The Democrats Make Rad Ad For Trump And Vance

The Democrats Make Rad Ad For Trump And Vance

The Democrats Make Rad Ad For Trump And Vance

Who knew The Democrats could be so helpful. On X (Twitter) they released a political advertisement for the Republican ticket that appeals to Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, surfer and skater types, and freedom lovers of every stripe. People who don’t want plans made on their lives by the government. We are here for it and we are freaking grateful.

It’s so excellent. When your opponents, who have dragged your candidate and tried to jail him for a decade goes this far to make you a great ad, it must be acknowledged. The Daily Caller gives The Democrats the holla that they deserve for this genius. From the DC:

Democrats really think they got him this time. “Dangerous,” “weird,” an ominous blood red backdrop with two spectral faces simultaneously blending together and ripping apart.

What did they mean by this?

Yes, The Democrats sad, attempted troll on Trump and Vance makes sentient beings want to vote twice as hard. They wanted to conjure images of The Handmaid’s Tale in the minds of fragile sheep. More from the DC:

This latest hit from the official X account of The Democrats seems to imply that the bloodthirsty spirit of a Trump-Vance presidency hovers in the air like phantasmal smog. They’re going to end democracy, turn women into broodmares for high-status men, put you back in chains — you know, whatever political domination fetish they’re pushing these days.

I will get in line for this drop:

But in reality, nothing could possibly make this duo look cooler. This could easily be the cover art for the best punk album since “Ramones” (1976). Or even better, maybe it’s a billboard for a new right-wing futurist art exhibit on Manhattan’s grungy Lower East Side. I’d love to see this plastered on some exposed brick on Wooster Street. Or maybe the Dems have just spent too much time fuming over Raw Egg Nationalist’s Man’s World Magazine. The aesthetic is suspiciously similar, but a little dose of masculinity can’t possibly hurt whatever fem-boy mocked this up.

Maybe the Dem fem-boy intern O.D.’d on Banksy.

The Democrats

Who or whatever was the inspiration for this art, it is clickable and rad.

The Ramones wouldn’t like the idea of being Republican icons. They, however, were counterculture. They wouldn’t have liked the Federal Government having plans for the citizenry. On the other hand, The Democrats are the machine now and we, MAGA, are counterculture. We could post songs to support Trump like “Sheena is a Punk Rocker” or the danceable “Blitzkrieg Bop”. My sentimental favorite is The Ramones “I wanna be Sedated”. I sent it to my son the day before the end of The Fourth Class System at his military college. It symbolized the release from the drudgery he endured. It works for us too:

Yes, The Democrats have inspired me. Can you imagine the ridicule we would endure if a Republican artist had done this? But, one of theirs did it. It’s totally punk for us to abscond with it. Ain’t it cool being MAGA?

Featured Image: The Democrats/X/Cropped/Political Ad

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1 Comment
  • GWB says:

    I get it, “Dems can’t meme” and all.
    But isn’t this the same kind of look we all criticized with Biden’s Liberty Hall (Reichstag Edition) speech visuals?

    I really think that’s what the Dems capitalized on. And it only matters what their base thinks, since this is an obvious “Get the h*** out and vote, damnit! Or you’re all ending up in the camps! Yeeeeaaarrrggghhhhh!!!” vibe.

    (As to my thoughts of it? I think someone has some very serious psych issues and probably should up their lithium right before bed.)

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