different than voting “present” in the Illinois Senate.
You’re forgetting that McCain ran the largest squadron in the Navy. That’s a lot different than voting “present” in the Illinois Senate.
What does that have to do with anything? Because John led a squadron of maybe 1000 people that makes him more qualified? Seriously is this the best argument that you have?
“The right reason is to challenge the status quo, to serve the common good, and to leave this nation better than we found it.”
By “challenge the status quo, and serve the common good,” does she mean supporting the failed policies of the Bush administration? Does she mean glossing over the howling injustice of an unjust invasion of Iraq? Does she mean perpetuating an endless “war on terror” that will continue to always have “victory in sight?” That’s not challenging the status quo.
“But we are expected to govern with integrity, good will, clear convictions, and … a servant’s heart.”
The same in integrity that allowed her to persecute a former brother-in-law, State Trooper Mike Wooten?
“This was the spirit that brought me to the governor’s office, when I took on the old politics as usual in Juneau … when I stood up to the special interests, the lobbyists, big oil companies, and the good-ol’ boys network.”
…By bringing in Alaska’s first Washington Lobbyists- to bring in Washington money
“I told the Congress “thanks, but no thanks,” for that Bridge to Nowhere.”
Except that’s not true. Palin is on record supporting the bridge for over a year, until in 2007 pressure to reform “pork-barrel” projects forced her to “consider alternatives.” Governor Palin had by then spent “tens of millions of dollars on the project. And her administration accepted the Federal money from the project, but then never built the bridge. This is NOT ethics reform. This is NOT controlling spending. This is NOT honesty.
“When a hurricane strikes in the Gulf of Mexico, this country should not be so dependent on imported oil that we are forced to draw from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve.”
How about: “when hurricane strikes in the Gulf of Mexico, this country should not be so dependent on oil?” Nope- that’s too much to ask for. This is simply further dependence on petroleum products.
“But the fact that drilling won’t solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all.”
So much for ethics. Mrs. Palin here implies that her opponents want to do nothing at all, but the truth is that democrats in general, and Senator Obama in particular, have been pushing for developing alternative energies to GET US OFF of our DEPENDENCE ON OIL! Suggesting otherwise is blatant… lying? Smearing?
Here’s a quote from Hilzoy at CBS:
“…he plans to develop a lot more energy than John McCain does. It’s just that a lot of it is renewable, not carbon-based. Moreover, Obama hasn’t skipped the last eight votes on renewable energy. [Bold by me]
See Here:
“Starting in January, in a McCain-Palin administration, we’re going to lay more pipelines … build more nuclear plants … create jobs with clean coal … and move forward on solar, wind, geothermal and other alternative sources.”
Yay! Republicans, after years and years of stonewalling, have at least SAID they’ll support these co-opted “liberal” ideas! Make no mistake- Palin’s paining of her opponents as “making excuses to do nothing at all” is PURE PYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION- “a defense mechanism in which one attributes one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or/and emotions to others. the foisting of one’s own issue on another.”See: . Because republicans have always been in the pocket of Big Oil, they have always balked at any form of alternative energy. So much for ethics and integrity having anything to do with Governor Palin.
“America needs more energy … our opponent is against producing it.”
Again- see projection above. Of COURSE Sen. Obama isn’t against producing ENERGY! He’s against our dependence on OIL! Has Gov. Palin (or any of you?) even READ Sen. Obama’s platform?
“Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay … he wants to meet them without preconditions. Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America … he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights?”
…Yeah, because we’d have such a perfect mechanism for ensuring compliance with those preconditions! “Dear Mr. Bin Ladin… we’d be happy to meet with you if you’d just promise not to do anything bad ever again…” How ludicrous! Americans have laws that apply to all of us, even our leaders… unless they’re republican, apparently. This is just stupid. We need leaders who do things the RIGHT WAY, with HONESTY and INTEGRITY, not the way Alberto Gonzalez, and Michael Mukasey, and Karl Rove, and George Tenant, and John Ashcroft, and Donald Rumsfeld have done things. If you don’t know those names- they’re all disgraced and disgusting former Bush appointees… and Republicans.
“Government is too big … he wants to grow it.”
Let’s hope everyone forgets that the government grew far more under Bush (and Reagan, back in the day!) than they ever have in history! See PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION, above!
“The Democratic nominee for president supports plans to raise income taxes … raise payroll taxes … raise investment income taxes … raise the death tax … raise business taxes … and increase the tax burden on the American people by hundreds of billions of dollars.”
Let’s not let the “facts” get in the way: Obama’s plan only raises taxes on the richest 5%; the rest of us (the bottom 60% of taxpayers) get cuts. McCain’s cuts are lavish on the rich, but pennies in the pockets of the rest of us.
See the Washington Post:
The Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center: )
“How are they going to be any better off if taxes go up? Or maybe you’re trying to keep your job at a plant in (1)Michigan or (2)Ohio … or create jobs with clean coal from Pennsylvania or West Virginia … or keep a small farm in the family right here in Minnesota. How are you going to be better off if our opponent adds a massive tax burden to the American economy?”
Well, I suppose if these things were true, they’d have some tougher times. And if these things WERE true, Obama would be able to point to programs that helped our country in specific ways. But these accusations are NOT true… which begs the questions: How is Gov. Palin going to defend this blatant smear when people point out her lack of ethics or integrity? How is she going to square these words with the dictates of the religion she profess to practice?
“Our nominee doesn’t run with the Washington herd.”
Yeah, he really does. You can tell by the fact that he voted with Bush administration policies 90% of the time. That’s HARDLY the record of a “Maverick.”
Go on… tell me what makes her qualified to be president?
“The right reason is to challenge the status quo, to serve the common good, and to leave this nation better than we found it.”
By “challenge the status quo, and serve the common good,” does she mean supporting the failed policies of the Bush administration? Does she mean glossing over the howling injustice of an unjust invasion of Iraq? Does she mean perpetuating an endless “war on terror” that will continue to always have “victory in sight?” That’s not challenging the status quo.
“But we are expected to govern with integrity, good will, clear convictions, and … a servant’s heart.”
The same in integrity that allowed her to persecute a former brother-in-law, State Trooper Mike Wooten?
“This was the spirit that brought me to the governor’s office, when I took on the old politics as usual in Juneau … when I stood up to the special interests, the lobbyists, big oil companies, and the good-ol’ boys network.”
…By bringing in Alaska’s first Washington Lobbyists- to bring in Washington money?
“I told the Congress “thanks, but no thanks,” for that Bridge to Nowhere.”
Except that’s not true. Palin is on record supporting the bridge for over a year, until in 2007 pressure to reform “pork-barrel” projects forced her to “consider alternatives.” Governor Palin had by then spent “tens of millions of dollars on the project. And her administration accepted the Federal money from the project, but then never built the bridge. This is NOT ethics reform. This is NOT controlling spending. This is NOT honesty.
“When a hurricane strikes in the Gulf of Mexico, this country should not be so dependent on imported oil that we are forced to draw from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve.”
How about: “when hurricane strikes in the Gulf of Mexico, this country should not be so dependent on oil?” Nope- that’s too much to ask for. This is simply further dependence on petroleum products.
“But the fact that drilling won’t solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all.”
So much for ethics. Mrs. Palin here implies that her opponents want to do nothing at all, but the truth is that democrats in general, and Senator Obama in particular, have been pushing for developing alternative energies to GET US OFF of our DEPENDENCE ON OIL! Suggesting otherwise is blatant… lying? Smearing?
Here’s a quote from Hilzoy at CBS:
“…he plans to develop a lot more energy than John McCain does. It’s just that a lot of it is renewable, not carbon-based. Moreover, Obama hasn’t skipped the last eight votes on renewable energy. [Bold by me]
See Here:
“Starting in January, in a McCain-Palin administration, we’re going to lay more pipelines … build more nuclear plants … create jobs with clean coal … and move forward on solar, wind, geothermal and other alternative sources.”
Yay! Republicans, after years and years of stonewalling, have at least SAID they’ll support these co-opted “liberal” ideas! Make no mistake- Palin’s paining of her opponents as “making excuses to do nothing at all” is PURE PYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION- “a defense mechanism in which one attributes one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or/and emotions to others. the foisting of one’s own issue on another.”See: . Because republicans have always been in the pocket of Big Oil, they have always balked at any form of alternative energy. So much for ethics and integrity having anything to do with Governor Palin.
“America needs more energy … our opponent is against producing it.”
Again- see projection above. Of COURSE Sen. Obama isn’t against producing ENERGY! He’s against our dependence on OIL! Has Gov. Palin (or any of you?) even READ Sen. Obama’s platform?
“Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay … he wants to meet them without preconditions. Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America … he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights?”
…Yeah, because we’d have such a perfect mechanism for ensuring compliance with those preconditions! “Dear Mr. Bin Ladin… we’d be happy to meet with you if you’d just promise not to do anything bad ever again…” How ludicrous! Americans have laws that apply to all of us, even our leaders… unless they’re republican, apparently. This is just stupid. We need leaders who do things the RIGHT WAY, with HONESTY and INTEGRITY, not the way Alberto Gonzalez, and Michael Mukasey, and Karl Rove, and George Tenant, and John Ashcroft, and Donald Rumsfeld have done things. If you don’t know those names- they’re all disgraced and disgusting former Bush appointees… and Republicans.
“Government is too big … he wants to grow it.”
Let’s hope everyone forgets that the government grew far more under Bush (and Reagan, back in the day!) than they ever have in history! See PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION, above!
“The Democratic nominee for president supports plans to raise income taxes … raise payroll taxes … raise investment income taxes … raise the death tax … raise business taxes … and increase the tax burden on the American people by hundreds of billions of dollars.”
Let’s not let the “facts” get in the way: Obama’s plan only raises taxes on the richest 5%; the rest of us (the bottom 60% of taxpayers) get cuts. McCain’s cuts are lavish on the rich, but pennies in the pockets of the rest of us.
See the Washington Post:
The Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center: )
“How are they going to be any better off if taxes go up? Or maybe you’re trying to keep your job at a plant in (1)Michigan or (2)Ohio … or create jobs with clean coal from Pennsylvania or West Virginia … or keep a small farm in the family right here in Minnesota. How are you going to be better off if our opponent adds a massive tax burden to the American economy?”
Well, I suppose if these things were true, they’d have some tougher times. And if these things WERE true, Obama would be able to point to programs that helped our country in specific ways. But these accusations are NOT true… which begs the questions: How is Gov. Palin going to defend this blatant smear when people point out her lack of ethics or integrity? How is she going to square these words with the dictates of the religion she profess to practice?
“Our nominee doesn’t run with the Washington herd.”
Yeah, he really does. You can tell by the fact that he voted with Bush administration policies 90% of the time. That’s HARDLY the record of a “Maverick.”
Go on… tell me what makes her qualified to be president?