The Expectations Of The Trump vs Biden Showdown

The Expectations Of The Trump vs Biden Showdown

The Expectations Of The Trump vs Biden Showdown

Everyone is talking about the expectations of the Trump vs. Biden showdown. Straight out of the gate, people are already talking about Trump dominating and winning the debate against an old, addled man who mumbles and bumbles his words and can’t remember where he is or how to exit from the stage.

I say not so fast. We have all witnessed, over and over again, a slow-motion imbecilic Joe Biden meandering about when a camera is turned on and slurring, mumbling his way when a microphone is near the man.

But, Joe Biden has been holed up at Camp David all week prepping for the debate. I wonder if he already has the questions. It wouldn’t be surprising.

Remember the State of the Union address? I think that is the man we’ll see tonight. And all the liberals and Democrats will rejoice and say, “See?! The spry 80-year-old still has it and is fine with running the country for four more years.”

Will we see that same Joe Biden tonight? All hyped up on Adderall, Botox, and big fat B-12 shots in the a** in order to string coherent sentences together? And will he be screaming into an empty studio?


Social media has been showing us all the intellectuals’ expectations. However, Michael Whatley, RNC Chair, gives us an honest answer about what he’d like to see from Trump.

I couldn’t agree more with Michael Whatley right now. Yes, and amen.

Let’s hope Trump will totally ignore Biden. Remain calm. The muted mic will work in Trump’s favor.

Trump should outline the facts and compare the two administrations—what America was like with Trump as president and what it’s like now with Joe in the White House. Period.

Donald Trump must not get drawn in by Joe Biden’s expected convicted felon taunts.

And let’s not forget that CNN is hosting the debate with Jack Tapper and Dana Bash. Hello.

Joe Biden’s team is reportedly relying on the moderators to do the fact-checking in real-time because Joe can’t be expected to do it himself; he would never get around to being able to answer the fundamental questions. You mean Joe can’t keep up with his lies?

Oh, brother. Watch the video.

Joe is expected to launch sharp attacks on Trump. We should all expect it. Trump is an intelligent man; he is expecting it, too. However, according to the media, Trump is barely prepping for tonight’s showdown. And I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Despite the bombastic talk, Trump is doing some untraditional debate prep. According to ABC News, Trump has been meeting with policy experts and advisors between campaign rallies and fundraisers. He’s held sessions with experts on immigration, the economy, and democracy. –USA Today

Immigration and Economy

So, what about those expected topics tonight? Immigration, for sure, will probably take up most of the night, and it should. After immigration, the economy will be Trump’s strong suit tonight. Hammer it home, Donald!

Those two topics alone will be a solid contrast and comparison. If Trump can also simply talk to the American people and ignore everything that old man Joe might throw at him. Simply ignore Joe Biden like he’s not even on the stage.

Just ignore Biden! Talk to the people. Lay out your plan to the American people again.

Personally, I think tonight is going to be exciting. I don’t think it will sway anyone to another side. We still have some independents out there who are undecided, but why? I have no earthly idea. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. plans to do a real-time rebuttal to the Trump/Biden debate. That may be bloggable tomorrow.

But what if Donald J. Trump announces his VEEP choice at tonight’s debate? Then, any debate recap will probably be drowned out by that announcement. Now that would be exciting!

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of AmericaCC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/The White HouseCC BY 3.0 US, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro

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  • GWB says:

    winning the debate against an old, addled man who mumbles and bumbles his words and can’t remember where he is or how to exit from the stage
    Yeah, a stupid lowering of the expectations that can be overcome with enough adderall or adrenochrome to last 2 hours. As you mention, we’ve seen him pull off the Riefenstahl thing before. If you can get John Gill to stand up for just one more speech….

  • I will still have the question of “Is it live, or is it Memorex?”

  • Lewis says:

    I am worried about the aftermath. Whatever it’s going to be it’s going be Trump’s fault! Be very careful, something’s gotta give and I’m afraid of just what it might be! Like I did for January 6, I keep yelling into the quiet here, don’t do it, don’t do it!

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