The Left: Conformity and Rejecting Normal as Weird

The Left: Conformity and Rejecting Normal as Weird

The Left: Conformity and Rejecting Normal as Weird

A modern Diogenes wouldn’t be asking for the last honest man, but for the last actual liberal in the Democrat party. Liberals have few issues with normal, the Left is out to stomp it out of existence and will brook no dissent in the ranks.

As previously covered, the flip-flop of Leftwing narratives is obvious. But the Left is contemptous of all the normies who exist outside The Party, so they don’t care if you notice or not. Their narrative — of any moment — is what you are expected to accept. Immediately.

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
― George Orwell, 1984

Liberal groupthink is the most important factor in the general-opinion environment and has been for all my life. But now, because liberal groupthink is subject to sudden eruptive enthusiasms and insanity-inducing reversals, American life proceeds with a sense that the laws of physics don’t really apply. There’s a creepy unsettledness to life in America. And it’s because journalists are lobotomizing themselves in the name of their favorite cause, the Democratic Party.

If you were a faithful believer in what the New York Times says and fell into a coma just one month ago, you went unconscious thinking that Joe Biden’s incapacity was a right-wing psyop inflicted on the gullible by unscrupulous conservatives using deceptively edited videos. One of the reasons you knew you had to believe this is because Kamala Harris is a political joke who “has a public perception problem, a self-fulfilling spiral of bad press and bad polls” and “the lowest net-negative rating for a vice president” since such measures had been taken. That was the party line: Biden’s just fine, Kamala’s terrible. Believing anything else is stupid. Less than four weeks later: Biden’s terrible. Kamala’s amazing! And if you say different, you’re a dummy.


A lot of things happened five minutes ago that are, according to Our Betters, now beyond the pale. Remember when Amy Coney Barrett was savaged by the Left for being a believing Catholic and the mother of a large family? The rational adults in the room thought “Wait, what?” When did having more than one child become a scandal in this country?

Now we have Leftists who send out the talking points to attack Donald Trump over his divorces AND, at the same time, to attack J.D. Vance for his wife and kids.

Fresh on the heels of Politico’s fear-mongering article warning about the ominous Christian influence of Lord of the Rings genius JRR Tolkien on Trump VP pick JD Vance, the outlet now devotes space to a profile of Vance’s “weird views on gender.” And by “weird,” Politico means “normal” – the traditional, biologically based understanding of sex and family that has held for all but the last ten minutes or so of human history.

In an opinion piece titled, “JD Vance Has a Bunch of Weird Views on Gender,” Politico’s Laura K. Field begins by calling Vance “a rabid participant in the culture wars” – that’s a dog whistle to leftists that Vance threatens the cultural hegemony the Left spent over half a century establishing precisely because the culture is where the real ideological war is waged and won. Conservative politicians like Vance and, say, Ron DeSantis, who understand this and are willing to get in the trenches of that fight, terrify the Left.

The Left hegemony over American culture demands promotion of 57 genders, demands to criminally charge people who scuff up “Pride” painted streets (but burning American flags is touts ok) and parents who object to the sexual exploitation of their children deserve to have them taken away.

liberal opinion marches around ostentatiously like a North Korean military parade, performing impossible-seeming about-faces and quick-time maneuvers while holding bayonets up, sharply fixed. Anyone who even accidentally goes against the routine is bound to be impaled.

J.K. Rowling is a liberal woman. But refusing to go along with the cultural orders that hold “trans-women are women” as settled science has subjected her to threats, cancellations and attempts to erase her from her creation of Harry Potter. Christians are to pledge fealty to the Left’s demands on sexuality or they will be barred from fostering or adopting any child. Up to five minutes ago, males who exposed their genitalia to non-consenting women would be hauled away on criminal charges. Now the women are at fault if they object. The Left, in America (and Europe), is busy destroying the normal Liberal Western Civilization, and if you notice you are the problem.

So my advice? Be the problem. Embrace the new weird aka ‘normal’ — VOTE GOP! — and tell the Left Merchants of the Daily Rage to go pound sand.

Welcome, HotAir readers!

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  • Cameron says:

    “Conservative politicians like Vance and, say, Ron DeSantis, who understand this and are willing to get in the trenches of that fight, terrify the Left.”

    The left forgets that the other side gets a vote in the fight.

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