Veterans Affairs Steps In It With Attempt To Ban Iconic WWII Kiss Photo

Veterans Affairs Steps In It With Attempt To Ban Iconic WWII Kiss Photo

Veterans Affairs Steps In It With Attempt To Ban Iconic WWII Kiss Photo

I really thought it was a hoax, but it was not. The iconic WWII Kiss Photo taken in New York City as the world celebrated Victory over Japan was to be banned from all Veterans Administration facilities.

It’s worth it to click in order to read that hot mess in full, or you can read it over at HotAir. RimaAnn Nelson stepped on all the damn rakes with that asinine memo. 

“The photograph, which depicts a non-consensual act, is inconsistent with the VA’s no-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and assault,” the memo stated.

“To foster a more trauma-informed environment that promotes the psychological safety of our employees and the veterans we serve, photographs depicting the ‘V-J Day in Times Square’ should be removed from all Veterans Health Administration facilities.”


In her memo, Nelson noted that use of the photo in VA facilities “was initially intended to celebrate and commemorate the end of World War II and the triumphant return of American soldiers. However, perspectives on historical events and their representations evolve.”

Nelson wrote that the non-consensual nature of the kiss and “debates on consent and the appropriateness of celebrating such images” led to the decision. Senior leaders did not provide an explanation for the reversal.

Nelson needs one helluva history lesson here. First and foremost, it was a major day of celebration after long years of World War II. Secondly, that sailor was running around kissing everyone, even as his girlfriend (who later became his wife) was right along side him!

Third, the nurse who was kissed, Greta Zimmer, didn’t think anything of it. 

George Mendonsa, 23, had just come back from the Philippines on leave as a Navy quartermaster and was on a date with Rita Petry, 20, when the pair joined the throngs of thousands flocking to the Crossroads of the World in Manhattan on Aug. 14, 1945, to celebrate V-J, or Victory over Japan, Day.

But as the future husband and wife crossed Seventh Avenue at West 44th Street, Mendonsa spotted Greta Zimmer, 21, in a nurse’s uniform — and remembered nurses pulling hundreds of Americans out of the water after two Japanese kamikazes attacked USS Bunker Hill, killing hundreds.

He ran away from Petry, his future wife, and grabbed Zimmer, spun her around, dipped her and kissed her — a now-iconic moment captured by famed “Life” magazine photog Alfred Eisenstaed that came to be etched into the American psyche as a symbol of joy over the end of the war.

Yet, according to Nelson’s memo, this photo would trigger someone given what is depicted (according to RimaAnn) is a non-consensual act of sexual assault. If Nelson had bothered to review her history, she would’ve stumbled across many interviews of both Zimmer and Mendonsa, both of whom were adamant that what happened was a celebratory heat of the moment thing. NOT a sexual assault by any stretch of the imagination! 

Needless to say, the memo detailing that this iconic WWII Kiss Photo would be banned across all Veterans Affairs healthcare facilities was not well received. At. All. 

In fact, it seems her boss, the actual HEAD of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Denis McDonough was totally in the dark about this. And VERY publicly rescinded her ban. 

That’s pretty damned blunt.

That’s a really good question. The fact is, this photo is one of many that speak to the joy and overwhelming relief that the war is over. What RimaAnn Nelson, in her zeal to pander to the woke and insult the thousands of veterans across this country, especially those World War II veterans we still have with us, also doesn’t realize is that Greta Zimmer later found out that she lost her parents in the concentration camps.

None of that matters to RimaAnn Nelson. It’s all about the DEI woke inclusivity agenda. 

Her track record is the worst and everything she does is detrimental to our veterans. She really needs to be fired. But the VA as a whole also stepped in it because of the move to be “inclusive” meant that the original motto of the VA was changed so that women wouldn’t get their panties in a bunch. Evidently that also means making moves to erase history and thus insult every veteran who has served this country with honor. 

I’m glad for our veterans that this WWII Kiss photo will remain in place. This should never have been an issue, but this is where the woke inclusivity is heading. 

Feature Photo Credit: WWII Kiss Times Square V-J Day via Flickr, public domain, cropped and modified

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  • CDC says:

    Guess since RimaAnn can’t actually provide any positive benefits from the job she was hired to do, she decided to start a new career as a censor of historic documents. We really should admit that political and social views are all that matters to the left and its because we lowered the bar 60 years ago and they really are that stupid.
    Stupid people have no validity without government propping them up.

  • GWB says:

    And some people wonder why my language has become much more salted with the FU phrase in the last several years. It’s not good that I do that, but then again, neither are the things which prompt me to use that phrase.

    Understand, this is why I keep pointing out that Progressivism is NOT merely politics. It is a religion intended to supplant Christianity – in terms of morals, thought, and eschatology. In pursuit of this, they will brook no dissent, allow no history, and pull no punches. No person and no institution will escape. You will conform to their New Model Man, and you will be brought into their Brave New World.

  • […] Black Sea Fleet Transterrestrial Musings: Trump Lawfare, also, Touch Screens In Cars Victory Girls: Veterans Affairs Steps In It With Attempt To Ban Iconic WWII Kiss Photo Volokh Conspiracy: Michael Rappaport on “the Originalist Disaster” of the Supreme […]

  • F.D.R. in Hell says:

    This is RimaAnn’s substitute?

  • Cameron says:

    She reminds me of the extreme feminists who insist that all heterosexual sex is rape.

    I have expressed contempt for the VA on numerous occasions. While I am grateful to them for the swift reversal, this never should have happened in the first place.

  • Taylor says:

    Well RimaAnn Nelson never has to worry about someone spontaneously kissing her. We really do live in an Idiocracy.

  • Joe R. says:

    That’s par for a Sailor. If you don’t just go with it, you may get pirates.

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