Trump Trial Closing Arguments Today – Will Lawfare Win?

Trump Trial Closing Arguments Today – Will Lawfare Win?

Trump Trial Closing Arguments Today – Will Lawfare Win?

Today is the day. This is the beginning of the end of the Trump Trial. Today, Closing Arguments will begin in the Hush Money Trial in New York City. The question is: Will Lawfare win? Will an NYC jury vote to convict? Will Donald Trump go to jail? Will Judge Juan Merchan go diabolical and put Trump on House Arrest? When Lawfare and True Believers are involved, anything is possible.

Back on April 15, 2024 when Jury Selection began, I kvetched that I wasn’t sure what Donald Trump was charged with. The night before Closing Arguments in the Trump Trial the Washington Times wasn’t too sure either:

“The most important decision that Judge Merchan made was his failure to reject the D.A.’s backdoor effort to enforce federal election law, which is unconstitutional,” he said. “If Merchan had reached the proper conclusion, he would have dismissed the entire indictment and the case would never have gone to trial.”

Joseph Moreno, a former federal prosecutor, agreed.

“Every significant legal and evidentiary ruling that Judge Merchan made in this case was to the advantage of the prosecution, starting with the very premise of the case,” he said.

He said Mr. Bragg’s “bare-bones indictment” listed 34 felony charges but did not specify what crime Mr. Trump was allegedly concealing. Mr. Bragg only offered a “vague theory” that Mr. Trump’s accounting entries were done to hide federal and state crimes.

It’s actually unConstitutional to not lay out the charges against the accused, according to the Sixth Amendment:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

When every day, you have promised your acolytes that the “walls are closing in” on Donald Trump, the charges don’t matter a consarned bit. All that matters in the Trump Trial is that the testimony be salacious and sensational (Stormy, need I say more), the Regime Storyteller be breathlessly Joy(ful) every night and that the emotions of the faithful be kept at a high tempo (you’ve seen that).

The Washington Examiner lays out the three things coming up in the Trump Trial, but the Examiner doesn’t seem to know the charges either:

The prosecution and the defense will have the chance to address the jury with their closing arguments. Both statements are expected to be long and will likely last the entire day as lawyers give hourslong summaries of the evidence and witness testimony.
The defense only needs to convince at least one juror that the prosecution has not proved Trump’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, not prove Trump’s innocence, to prevent a guilty verdict.

As such, in their closing arguments, the defense will likely try to find holes in the prosecution’s case by countering porn star Stormy Daniels’s testimony about her time with Trump. They will also likely try to distance the former president from knowing the exact details of the payments made to his former attorney Michael Cohen, who paid the $130,000 hush money payment to Daniels.

Trump is peeved that the Defense goes first in New York and I don’t blame him.

Following closing arguments, Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over the case, will address the jury for about an hour to instruct them on what it can consider when deciding a verdict on the case.

The core of the case is the $130,000 hush money payment made to Daniels in 2016 to keep her quiet about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump. The prosecution claims Trump falsified business records related to the payment, which they describe as election interference due to the payment happening mere weeks before the 2016 election.

What? Doesn’t that make every politician who has paid a dime guilty of election interference. And, Michael is a big fat liar. I wonder if girlfriend (below) knows that hush money isn’t illegal:

A verdict could be reached as soon as Friday. Following closing arguments and jury instructions, the jurors will enter a period of deliberation in which they will evaluate all 34 counts against Trump.

Deliberations could take hours or days, which means the trial could potentially end as soon as Friday, but there is no time limit, and deliberations could take weeks.

All 12 jurors must agree on a guilty or not guilty verdict in order for Merchan to accept the verdict. A mistrial or hung jury could be the result if a verdict cannot be unanimously reached, as Merchan would declare the jury “hopelessly deadlocked.”

Och! These people. And, keep Trump off of the Campaign Trail.

Corrupt Joe Biden is planning on speaking after the verdict is announced:

Head up, shoulders back and pray. Pray for Trump and our beloved country.

Featured Image: Hillel Steinberg/ Commons

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1 Comment
  • GWB says:

    When every day, you have promised your acolytes that the “walls are closing in” on Donald Trump, the charges don’t matter a consarned bit. All that matters in the Trump Trial is that the testimony be salacious and sensational (Stormy, need I say more), the Regime Storyteller be breathlessly Joy(ful) every night and that the emotions of the faithful be kept at a high tempo (you’ve seen that).
    The language in this paragraph is exactly right. Progressivism is a religion and these folks are its fundamentalists; the jihadis of Progressivism if you will.

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