Taylor Swift NFL Psyop Rumors Popular With Sexually Inadequate Democrats

Taylor Swift NFL Psyop Rumors Popular With Sexually Inadequate Democrats

Taylor Swift NFL Psyop Rumors Popular With Sexually Inadequate  Democrats

It’s a Swiftspiracy! Taylor Swift and her Super Bowl-bound squeeze Travis Kelce are part of an NFL/CIA psyop to convince voters to keep Pudding Brain Biden in office for another four years. I think I got that right. Our Kim, a Chiefs Superfan, first brought this subject up on January 11. James Carville, the political snake, believes that Conservative that believe this theory are sexually inadequate. Well, he would probably know about that.

I don’t follow football. I don’t follow 34 year old women who are still writing songs like a 12 year old 18 years after they first hit the music charts. But, I do live at that corner where politics and culture collide so here we go. According to the New York Post:

On Sunday, the Chiefs and 49ers clinched their Super Bowl berths — and the locker-room champagne spray was barely dry before some folks on the right started floating crackpot conspiracy theories online connecting Taylor Swift to Joe Biden via the pigskin bonanza.

Follow this if you can: the NFL rigged this Super Bowl match and are rigging the Super Bowl itself so that Swift, who is involved in a sham relationship with the Chiefs’ Travis Kelce will be at the height of her power to endorse bumbling Joe Biden for re-election. It’s all a CIA psyop.

Never mind that, entirely without Travis Kelce or the National Football League, she very publicly threw her support behind Biden in 2020.

That’s how you get a Swiftspiracy:

One fifth of voters are like to back a candidate on the endorsement of Taylor Swift? Yeah, well another fifth will vote based on what gender they woke up in the morning. Last I heard, 12 year old girls are no yet eligible to vote. I agree with Pop Culture Crisis. If anyone is using Tay-tay for a psyop it’s the NFL. The NFL’s star has been fading and Taylor Swift generates $330 million in equivalent brand value. Crikey! Forget the CIA. Plus, look at what the NFL and Tay-tay, Inc. make on the back end when they inevitably break up. The songs and the People Magazine stories alone with generate massive equivalent brand value.

Now, let’s talk about Old Serpent Head James Carville and his sexual inadequacy comment. From The Hill:

Some conservative cable news pundits and online influencers have gone as far to say that Swift, who has one of the largest followings of any music star in the world, could be a “government psy op” being carried out by the Pentagon to influence voting trends.

“I don’t think there’s anything strategic about this,” Carville said of conservatives who have pushed the unfounded claim. “I think most of these people are sexually inadequate, and they go for all this crazy stuff.”

I think Carville would probably know sexual inadequacy, he’s the one always bringing it up. Then, there is Jen Psaki asking if Conservatives are okay:

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki on Monday mocked the “MAGA meltdown” among right-wingers over pop superstar Taylor Swift.

“Guys. I mean, are you all OK?” asked the former Biden White House press secretary.

“Seriously,” she added. “Take a walk, shake it off, as she would say.”

Psaki examined growing conservative outrage over Swift’s political pronouncements in recent years, from her public endorsement of Democratic candidates in the 2018 midterms to her backing of Joe Biden against former President Donald Trump in 2020.

The grown men and women I know find the Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce squees annoying. Those like me who are not fans of Swift or football identify with this Super Hockey Bowl Commercial with David and Victoria Beckham:

If you are going to conjure up a CIA Psyop, make it fun like this. No imagination at all. Sad.

Featured Image: Eva Rinaldi/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • Kim Hirsch says:

    “The NFL’s star is fading …”

    Sorry, but no. Forbes reported that overall NFL viewership is up by 10%, both in the regular season and in the playoffs. They also found that NFL games made up 93% of most watched TV programs in 2023.

    The days of Kaepernick and the kneeling stunts are over. Oh, and go Chiefs!

    • I take assertions by Forbes with a salt lick these days. But those numbers are probably close to correct. (Although I have read that regular season ticket sales are still in the dumpster – more likely that is caused by economics, not politics.)

      They will undoubtedly continue to recover, though – right up until they again wander out of their core competency of putting on exciting football games. Which will probably happen just as soon as the astro-turfed riots of 2024 start up.

    • BJ says:

      #$&*@! commenting system.

      Thumbs up, Kim!

  • Cameron says:

    Dear Mrs. Psaki,

    Peppermint Patty wore your look better.

  • “Swifties” are, by and large, low information Democrat voters to begin with – endorse or don’t endorse, very few votes are going to change (and those in States where it does not matter in the least).

    Now, if she campaigns vigorously for the Usurper in Chief, a few that would not otherwise make the effort to vote will do so. Again, though, mostly in States that will “vote” overwhelmingly for the pedophile no matter what.

  • John Shepherd says:

    Vivek Ramaswamy and Jessie Waters are Democrats? Who knew? Ok, I can see Ramswamy as a Soros false flagger. Trumpies keep telling me that Swift is a Democrat thing yet they do most of the talking and speculating about Swift, Kelce, the NFL, Biden and PSYOP. If you think this is just superficial celebrity hype than stop wasting your time writing about it. All this babbling about Swift and election year PSYOP is pretty much a Trumpie thing. I think Ms. Williams dost protest too much.

    • GWB says:

      You really should change your nick from “Shepherd” to “Sheep”.

      • John Shepherd says:

        The likely March Violet speakes.

        I’m not the one parroting the latest Trumpian obsession.

        • GWB says:

          Are you trying to call me a NAZI? That would demonstrate a huge failure of understanding on your part.

          • John Shepherd says:

            No, I am not calling you a Nazi now. You obviously understand that a March Violet refers to people who weren’t Nazis until they seized power and it became advantageous to join the Party. That is how chest pounders like you roll.

            You demonstrate daily that you are part of the herd and are incapable of thinking on your own.

            • GWB says:

              And here your mental incapacity is on full display, if you think I’m much of a follower, at all.
              Your insults and attempts to gig me don’t hurt my feelings. They don’t make me feel inadequate or believe that my positions are wrong. Primarily, they simply annoy me by being so awfully, consistently wrong – like that fly buzzing in the corner of the kitchen on a summer day.

              • You finally received the “Nazi” badge of honor, GWB. If I remember correctly from previous posts, you can add it to your “Racist” badge.

                For what little distinction it confers – I have a whole sash full of them, along with all of the “-Phobe” awards. The Leftist trolls like Shepherd hand them out like candy, even to their own (just look at all of the far-Left Jews that have recently earned their “Islamophobe” badges).

            • “I’m calling you a late blooming Nazi.”

              “But really I’m not calling you a Nazi.”

              Ah, yes, typical “logic” of a Leftist troll when they’re called out.

  • […] – “Sorry.”, also, Biden Repeats Claim of Son Beau Being Lost in Iraq Victory Girls: Taylor Swift NFL Psyop Rumors Popular With Sexually Inadequate Democrats, also, Tech Hearing in Senate: Lots of Fire, But Will Anything Change? Volokh Conspiracy: […]

  • GWB says:

    There are some people on “the right” who are definitely running with this thing. It’s a little weird. I don’t grasp anyone having that much animosity toward a celebrity (or a pair of them). Or that much admiration and adulation, frankly. But empty lives will work to be filled with something.

    Always remember and never forget: Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean no one is out to get you.

    • GWB, aluminum headwear is just fashionable for many people, whatever their ideological bent.

      I’ve seen commenters screeching that CHUTKAN is conspiring with Trump by pausing the court circus that she’s overseeing.

      It all depends on what they want to see happen – and viewing anything that stops or delays it as a “conspiracy.”

      Very recent example – corrupt prosecutor Wade’s ex-wife. To many “respectable” Leftist pundits, that just HAD TO BE a conspiracy with Trump to derail the Georgia trial. Not possible (in their minds) that she just wanted as much money as she could get out of the two-timing bum.

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