The House of Mouse has a problem–again

The House of Mouse has a problem–again

The House of Mouse has a problem–again

Mickey Mouse is screeching his little head off right now. The wokeness of certain parts of the House of Mouse was on full display after the first trailer for the so-called “live action” version of Snow White hit the interwebs a few days ago. The new Snow White, Rachel Zegler, took to social media to gush out her appreciation for all the likes for the trailer. Okay, nothing wrong with that. But it’s what she did immediately after that should have not only her bosses at Disney raising a questioning brow but also her co-stars, her fans, and pretty much anyone with even a single working brain cell.

Okay, nothing untoward here. Right? At least not as long as you don’t scroll further down her X feed or see what else she said about Snow White–and other topics–that evening. If you do, you’ll find her next comment to be this:

Again, this probably wouldn’t have landed on my radar–or most anyone else’s–except for one thing. Her co-star in Snow White is Gal Godot, Wonder Woman herself. Godot is also a proud Israeli who hasn’t been shy about supporting her homeland. That support has earned her death threats and comments from those chanting “free Palestine” that she shouldn’t be allowed to be part of this movie (or any other). All because she dares not support the free Palestine movement.

Zegler didn’t stop there either. She touted the updated version of the fairy tale, basically calling the Prince a stalker and getting all excited about how Snow White didn’t need a man to save her. (Please, make it stop. Not everything has to fit some social agenda–ASG)

This being Disney, the House of the Woke Mouse, this story probably would be overlooked by most of the media had it not been for the connection to Gal Godot. However, there is one other factor that leaves me wondering just how Zegler’s bosses felt about her comment on X. Back in October 2023, Disney announced that it pledged millions of dollars to support humanitarian efforts IN Israel. While we haven’t heard much from the Mouse since then, especially when it comes to condemning Hamas for its continued efforts to hold onto the hostages it took, the words of Bob Iger take on an even more important meaning:

In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks targeting Jews in Israel this past weekend, we must all do what we can to support the innocent people experiencing so much pain, violence, and uncertainty — particularly children.”

Funny, isn’t it, how folks like Zegler are all about condemning Israel for its attacks against the Palestinians but they rarely, if ever, say anything to condemn what kicked off this latest round of violence in the region. Nor do we hear them condemning the continuing attacks against Israel. Zegler and her ilk have picked their side without looking at everything in context and without knowing the history of the region and proudly wear it like a suit of armor. How will they react when they realize not everyone believes their rhetoric and, worse (for Zegler et al), aren’t paying attention to them.

How are they going to explain away the fact that U.S. District Judge Mark C. Scarsi said Tuesday that UCLA helped “helped to enforce a ‘Jew Exclusion Zone’ on campus during pro-Palestinian protests when UCLA erected bike rack barriers around an encampment.”  This came after the university was ordered on Monday to come up with a plan designed to protect Jewish students against future protests similar to what we saw last Spring.


Scarsi went right to the heart of the matter in his ruling:

Jewish students were excluded from portions of the U.C.L.A. campus because they refused to denounce their faith,” Judge Scarsi, who was appointed by President Donald J. Trump, wrote in the order. “This fact is so unimaginable and so abhorrent to our constitutional guarantee of religious freedom that it bears repeating.”

No one should be surprised that students impacts by the protests took a stand and went to court to protect themselves when necessary. Our own Deanna Fisher predicted such lawsuits soon after the pro-Palestinian occupations of our college campuses began. Fortunately for the students–and for all students coming after them, Scarsi did not buy the university’s argument that it had no duty to protect the Jewish students from protests “engineered by third-party protesters”. Protests that left the Jewish students feeling threatened.

Golly, how do you think Gal Godot feels after Zegler’s comments caused the new Snow White’s so-called fans to threaten not only her but anyone who came to her defense?

Zegler is as tone deaf as the new trailer is little more than a mockery to the original version of Walt Disney’s Snow White.

I don’t know about you, but I am beyond tired of so-called celebrities trying to make everything political, no matter what their motivation. And please, please, stop remaking movies and trying to turn them into “right think” pieces of tripe.

Featured Image: Grumpy Dwarf created using Dall-E via ChatGPT.

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  • Scott says:

    To hell with Disney and their woke BS. I’m very glad that my son is long past the age of visiting Disney World, so I don’t have to disappoint him by telling him why we can’t go there. I won’t spend a damn dime on them or their crap till they renounce their insanity.

  • GWB says:

    (Please, make it stop. Not everything has to fit some social agenda–ASG)
    When you understand it’s a religion, you get why everything must fit. They aren’t politicizing things, they’re forcing their religion on everyone. The politics is because they are a totalitarian, fundamentalist religion who will achieve dominance via whatever means are necessary, including politics.

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