Ukraine Gravy Train Will Continue Even If Gov’t Shutdown Happens

Ukraine Gravy Train Will Continue Even If Gov’t Shutdown Happens

Ukraine Gravy Train Will Continue Even If Gov’t Shutdown Happens

Don’t worry Ukraine. Your gravy train will continue even if the U.S. government shuts down. That’s the memo the Pentagon sent out yesterday.

The Pentagon will exempt its Ukraine operations from a potential shutdown if lawmakers can’t agree on a deal to fund the government by the end of the month, allowing key training and other activities in support of Kyiv’s forces to move ahead uninterrupted, according to a Defense Department spokesperson.


“Operation Atlantic Resolve is an excepted activity under a government lapse in appropriations,” Sherwood said, referring to the named operation for DOD’s activities in response to the Russian invasion.

The move means that the U.S. military’s activities related to the war, such as training of Ukrainian soldiers on American tactics and equipment, as well as shipments of weapons to Kyiv, will continue despite any potential shutdown. As recently as Tuesday, Sherwood had said the shutdown could halt those activities, as POLITICO first reported.

It’s good news for Zelenskyy, as U.S. and European officials worry that international support for continuing to aid Ukraine could be waning. Zelenskyy also pleaded his case with lawmakers on Capitol Hill on Thursday morning before heading to the White House to meet with President Joe Biden.

And, just as that announcement hits the radar, so does the announcement that another $325 million of our tax dollars and military equipment will be headed Ukraine’s way. 

The Biden administration on Thursday announced an aid package for Ukraine with a value of “up to $325 million” for “critical security and defense needs.”

The announcement came after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was in Washington, D.C., to meet with U.S. leaders including President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). The package includes weapons like missiles and machine guns to help Ukraine in its fight against Russia.

What will it take for this gravy train to stop? There’s no end in sight it seems.

Zelensky shows up at the UN and the White House and everyone jumps and then asks…”how high?” 

Here’s my problem with this. A. that the gravy train keeps chugging along and we don’t seem to be seeing any results. B. the Americans who will be negatively affected by this shutdown. 

For example: our nation’s SOLDIERS. As with other shutdowns in the past, active duty soldiers saw their paychecks come to a screeching halt during the shutdowns. The Border Patrol will see the same thing happen. No paychecks, but they will be expected to show up for work. 

If lawmakers are unable to reach an agreement, the White House said, active-duty military and federal law enforcement personnel would be forced to work without pay until funds are appropriated, while FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund – which the administration has already warned is running dangerously low – could be depleted, complicating disaster relief efforts.

The White House estimates 10,000 children would lose access to Head Start programs across the country as the Department of Health and Human Services is prevented from awarding grants during a shutdown, while air traffic controllers and TSA officers would have to work without pay, threatening travel delays across the country. A shutdown would also delay food safety inspections under the Food and Drug Administration.

Oh, you aren’t getting paid because Congress and the Biden Administration along with prior Administrations and elected officials have been kicking the can down the road for years? Sucks to be you! 

Not a good look Joey! 

Again, we have a government on the verge of a shutdown because EVERYONE is playing games. The ones who won’t benefit from this? Our military, those who work the border, and others. The ones who WILL benefit from this? Ukraine with the continuing gravy train, and all the political grandstanders who don’t give a rats ass about the poor schlubs who work to keep this country safe and are trying their hardest to stem the flood of illegals into this country. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • […] Musings: Long-Haul Trucking, Blue-Collar Workers, and Weird Climate Logic Victory Girls: Ukraine Gravy Train Will Continue Even If Gov’t Shutdown Happens, “We’ve Got A Pilot In The House” – F-35, and FBI Loses Count Of Capitol Informants And […]

  • Hate_me says:

    I’m almost ready to root for Russia to win, just to stop the money pit.

  • Bucky says:

    Gummint shutdown is a Kabuki dance that DC does from time to time to keep the proles on edge. In reality nothing critical shuts down. That includes foreign aid which pays a great dividend to the ruling elite here.

  • Liz says:

    I’m old enough to remember when they asked “do you want to send money to the Ukraine?”
    at the grocery check out counter.
    Now it’s, “do you want to feed hungry American families?”
    Probably best not to remind people where the money syphon is going.

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