The New United Foreign Military

The New United Foreign Military

The New United Foreign Military

The New United Foreign Military is what we should rename our United States military because that is what some Democrats in Congress want to do, recruit foreigners to give them citizenship.

The military seems to be quite different from back in the day when I served (1985-1993). I hear it’s gone woke with pronoun classes and allowing drag queens to recruit.

So, I guess it’s no surprise that we will now allow illegal aliens and foreigners to serve in the United States military. I have one question, if foreigners are serving in the United States military, is it even our military anymore?

Of course, there’s a catch.

The halls of Congress, where Democrat Rep. Pat Ryan of New York and Republican Rep. John James of Michigan introduced legislation earlier this month to fast-track a path to citizenship for foreign nationals who sign up to serve in the U.S. military. Both congressmen indicated the measure was crafted to alleviate the military’s recruiting crisis. – The Federalist

Notice the language there; foreign nationals? And it’s called the Courage to Serve Act? Give me a break.

And yes, recruiting crisis indeed, Lloyd Austin. The other day, Victory Girl Nina wrote about our Secretary of Defense going missing for days.

The Buffoons in Washington

Democrats want you to believe that recruiting illegals into the United States military is a good idea. I swear, every day I wake up, it’s some new form of asininity.

Oh, Carol, don’t worry; Pat Ryan says they’ll be vetted by the FBI! He says so in his press release. Oh, you mean the same FBI that criminalizes and goes after Christian parents?

The current leadership can’t even vet American citizens who join the military, Aaron Bushnell. Where now, we have left-wing media insisting on propping up the radicalized young man as some sort of hero or martyr.

FYI, Senator Tom Cotton wants answers. Apparently, Bushnell sent emails to independent news outlets that also included a link to where the video of himself ablaze would eventually show up. So, people sort of knew about this beforehand?

In the hours before Mr. Bushnell’s protest, he sent an email to several independent news outlets with the subject line “Against genocide” that included a link to a website where a video of his self-immolation later appeared. “I ask that you make sure that the footage is preserved and reported on,” he wrote. Mr. Bushnell had also sent a will to a friend in recent days, allocating his possessions. – New York Times

Good grief, our military is becoming a protest organization. And now a safe haven for illegals. I guess we should have seen this one coming a few years ago when they kicked out a bunch of freedom-loving, red-blooded Americans who refused the mandated vaccination.

The Courage to Serve Act will only encourage more illegals to flood the borders, opening the possibility of spies in our military.

Recruiting illegals into the United States military is a terrible idea. They will not have any sort of loyalty to America. They are already running rampant all over America, breaking laws and ignoring civility. I can see a sergeant ordering a recruit to clean the barracks. And what sort of response he would get. If they even do that sort of thing anymore. It might be considered abuse.

Honor, Courage, and Commitment are not on the minds or in the hearts of illegals here in America.

Feature Image: West Point/Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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  • Scott says:

    Make no mistake, there is only ONE reason they would do this. Because they want willing troops at their disposal when they decide to order the military to start loading “We the People” onto cattle cars… We’ve seen this movie, adn we know how it ends…

    To quote a wise man… PREPARE!

    • SFC D says:

      I believe I know that wise man, and we agree! I’ve served with many Soldiers that were “green card” holders and performed admirably. But unvetted illegal aliens in the ranks? No. Never. Shouldn’t even be considered or mentioned as a joke.

  • Lloyd says:

    No surprise here…what with the Biden administration of foreigners…alphabet people…and freaks !!

  • Que says:

    It appears that a young woman in the video was violating the Code of Conduct by making a political statement while wearing an Air Force uniform.

    Will she be disciplined?

  • Cameron says:

    So the same FBI whose answer to every mass shooter for at least a decade was “we had him on our radar” and who thinks White people are the sole threat to Our Sacred Democracy!™ will be counting on the honesty of criminals who want to learn how to fight.

    Just when I thought that my contempt couldn’t be any stronger.

  • Dietrich says:

    Courage to Serve Act – CSA – Confederate States of America or Confederate States Army
    What could go wrong?
    I have been saying for years that they are building a military to use against U.S. Citizens.

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